"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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April 04, 2023

Copyright Notices

Keep Calm & Never Steal
I would put one of these on my blog except I like to be polite. Do these sound mean? Probably but thieves don't deserve any type of kindness. (Miss Dotdot is one my alias although I only use it for fun things such as these.)

01 - Blab, blab, blab, this is a copyright notice. I, Miss Dotdot, own this stuff but you already know that. Please do not take my stuff and pretend they are yours but you already know that too. It's not even worth my time to write this warning as I think anyone who steals have no brain and probably isn't smart enough to read this notice. If you can read this, then why do I need to tell you not to steal?

02 - You may share my work as long as you give the proper credit but if you steal or copy my work and claim them as your own, please set yourself on fire. Thank you.

03 - Thank you for not stealing my stuff. You may or may not believe it but whenever someone steals one of my stuff, 107 years of bad luck will fall upon them. This is not your ordinary bad luck but one that follows you wherever you go and for every single day you are alive, your heart will be broken again and again. If you want to avoid such bad luck, be kind, don't steal.

04 - These stuff are mine. I won't tell you not to steal them. But I will tell you, it's unkind to take what's not yours and also very dangerous because it would make Karma mad. She can be a bit bitchy when you do dumb things like that. She will not only kick your ass, she will kick your head and then the rest of your body. If she gets really mad, she will make sure you get to spend your life cleaning up after very badly hygiene people in very tight spaces. Just a friendly reminder. Have a lovely day.

05 - This blog's stuff is owned by Miss Dotdot unless otherwise stated. You may share them but remember to give proper credit. If you share them by removing the credit or by putting your name on them, please remember you're an asshat.

06 - Unless otherwise stated, all this stuff - ramblings and all - belong to me. You might be pleased to know I will not stick a lawyer at you or chase you or fight you. But there will be cursing, yelling and some stares that may or may not cause you to turn to stone or burst into flames. Just saying... Thank you and have a lovely day.

07 - Keep calm and never steal but if you do, a small part of your soul will die a slow and painful death. Have a lovely day.

For more about the A-Z Challenge, go here.


  1. Replies
    1. Christine: Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. None of these will deter a determined thief. Lawyer up! Try to find a nice, savage one.

    1. Debra She Who Seeks: It's true. No notice will deter any thief. I guess that's why lawyers make a lot of money, savage lawyers that is.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Replies
    1. Greg: That's my favorite too, although I am against violence of all kinds.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. "She will not only kick your ass, she will kick your head and then the rest of your body."

    "a small part of your soul will die a slow and painful death"
    So ominous LOL.

    1. Roberta: That's karma for you. She's very good at kicking.

      Ominous, maybe but it's kind of true.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut