"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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the muse, 2021 (an reinterpretation of an Edward Hopper painting)
From the Department of Awkwardly Late Preambles
July 14, 2024
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Hello and welcome to my little space, my blog. This is my introduction for this new-ish blog which is now about 31-ish months old (I started writing this intro about two years ago) but as with most things, it doesn't get done until it's too late or when I decide to just to do it. The old introduction, also, the first post of this blog, is here. (My previous blog is here if you care to browse.) Here is my newish-introduction in list form with some rambling:

01 - Let's start with the basic - name: Lissa - spellcheck keeps telling me to correct it but I swear there is two s in my name. It's a shorter version of Melissa which in Greek means honeybee which is not me at all but hey, at least it doesn't mean anything bad. I also go by the pseudonyms M. Faith and YK Faith and I use them depending on my mood.
    I used to not capitalize my name or my sentences. I really do like writing in lowercases. It makes me sound casual and non-threatening but I have learned to stop doing that because it annoys some people so I guess it's better to capitalize my sentences than to argue with people on why I don't do it.

02 - I used google's Blogger as you can tell by my blog's address that ends in blogspot.com.  I had about 20 or 30 blogs before this one but that doesn't mean I am a experienced blogger, more like since I'm used to Blogger and blogs and how they function, I don't have much problems with running a blog.  I am not up to date with plug-ins or new features that blogs might have. I'm used to Blogger so I guess it's why I don't know how to use Wordpress anymore or at least, not the latest version.

03 - Some things I like:
(a) Reading, writing, drawing, watching shows and movies, listening to music
(b) Wearing clothes with pockets because pockets are useful
(c) Thinking I'm a high-functioning introvert but that may be wrong. Perhaps I'm more of a low-functioning introvert who sometimes can pretend to be a high-functioning extrovert but probably only on this blog
(d) Doing jigsaw puzzles
(e) Complaining just about everything
(f) Making lists (mostly in sevens) - in fact, 99% of this blog is and will consist of lists of just about anything
(g) Lemon cookies

04 - Some things I dislike:
(a) Avocados, sea food, food that has faces
(b) Rude people
(c) Fast drivers, drivers who make fast corner/u-turns
(d) Talking on the phone
(e) Explaining to people just about anything that I said or had repeated more than once

05 - My day job or the title on my non-existence business card would say, graphic designer. 'I design things to make them easy to communicate a message without making it look messy or chaotic. And sometimes I make them look pretty.' - that is how I describe my job which I never actually got a chance to use but it's just as well because it doesn't quite completely say what I actually do. I now sometimes design stuff and mostly update websites which is really not in my job description but I suppose one's job always stretches beyond descriptions after awhile.

06 - What I will likely post here are fiction writings (a lot of this), drawings (not much of this), books and book-related things (sometimes a lot of this) and ramblings about random life things (plenty of this). Reading is my joy in life or at least it was until I started watching a bit too much television. Maybe writing fiction is my joy in life because that's the one thing I love to do but also sort of hate editing. But I consider my blog a personal blog which means I can post whatever I want and I don't have to stick to anything except I had formed habits so I do kind of stick to post the above things I've mentioned.

07 - I love to blog. Most of the time. Sometimes I think having a blog is a waste of time and other times, I think having a blog is the greatest thing in the world because I can say a lot and no one complains about it (well, they can if they want to & I'll listen or I'll ignore them if they are rude). I guess maybe blogging had become such a habit to me that not blogging is unnatural or perhaps I do it like everything else in my life and just do it without thinking whether it is necessary or not.

There you go, a somewhat introduction. You can find me, well, here, on this blog. I'm not at any social media place. Anything else you want to know about me, just ask. Send your comments, thoughts, questions, complaints or friendly hellos to lissawrites(at)gmail(dot)com. Thanks for reading & have a lovely day.


  1. I just found this blog and im in love <3

    1. Roma: Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut