"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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The Memory Gallery 2

Here are some of my favorite artworks that I've done from 2022 through now. These are in no particular order (click on the image for a larger view). Gallery 1 is over here.

woman holding two cups of tea
The Tea Witch, 2022

typewriter with paper of a city skyline and a plant crawling all
Postcards from the sky, 2022

cat-witch with ipad and puppies
The modern witch, 2022

drawing of girl with colorful hair
windswept, 2022

drawing of women surrounded by curves
cornflake girl, 2022

girl in house with fan
staycation therapy, 2022

sea queen with decorative headpiece of shells
The sea queen, 2023

drawing- girl brushing teeth
Bonkers, 2023

home library with a body -artwork
The body in the library, 2023

invisible reader with a book and surrounded by books
The (unseen) reader, 2023

rain witch, 2024

P.S. Watch the three videos that I made a while back over here. View more artworks by going to the labels here.

All artworks by lissa (aka YK Faith and M. Faith) unless otherwise stated. If you use one of my creations, please credit a link to this blog. If you would to purchase a digital version of any of these, email me at lissawrites(at)gmail(dot)com. Thank you.  (Updated: 01.01.2024)


  1. I love seeing all your art, Lissa. There's something dreamlike and magical about it!

    1. Sandra: Thank you for your kind words.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Beautiful art. I like the pastel colors.

    1. Olga Godim: I'm prone to using lighter hues.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. I’m in awe! Have you been to art college?

    1. Jemima Pett: Yes, I went to art college but I refer to it as art school. But I didn't learn to make these arts shown here, I learned those after college, practicing and learning and watching tutorials.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut