"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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July 17, 2021

Postcards From the Bookstore – Introduction

moving items -couch, canvases, tv, lamp, books, typewriter, boots, umbrella, bunny unicorn toy, empty shelf, frame of umbrella
This is my new place. I have left my previous home (which you can browse here anytime) to start anew.
    This is not a book blog, more like a blog that talks about books and maybe veering off to ramblings about movies/tv shows/music that I consume, fiction that I write, art that I made or anything that interest me so anything goes.
girl holding book hiding half her face
    Once upon a time, I used to collect postcards and every time I go to a bookstore, I would purchase a couple of them and sometimes I would send them to one of my pen pals. I named this blog 'Postcards From the Bookstore' because of that.
    Questions, comments, thoughts, complaints or friendly hellos, email me at lissawrites(at)gmail(dot)com.



  1. Now this is a honest question...why did you decide to make a new blog? It sounds like the content will be more or less the same, and you lost all your GFC followers in the process. Why not rebrand your former blog?

    Anyhow, I'm here for the ride 👋.

    1. Roberta R.: I would rebrand my blog but I just got into the idea of starting over. I have done this several times actually so I'm kind of use to losing readers. So maybe I hope readers would follow me to this new blog but that's just a hope.

      When I think about again, I think I might be leaning toward to make this new blog a book blog though it's just a thought at the moment. I really would like to read more and review more books and write more book-related posts.

      Also, I sort of don't like the name not matching the url. I wasn't bothered by it before but now, I kind of don't like it.

      But maybe anything I say or think is an excuse to start over. I don't know. Sometimes I think I'm becoming a stale blogger and creating new blogs always makes me think I'm moving forward and doing something new other than sitting at my computer and reading blogs and watching television.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day

    2. "I sort of don't like the name not matching the url."
      I can relate to that.

      "Sometimes I think I'm becoming a stale blogger and creating new blogs always makes me think I'm moving forward and doing something new"
      I get what you mean!

  2. I just found your new blog. :) I love the aesthetics and your drawings are so pretty.💙

    1. Quinley: Thank you for commenting. I like your name. I have not met anyone with the name Quinley before.

      Thank you for dropping by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Hi Lissa - I was wondering about Words for Wednesday - which you were undertaking on behalf of Sue at Elephant's Child blog? Cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: If you're wondering where the prompts for March is, it's at Rivers - https://river-driftingthroughlife.blogspot.com

      Elephant's Child made a list of where all the prompts will be for 2024 here - https://myjustsostory.blogspot.com/2023/12/words-for-wednesday-and-schedule-for.html

      I hope that answers your question.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    2. Ok - I'd forgotten we'd moved over to March - sorry! Cheers Hilary


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut