"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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January 12, 2025

Seven Things: There may be ramblings

01 - I changed my blog's header but I doubt anyone noticed. I would always notice if someone change something on their blog but that's an occupational hazard. Anyway, I just like a change, like a redesign or maybe a re-adjustment of what I have been using. I think if you are to redesign something such as a blog header, you should either use the same elements or do something completely different. I prefer to use the same elements so even if people don't notice the change, they are reminded what's unchanged and the unchanged usually helps to familiarize you even if you don't know it or so I believe. So here's the old and the new for you to compare.



02 - Every time I updated Firefox, there is some new feature to remove or hide or some feature is suddenly too apparent or suddenly unable to disable for reasons I can never understand. Updates are for improving not to add things to annoy people but maybe they are trying to improve but maybe for people other than me or why else I hate everything they keep updating?

January 07, 2025

IWSG Jan 2025: What if you never finish?

Insecure Writer’s Support Group
What if you keep writing and writing but never finish any of the writing projects you had started? Even given all the free time, the one thing I'm not doing is finishing. From time to time, I can work on a project for days, weeks even months and then it just fizzle out. Mostly, the motivation is just not there. When I get struck and stop writing, I kind of forget to continue.
    It's easier to start than to finish - at least, it seems to me. I guess you can say I lack motivation and because there is no one chasing me to finish anything, I got lazy. I have way more unfinished stories than finished ones. But finishing isn't the end because there's more editing and more re-writing so maybe I'm avoiding that? Who knows? Maybe I will finish most of my writing some day.
Do you worry you'll never finish your writings?

[More about the group over at the Insecure Writer’s Support Group blog here]

January 04, 2025

A list of things I might, maybe, do

I don't do resolutions but I like the idea and also having something written (or posted) sort of makes you think you can do them. So I made a list of things I might, maybe, do:

01 - Blog more, bitch less or Bitch more, blog less
02 - Figure out how to squeeze 15 more hours into each day
03 - Be 1% less lazy
04 - Enjoy existing
05 - Realize no matter what I do, I can't change the way I am
06 - Stop lying to myself about liking doing the laundry
07 - Watch less youtube by at least 0.000001%
08 - Do some exercise other than staring at a screen
09 - Read more blogs
10 - Be 1.5% more busy

Is there anything you want or going to do this year?