"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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April 20, 2024

Ramblings of a blog addict

artwork- Have blog will semi-pst (maybe)
I don't think I'm a blog addict but I have blogged continuous for years and hasn't quitted yet. Here are just some recent, random blogging thoughts.

01 - I'm not a daily blogger except when I do this challenge (blogging from a-z) you're reading. I don't think I can post every day as I don't prepare posts but I do write tons of drafts. I don't think anyone should blog every day because it's exhausting for one and two, it's a lot work. But I think if you have a lot to say, then yes, if not, then no.

02 - It's refreshing that bloggers change their templates now and then but every time one of them does it, they stop blogging. I know it's not true but the blogs I visited or happened to discover after they had changed their template, they just stopped blogging. They must not like their new template or perhaps changing templates make them realize they have better things to do than to blog.

03 - I know hashtags or emojis are useful somehow but they just making reading post titles annoying especially if they use a lot of them at once. And posts with no titles - I'm not a fan either. Titles make it easy for people to click on them and find the link if they want to link directly to a certain post. With no title, you have to click something else like the comment link which doesn't work if they use pop-up comments because you get the comment box and no link. (This is referring to Blogger blogs, I don't how wordpress works with no-title posts.)

04 - There's a one commentor who keeps leaving comments with Great blog followed by another comment Please read my post and I just think they are spam. Google's Blogger marked them as spam (as well as one word comments) and I don't know. They sound like they are pleading for a visit but at the same time, they sound generic and kind of fake. I had these comments before on my previous blogs and I had ignored them and they went away but I guess these commentors just go about finding new blogs to haunt because I see them in other blogs too. I'm going ignore these comments because I don't want to encourage this type of commenting. If you really want people to visit your blog, then leave a legitimate comment and don't beg people to visit you.

05 - Whenever I discovered a new, favorite blog, they stopped blogging. This phenomenon happens all the time. Even though I have a long reading list (see bookmark above), half those bloggers on the list aren't even blogging. I keep them there hoping they would start again but eventually when I get around to updating the list, I will remove them. But it's harder to discover new blogs these days as almost no bloggers have blogrolls and if they have, they aren't being updated. I'm not saying there are fewer bloggers now because there are tons and tons of blogs out there but nobody's updating them.

Do you have any thoughts on blogging lately?


  1. 2. Yes - or even worse - change platform. This almost always mean ... follow this link to a dead blog :( Sad
    3. No titles bother me as well, just naming the post - how hard can it be?
    4. If the: "Great blog ... Please read my post"-blogger is the same as my place, she's not directly spamming, as she has an active blog, but a nuisance nonetheless. I mercilessly delete her, and have not had her comment for a long time now ... she's one of the reasons behind my special A-Z header on my blog.
    5. I agree as well. I thought I was the only one suffering from this curse.

    1. Charlotte: #2 - I kind of hate it when a Blogger user switches to Wordpress and then, not update. That also happens a lot.

      #4 - If she does have a blog, then why doesn't she comment in a normal way? I didn't visit her, I just don't know if I'll end up with more spam-like comments if I visit.

      #5 - Is it a curse? But it's kind of sad to find a wonderful, new-to-you blog and find it's not being udpated.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. I'm not a fan of posts without titles either.

    1. Debra: I don't know if anyone is.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. I can't write a blog post everyday either! It is too exhausting. Plus, I don't think I have enough new or creative ideas for that. And I have noticed that more and more people are dropping out of sight and no longer blogging. Which makes me sad. But life gets busy and people move on. Glad you're still posting even if it's not all the time. :D

    1. Lark: I kind of wish I can write shorter posts like you. But yeah, it's exhausting to post every day. I don't know how other people does it.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. The Great Post, Please visit my blog individual visits me too. I used to follow her home and comment but I have stopped.
    Blogging every day? Not ever going to be a happening thing here.

    1. Elephant's Child: Same here, I'm not a daily blogger either. It's just easier to just post whenever you like, who needs a schedule?

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. I sometimes think of old blog friends who are no longer blogging

    1. Christine: Same here. Sometimes it would be nice if they just come back and post a update, every year or every other year, that would be nice.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  6. 2. I never noticed that people stop blogging after changing templates but you certainly are right. Not everyone but a lot. So, I will stay with the template I have.
    3. No title, not my thing, either. Though I have one blogger whom I follow and they do that but I still like the posts, so what to do?
    4. If someone doesn't really write much in their comment but wants me to visit their blog, it certainly is spam. I want to engage with other readers, not visit a blog about whatever they want to sell to me.
    So, great thoughts. Thanks for that.

    1. Marianne: #1 - I don't think you have to worry about changing your template. It's probably just a coincident. I have changed my template a few times and still blogging although I also changed url's so you can't go by me.

      #4 - I agree with you. If they want a return visit, they should write a comment that says something, not just a generic compliment.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  7. Almost as bad are the people who comment and then their blog turns out to be just an advertisment. I too wish those bloggers from yesteryear were still blogging.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut