"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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April 02, 2024

Bookish Crimes

These are just hypothetical as I'm too much of a scaredy-cat to do any actual crimes but if I was in a state of mental stupidly and had a sudden desire to commit some crimes, I might do these.

01 - Go to people's houses and raid their libraries — I'm quite jealous of people with a whole room for a personal library. I like those home libraries where they have a cozy reading corner or even a snack corner.

02 - Murder a book aka put it out of its misery — I have considered this for some books I had read because I don't think they should be read by anyone. They should be buried or destroyed or thrown into an active volcano.

03 - Tear off the covers — Some covers I just hate so much that I want to tear them off and put on a new one.

04 - Destroyed all special, limited or exclusive editions of books — I think re-re-releasing the same books in those so-called special editions is a crime itself. Unless a book is truly special, I don't want a special edition or a collector's edition or an author-signed edition - they are all wasteful especially if the book is crap.

05 - Hand out free books on top of the Brooklyn Bridge — I'm not much into heights but I like the idea and I like giving books away.

06 - Build book castles in book stores — I'm not sure I would be able to do this since I've never even builded a sand castle but I think it would be amazing if it can be done.

07 - Hack amazon and make all the books free to purchase
At least for 24-hours. I just can't stand the way they priced books especially ebooks that are over 15 dollars even though the paper versions cost half of that plus there is the issue of whether you own any digital products you purchase. But I guess I would only end up buying just a few books because I would feel too guilty to get too many.

What bookish crimes would you commit if you get the chance?


  1. No jury would convict you for any (or all) of these crimes!

    1. Debra: Maybe because they are too tame? Sad but I'm not much of a criminal.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. I'm with you on the cover art. Too many cover artists seem to have never read the books, or maybe just skimmed it. But while I love books too much to even contemplate tearing off the covers I'd like to have the courage to pester those artists :)
    Giving out free books - yes can do. And I often feel temped to do something wild in a bookstore.

    1. Charlotte: I think those covers mostly have nothing to do with the artists, rather with the writer or the publisher, the ones who decided to use those artworks.

      Who doesn't love free books? Roaming in bookstores always seems you should be doing something crazy, right?

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Free books? Oooh yes. And giving books away is always a good feeling.

    1. Elephant's Child: I would like to open a store and then give away free books.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. Fun! -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

    1. Christine: I think so too. Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day

  5. I'd love to have a personal library.

    The Brooklyn Bridge idea is neat. I've never been to it...

    1. Greg: I also would love to have a personal library.

      The Brooklyn Bridge is nothing special but I supposed if you have walked it a few times like I do, it's no big deal. Maybe you can walk it some day.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


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- Kurt Vonnegut