"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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April 01, 2024

Annotations on eclectic musings & phrases

Today is the first day of the A-Z April 2024 Challenge. As usual, I have no theme but I'll post mostly random stuff that may or may not be fun and some short fiction.  More about the A-Z Challenge here.

Annotations on eclectic musings & phrases
I have text drafts, text files of notes I might use later and sometimes they make no sense because I didn't put notes with them and also because I have forgotten what they were written for or why. So here are a few of these notes and I will attempt to translate them.

01 - "Please take caution when dealing with the following: long books with illustrations, excessive consumption of cinnamon buns, abductions of tiny turtles, decapitations of your sister or other people's sisters' dolls, gentle housewives, princes without intelligence, donuts without holes, mild-mannered philosophy professors, people with unusually high cheerful dispositions, anything involving with the word 'yes' and 'tacos'." — I like to explain this but I can't but it looks self-explanatory, isn't it?

02 - "Do zebras skydive?" — I have no idea what this was for. I don't know if zebras skydive. I imagine it would be a bit difficult if the parachute didn't work and can zebras land on their feet if they fall from a high place?

03 - "Get drunk, go to therapy" — The word 'prompt' was written above this so I guess this was a prompt idea but I don't know for what. Do people go to their therapy sessions drunk and do doctors allow it and charge them for the session?

04 - "Own a reasonably priced backyard patio set" — This might have been cut out from some other piece of writing, might be related to adulthood as if was below that draft. I often saved words or phrases cut out of other writing pieces but don't always put it together with the original writing. Do people with homes own a a reasonably priced backyard patio set? I wonder.

05 - "377 Medications to keep from yelling at people"
— This must be for some fake book title list or some sort of lists. I make a lot of lists but don't often use them.

06 - "The day started out badly with a scream and a headache." — I don't remember if I was the one screaming or with a headache or both. When I think on this, it's probably me with the scream and headache.

07 - "I'm sure there's some dream I can unlock somewhere." — No idea what this means but I had liked it and saved it and then forgotten about it as I do with most drafts.

What about you? Have you written things you forgot about or don't remember what they are for or why?


  1. I rarely write things down. And consequently forget my 'good' ideas.

    1. Elephant's Child: I also sometimes forget to write things down so I lost a lot of good ideas.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. The worst, most senseless notes are the ones written down in the middle of the night after a dream. In the morning, my response is usually "WTF does this mean?"

    1. Debra: I have done that. Some dreams you just had to write it down. It's a shame I can't read my handwriting.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Good ones- I get stumped by my lazy handwriting sometimes when I can't
    Resd it

    1. Christine: This is probably why we should maybe learn to write better. Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day

  4. Ogh yes this happens regularaly. I find snippets either on paper or in a file, or even photos, and I totally forgot I ever wrote this and have no idea why, what or where ... I always save them for later :D

    1. Charlotte: Same here. I don't think I need some of things I wrote down but I still them for later for no reason.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut