"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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April 21, 2022

Ramblings on Reading

mermaid reading
sailor mermaid reading
01 - There is an expression I read in a review, 'rage-delete,' that I thought it makes perfect sense for ebook readers. I might have rage-deleted a couple of ebooks off my kindle but it's not as rage-filled or as quick as it sounds. With a kindle, you have the option of removing a download (that is, a book) and it will remove the book off your kindle right away. The other option is permanently delete the book but it doesn't delete the book right away, it stops to asks you if you really want to delete it. Permanently delete means it will be deleted from your amazon cloud account so if you want to read that book again, you'll have to repurchase it. With library books, you use the return to public library option but it still asks you if you're certain about it.

02 - I used to hoard books even though I'm not reading them. I thought I would read them some day, like maybe several years from the day I brought them. So did I read them? A few I did but most I gave up. Instead of physical books piling on a desk, I now have ebooks filling up my kindle which is kind of sad because now I can't shift piles of books from place to place (and maybe flip through them), instead, I just stroll down the screen and ignore books.

03 - I no longer like signed books. I used to have a few signed books but I gave them up. I barely know the authors so having them signed a book, even a favorite book, seems a bit meaningless. Is a book worth more if it's signed? I suppose now that authors (and famous people) are being revealed to be not-so-great people, it sort of makes owning signed books a sad affair but none of it makes a difference to me. I really just don't care to own signed books.

04 - I enjoy book rants and negative reviews more than glowing/positive reviews. I just find them more entertaining and most of the long ones are thorough and precise. There are books that I simply do not want to read (and know I won't like them) but I figure since I can't enjoy reading them, I should be able to enjoy other people's rants about them. I think readers should get together and spread the joy of making fun of books together.

05 - I sort of hate that books that are standalones are now book series. Yes, all books can have sequels and prequels because stories don't really end but once a book is completed or once a story has ended, I just don't see any reason to reboot or restart the story. I mostly do not read these new sequels/prequels because they will never be as good as the original standalone but maybe they are for newer audience. I don't know. I'm not against visiting familiar characters and places but I'm against writing unnecessary books. So who is to say what's necessary or unnecessary? The publisher? The author? The reader? Who knows. I just think some of these new additions kind of ruins the original.

Blogging from A to Z 2022
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  1. Interesting thoughts. I rarely read reviews - preferring to make up my own mind. And sadly, continue to hoard books - though I am getting better at letting them go.

    1. Elephant's Child: I see no problem with hoarding books. The problem would probably be you'll not have enough space for them.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Interesting thoughts about signed books.

    1. Christine: Yeah, not a fan of signed books. I think if I had known earlier about signed books, I might appreciate them a lot.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Book rants can be hilarious!

    1. Lark: I must have read a ton of funny book rants that are quite enjoyable to read more than the books.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. I secretly enjoy a detailed negative review sometimes too. As long as there is justification for the review, and the reviewer explains why they didn't like it.

    1. WendyW: All the book rants I read have justification for them, at least, they are to me.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. I'm happy you still like and read my Susan stories, even though Birch Manor is a number 2. I just hated the unhappy ending of Uniocorn Farm.

    1. Charlotte: It might take me a while to get to them but I do read them when I'm not too lazy.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


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- Kurt Vonnegut