"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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April 13, 2022

Keep Calm & Blog On

keep calm & blog on
Just some blogging habits I have kind of developed over the years. Whether these are good or bad habits, who knows but they seem to work.

01 - Don't use a phone to blog/read blogs — I just never got into that habit of using my phone for blogging and I don't think that will ever change. I prefer a computer and I prefer typing on a full size keyboard.

02 - Spellcheck everything, even my comments — Yes, I spellcheck my comments because I'm a bad speller. I write my comments in a word app which makes it easier to spellcheck. Of course spellcheck cannot tell me when I'm missing a word. It seems I often leave out 'not' in my comments which I sometimes thought I have typed it out then I re-read my comments that is already posted and it isn't there.

03 - Correct posts after they are posted — Sometimes I see a misspelled word or the wording is wrong or if the post format is askew somehow, I would correct it. Maybe I am incapable to resist correcting mistakes or maybe I have a problem.

04 - Don't schedule my posts — I did tried this a few times but it doesn't always post at the right scheduled time. I don't know why Blogger uses military time in the post editor. I'm too used to the 12-hour time to adjust to the 24-hour time.

05 - Take a week to decide on a post — I usually take a couple of days to work on a post and then maybe a couple more days to decide if I want to post it. For this A-Z challenge, I only get a few hours for each posts which is probably why I do #3 a lot this month.

06 - Reply to comments on my blog but slowly — I always reply to comments that are left on my blog but it takes me a while to remember to do this. I do prefer having the comment box below the post instead of a pop-out box which doesn't have the reply option.

07 - Make lists in mostly 7's
— Seven is my favorite number so often, my lists are in 7's but sometimes they are in 3, 5, or 10's but mostly in 7's. Is this weird?

If you're a blogger, do you have any blogging habits?

Blogging from A to Z 2022
For more about Blogging from A to Z Challenge, click on the image above or go here.


  1. I cannot use a phone to blog. I need the bigger screen and keyboard for sure. I used to schedule posts a lot too (at one time I was months out) but ha that doesn't happen anymore.

    I like the A-Z challenge because it seems like it would keep you posting and I... haven't been.

    1. Greg: I think perhaps phones are better for making calls.

      Perhaps you can join the A-Z challenge next year, it definitely gives you a challenge.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. I don't/can't use a phone to blog. And, like you, will go back to correct things. I DO post almost every Sunday. Fortunately my scheduling clock is not a twenty-four hour one.

    1. Elephant's Child: I would schedule posts too if I have them written and is certain I want to post them.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. I do not use a phone for blogging either. I have a StupidPhone, can't do ;) I schedule blogpost in advance a lot. I even scheduled my Words for Wednesday posts for June already. The 24 h system is the norm in Denmark, but I miscalculate often anyway, being super-bad at maths :) (I have a record of being one hour early for trains, buses, shows, you name it because I did like this: 14.45... 45 is a quarter to, 14 is two o'clock, quarter to two it is!).
    I too spellcheck anything (8 mistakes found in this comment!), and when I forget, I go back and correct. Even sometimes deleting and reposting my comments. I am a good speller in my native Danish, and in German, but I spell like a moron in English ;) Plus my space bar is worn, making strange combo-words with lacking spaces.
    Reply to comments on my blog. I try to reply to all, but sometimes I overlook a comment, and find it a bit strange to reply to week-old comments. This mostly hits River, as for some strange reason known only to Blogger, I'm not notified via e-mail when she leaves a comment. Sorry River.

    1. Charlotte: Aah math, I also suck at math. I always worry I would be later for appointments and things so I often try to be early so it's better to be early than late, I think.

      I don't think it's strange to reply to comments a week later, I do it all the time. I guess if you have to choose, you might reply to comments when someone asks a question. I usually go and check for replies if I had left a question.

      I have that issues as well like you with River, for some bloggers, I do not get email notifications when they leave comments. I've tried to find out why but there seems to be no answers. Those bloggers didn't do anything differently than other people.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely da

  4. I regularly check people's recent posts and comments.

    1. Christine: I do that too, even those who hasn't been blogging.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. These are some great tips! I Don't use a phone to blog/read blogs either. My eyes are just too bad anyway. I do schedule my posts, sometimes several weeks out. But, I don't use blogger, so maybe it's easier for me.

    1. WendyW: These aren't tips, although they might be. Scheduling posts is great but I think it's not for me.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut