"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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February 28, 2024

Fiction: Destination: Heaven, Maybe

Fiction: Destination: Heaven, Maybe
Today, Q sits back in the large and comfortable leather seat and sips delicious coffee with no care which direction they are heading. Music plays quietly like echos from a distance dream. Q doesn't have to wonder where it comes from or whether anyone else hears it. Each passenger has their own music unless they shared the same destination which is rare. Sunshine pours in through the oval windows and fills the cabin with warmth and light. Passengers are talking to each other with a cheerful, carefree attitude while a few stare into space with smiles on their faces. There is plenty of space that each passenger is almost in their own little nook as if the plane's space is infinite.
    The pilot announces people who wants to nap may do so at their convenient and that flight attendants will be offering blankets and pillows. Tomorrow, every passenger is going to a destination of their choice and not just anywhere but somewhere they have all dreamed of going once in a lifetime.
    But not Q. About two months ago when Q died and appeared at the waiting lounge, a woman in gray had told him there had been a glitch somewhere and his flight is delayed in a way. He could get on a plane but he would not go anywhere but at the lounge but she insisted he must keep riding planes until he finally gets somewhere or else stay in the waiting lounge for eternity.
    There are two departures from the waiting lounge: one marked heaven and the second marked other. For those who try to go to heaven but is destined for other, they would be forced back and placid-faced people in gray would appear and drag them through the other gateway. Most people has an instinct of which gateway to choose and for Q, heaven is where he has a strong desire to go.
    Most days, Q rides the plane and meets all sorts of individuals, gets a drift of their dreams and regrets and then watches them move on. Other days, he is an invisible passenger where no one speaks to him and he speaks to no one.
    But Q hasn't just been riding planes this whole time. While at the lounge, he has read 41 books from the shelves that changed every few days. He has watched 11 tv shows and 52 movies. He has taken 33 long naps in the various mini rooms. He has walked around the lounge 17 times in hopes of seeing other exits but there are none. He has even tried the snacks from the vending machines though he is never hungry. The only thing that makes his days less repetitive are the changing landscapes from the wall to ceiling windows. Now and then he speaks briefly to one or two people but they just hurry along not wanting to stop and chat. Time still moves on though his watch doesn't work and there are no clocks anywhere.
    Once, out of desperation and the sudden panic he might stay in the lounge forever, Q went through the gateway marked other. The plane ride was as expected - like hell. The coffee was extra bad and extra bitter. The passengers were never in a good mood and were often yelling at each other. The seats seemed to be make of sharp rocks. Space was tight as if the plane was growing smaller with each passing hour. Flight attendants sat in their own little space in the back and sipped coffee while ignoring all calls from the passengers. In between the loud music that could blow out ear drums, the pilots kept announcing they might crash while the plane shook with intensity. Eventually, they arrived in a rather wonky landing and Q and the other passengers rushed to get off. Q was relieved whe he reappeared at the lounge.
    Today, Q stares out the window at a field of soft clouds. He wonders if the 28th time might be the charm. The music changes to a more upbeat tone.
    "Don't you just love that music?"
    Q turns to his left. Across the aisle, a woman steers her large green eyes toward him. The faint lines beneath her eyes speaks of someone who has laughed plenty. She has heard his music! He nods. "Yes, it reminds me of home." Where his parents used to play that very song and kiss and dance all around the living room.
    "Same here. Except, it wasn't my home, just one of my friend's. His parents were a bit lovey-dovey but I liked them." She smiles at Q.
    This must be R. He is sure of it. Has he been waiting for her this whole time? Perhaps the 28th time is the charm.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

This months's Words for Wednesday prompts are provided by me over here. This week's prompts are: tomorrow, coffee, direction, echo, sunshine


  1. Replies
    1. Christine: Thank you. And thanks you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. This is so original and cute!

    1. Roberta: Thanks. Cute, I don't know if that's true. Thank you for reading.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


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- Kurt Vonnegut