"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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February 26, 2024

Retro Minute #12: Honest Taglines For My Blog

To sort of celebrate 18 years of blogging, I'm sharing 18 of my favorite posts from previous blogs. Here's the twelfth post from various previous blogs. There have been a couple of versions of this list so I compiled them into one post.

Honest Taglines For My Blog (So-sorry-it's-so-long Edition)

01 | blogging without coffee since 2006

02 | memos from a cranky but slightly fanatic blogger

03 | pretending to work while pretending to blog

04 | newly redesigned to be 87% less productive than ever before

05 | have blog, will only semi-post

06 | complaining from a respectable distance

07 | the secret society for introverts and other shy species

08 | pretending to blog like a professional since 2006

09 | posting things that I am not ashamed to share, at least, not right away

10 | tiny joys and other tangible things

12 | wasting time until something else comes along to waste more time

13 | blogging for chocolate

14 | honestly talking about nothing and being honest about it

15 | have blog, will only semi-work

16 | procrastinating silently & sometimes with bits of noise

17 | no coffee, lots of tea, whine & nonsense

18 | daily somethings + other tiny joys

19  | under new management since 2006 which coincidentally is the same management except crankier and wordier

20 | pretending to drink coffee while blogging

21 | this is not a blog but a secret society for people who don't like to talk

22 | sharing & whining like an amateur extrovert

23 | pretending to blog while watching youtube

24 | curating art, books, words & other stuff

25 | silently procrastinating while noisily pretending to be busy

26 | unpopular since 2006

27 | blogging ridiculously slow since 2006

What's your honest tagline for your blog?

Note: I started blogging in 2006 and I don't drink coffee.


  1. Fun! -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

    1. Christine: I enjoyed putting these together.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. These are great! My faves are #6, 9, 21 & 22. My tag line since I started blogging in 2008 has always been "Random Thoughts on Random Subjects With No Real Purpose in Mind" which is, quite frankly, pretty accurate.

    1. Debra: That tag line doesn't sound so bad, I like it, it could sum up my blog as well sometimes.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. My favourite:
    03 | pretending to work while pretending to blog
    06 | complaining from a respectable distance
    19 | under new management since 2006 which coincidentally is the same management except crankier and wordier -> (this one made me laugh)
    26 | unpopular since 2006 -> (that could be my tagline LOL - only with 2012 in it. Well, if one isn't popular, they might as well embrace it! 😉)

    My tagline has always been "...refreshing books you don't often see reviewed". That's always been my blog's mission, though I've happened to read some more popular books through the years, but usually not the ones "everybody and their dogs" reads...

    1. Roberta: Your tagline sounds about right. I have rarely heard any of the books you talked about but I don't have the same reading taste as you so that might be why but they definitely have intriguing covers.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut