"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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February 08, 2024

Retro Minute #6: Why I am still a blogger & some ramblings

To sort of celebrate 18 years of blogging, I'm sharing 18 of my favorite posts from previous blogs. Here's the sixth post from January 20, 2019 from The memory of rain blog.

Why I am still a blogger & some ramblings

Sad news - my Instagram was not hacked. It's very upsetting because if it had been hacked, someone would have updated it and I wouldn't have to. I don't know what happened. I stopped posting on Instagram for a few weeks and now I really just don't want to do it anymore. If I could, I would probably just post links to my blog but you can't make links plus it's kind of strange to link to your blog from Instagram or any other social media as it almost feels a bit backward somehow. And also, I really just don't know about replying to comments - it's all bunched together in the same space and maybe I should reply to them but I don't know. I have no excuses, I'm just lazy.

I think now I'm a bit more anti-social media than I thought or perhaps I have always been this way. Here's a little list of my social media history:
    Twitter - I quitted that due to not being able to post fast enough or maybe because I hate how hard it is to actually know who's who when everyone is so quick.
    Pinterest - I quitted that as well. It's more of a place to gather image resources but kind of hard to use since they demand you sign in just to view a page and I'm never in the habit of staying signed into Pinterest and also, it's very, very, very hard to find the original link to any artwork/photo/idea because one person pin something and the whole world pins it but no one knows where the original comes from.
    Facebook - I've never tried it but I was tempted to join once or twice but decided it's not for me. I honestly cannot look at a facebook page for long without feeling a bit backward because I think the design is a bit archaic and also, it keeps asking me to sign in which annoys me so much that I usually close the browser window after a few moments.
    So it's not quite a history since I didn't really do much. I guess you can say, I really am a bit anti-social media. Is there a cure for this?

I just read this post at Offbeat YA about bloggers being artists and crafters and I agreed with Roberta. We, as bloggers, create content and unlike social media, we don't have to conform to a certain format of presenting it. That is, we can add our own distinction, our own little touches. I'm not saying you can't do it with social media, I'm just saying it's a bit harder to distinguish yourself when you have to move at a faster speed. That's what I get from social media - you don't go at your own speed even if it appears that you do. I guess in this instance, I'm slower than most people. Slower to respond to replies and comments, it's why you sometimes see my replies to comments here on this blog a week late. (Read Roberta's post here.)

So what's the point of all of this? Just that, instead of trying out social media, maybe I should just stick to blogging. Blogging is really, truly, my only preferred platform. Whatever else I quit, I seem to always return (and keep) to blogging. I have been blogging for a long while and have only quitted about two million times but I'm still blogging and in a few years, I'll announce my retirement from blogging and then a few days afterward, I'll start a new blog. Again.

How do you like social media? Do you prefer social media over blogging or do you prefer blogging over social media?


  1. Blogging is the only thing I do online. I don't engage in any of the other forms of social media. Who has the time? At least blogging requires a certain level of creativity, which social media often does not.

    1. Debra: It's true, social media takes a lot of time because of the constant flow of info and text and such. I don't know about creativity in social media but certainly the speed of them might be too quick to do any kind of creative things with it.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. There are so many social media platforms around it is hard to keep up.

    1. Christine: It's true, new platforms keeps showing up so who can keep up?

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. I like social media for my personal life but I don't really keep up with it as much for my blogging persona. I agree that blogs tend to have more personality in them because there is less pressure to conform. I'm not anti-social media, just have never been able to keep up with it as it relates to my bookish life.

    1. paperbackprincess: I don't know if social media gives people more pressure to conform but certainly the way they are presented might hinder some of our creativity.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. I don't really do any social media...and I don't feel like I'm really missing out. Blogging is about all that I have time for; and I do enjoy reading other peoples' posts. Like yours. Happy 18 years. :D

    1. Lark@LarkWrites: I feel the same way. What are we really missing from not joining social media? Probably not a lot.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. Happy 18 years of blogging! That's awesome! I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with social media. It's nice to keep up with friends and family, but it takes up so much time that I feel could be used for other things.

    1. Ashely Sapp: It seems time is the thing that social media seems to suck up. I guess this means those who don't use social media had a bit more time than those who doesn't.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  6. Aw! I forgot your post linked to my own back then. Thank you for the new shout-out!

    "Sad news - my Instagram was not hacked"

    If you keep to your tribe, social media aren't so bad (though it sounds like Pinterest is a pain in the butt?).Or I mean, Twitter wasn't so bad until it got swallowed by you-know-who. But I mainly use it to talk to my friends and to connect with publishers and authors...

    1. Roberta R.: I wish I had a tribe when I was doing social media but I didn't seem to have one. Even I, who don't use twitter, finds the new name a dumb thing since twitter is no longer twitter. I see a lot of people haven't changed it on their list of social medias, still using that twitter name/twitter bird symbol.

      Is it bad that more people are at social media than at blogs? Just a few days ago, another blogger had switched to using Instagram only and no longer updating their blog. Sad but it seems to happen more often now.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut