"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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October 31, 2022

Zip Thru Autumn 7

Zip Thru Autumn
For November 2 - November 7, the suggested prompts are Never blog this and Motivating. I've never blogged about what I wear or eat or if I get hurt, I've never shown my injuries, nor any politics or news events unless I like to or maybe I should say I never blogged about anything too personal that people would know where my scars are nor anything too depressing. Like I said in the previous Zip Thru Autumn 6, I will share only things I'm comfortable with, which, are mostly mundane things.
    As for motivations, it comes and goes. But the number one motivation for me are blog readers, they keep me blogging, mostly. Let's be honest, nobody blogs so they can talk to themselves, at least, I do not. I've seen a few blogs where they turn off comments and I thought of them as websites or records, not a place for people to interact with each other. Anyway, motivations come and go but it's good to have a few readers to stop by to remind me I'm not blogging into the void or I'm not out here talking to myself although sometimes it kind of feels like it.

What have you never blogged about? What motivates you to continue blogging?


  1. So true about motivation. It is the social interaction, right? And same about what to share- I do share a bit but it's a balancing act- what is too much or too little?

    1. Greg: If there are no blog readers, we wouldn't be interacting with people, so, yes, social interaction is really what we like, I think.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. I have never really blogged about any chronic medical issue or condition in my life. These must be managed and controlled, but I have never made them a major part of my identity as a person. And there's so many more exciting things to blog about! My sole motivation for blogging is that I enjoy it. When I don't enjoy it any more, I'll quit!

    1. Debra She Who Seeks: One's medical issue or condition shouldn't be so much of one's identity. And you are right, there's more exciting things to blog about. I do enjoy blogging and I do agree with you, if I didn't enjoy it, I would quit too.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Lovely painting. I think I thrive on a routine, so blogging is a routine.

    1. Christine: I wish I can thrive on routine but most of us are in a routine even if we don't think so.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. I blog for the connections. And have been so very grateful to find friends across the world. Friends that my severely introverted self can interact with without being drained.

    1. Elephant's Child: I completely agree with you. I do find it's easily to talk to people around a blog or on a blog and it's not too hard to find common interest.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. Pretty much the same here. I don't blog to talk about my personal life, or what my kids are doing, though occasionally I'll mention something if it took me away from writing for a while- and I did post garden updates for many years. It's funny how some people seem to think I don't do except read, because that's what I write about online, but actually my life is full of other things, too- I just don't share them in that space!

    1. Jeane: Some things are not that necessary to talk about. We share what we want to share and that's okay.

      Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut