"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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October 10, 2022

Zip Thru Autumn 4 & 5

Zip Thru Autumn
For October 12 - October 18, the suggested prompts are Ten-year plan, SMART goals. I don't much care for these prompts so I'm skipping them both.

For October 19 - October 25, the suggested prompts are Recommend, Questions for visitors. I prefer other people recommend things to me and not the other way around. I still give recommendations if people ask me but really, it's better people don't.
    What questions would I have for you, dear readers? I can suggest plenty but for today, I'll ask just a few questions for fun (answer one or a few as you like):
01 - Socks are better than shoes, agree or disagree?
02 - Do books fly if you throw them at the wall?
03 - What Disney character vex you?
04 - Are you willing to help your best friend bury a (presumably dead) body?
05 - Which do you prefer to use: PC, Mac or whatever device you can get your hands on?


  1. Nice painting. I am used to Windows computers.

    1. Christine: I never did like Windows computer but probably because I use Mac all my life just like you're used to Windows.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Oh yes. I am prepared to help my best friend bury a body. And will also provide her with an alibi if necessary.
    Many Disney characters vex me. They are simply too good to be true. And make me feel a little unwell.
    I am used to my PC and mostly know its ways...

    1. Elephant's Child: You're definitely a good friend to offer an alibi.

      It's true, some Disney characters are simply too darn good to believe as real persons.

      I'm like you, I'm use to Macs so I don't know how to use a PC.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. 1. Socks and shoes are equally bad, I prefer barefoot.
    2. No, they crash land. Poor books.
    3. The Lion King - the little lion's teaching kids it's fine to lie to have your parents' approval.
    4. Depends why he would do it. But probably yes.
    5. I want PC (something DOS based) preferably older ones. I tested out Mac and PC long, long ago when both was equally new to me (I used Amstrad's Joyce before, which I still would like to get my hands on, but it was discontinued back then). Mac was hate at first try. I don't like touch screens, as my fingers are normally too dry to activate them. So old desktops for me.

    1. PS. Feel with you on Ten year-plans and SMART, I worte a rant, to be published still.

    2. Charlotte: 1- I like going barefoot but sometimes socks and shoes are better if you're walking somewhere harsh.

      2- Yes, poor books, how we abuse them when they did nothing...

      3 - I haven't thought much about that movie but you're right.

      4 - Of course there would be a good reason, I suppose...

      5- I haven't tried enough PC or DOS computers to know which type is which but I can understand liking certain type of machines. It's too bad some things are discontinued.

      I don't care much for yearly plans or SMART goals, it just seems like a lot of work planning them and then maybe realize they don't work.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. 1. Shoes are better than socks because I have fallen arches and need support. Walking around only in socks will give me foot pain.
    2. I've thrown a few books at walls. Bad books. Yes, they flew.
    3. The sappy Disney female characters from my childhood, like Cinderella, vex me. Also, I hate Mickey and Minnie Mouse.
    4. I'd help bury a small dead animal, but nothing big and, it goes without saying, nothing human.
    5. I'm a Mac girl. Every device I have is Apple.

    1. Debra She Who Seeks: 1 - That makes sense.

      2- It's true...haha

      3- I never liked Cinderella because the message seems to be that a rich husband solves all your problems, that is, if you're pretty. You hate Mickey and Minnie Mouse? It's a little surprising because I haven't met anyone who does. They are a bit weird because they are mice who speaks in high voices...yeah, I don't know why I like them. I guess they appeal more to kids?

      4 - So you're the more sensible friend.

      5 - Me too. I have used Mac all my life but honestly, sometimes I really don't like how they change the computers/laptops.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. No socks for me. I like to go barefoot or flip flops etc. Although definitely socks if I'm wearing tennis shoes...

    Yes they fly if I launch them :)

    Hmm I'm not sure I'd have to think about that some more...

    I would although I'd have questionssssss

    PC for sure

    1. Greg: I agree with you on socks when wearing tennis shoes or sneakers, somehow wearing them without socks is just weirdly uncomfortable.

      The lighter books certainly takes longer to land... ha, ha...

      Disney characters are quite likable when we're kids but as adults, you sort of see them in a different way, right?

      I'm sure you have questions about burying bodies, who doesn't?

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  6. 01- Socks are better than shoes, agree or disagree?
    Sort of agree as I do like to wear socks with my shoes.

    02- Do books fly if you throw them at the wall?
    Naturally. Although now I read on a kindle, I can't throw it because it's too expensive to replace, sad.

    03- What Disney character vex you?
    So many to choose from but I think Daffy duck?

    04- Are you willing to help your best friend bury a (presumably dead) body?
    Sure, why not? It certainly makes one's day a little more interesting. Just kidding. I think I would have to be in that situation to answer this question.

    05- Which do you prefer to use: PC, Mac or whatever device you can get your hands on?
    Mac but mostly because I don't much care for PC's.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut