"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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January 31, 2024

Fiction: The husband slayer

This month's Words for Wednesday prompts are provided by Elephant's Child over here. This week's prompt is the image below and these words: destined, remarkable, lure, aware, rules.

Fiction: The husband slayer
She was destined to stay exhausted all her life. There was nothing remarkable about that when you had lived a long life of endless work and lost sleep. The rule to this life was: work until you're exhausted or until death takes you on a long holiday. A few times, she was lured by the flashy photographs of faraway places she saw in books and wanted to retire to some remote place where she would do nothing all day and not worry about not doing enough but those times never lasted.
    As she sat on the front porch steps taking a minute break, she pondered how she ended up here. At age ten, she was trained by her mother and then ten years after, she took over her mother's job when her mother died. It had been almost forty years since and yet, people kept calling for her help.
    She looked behind her, through the small opening of the doorway, at the body. There was no alarm about such sight and yet, she had ran out the door as soon as possible. Though it was late afternoon on a week day, it was dead quiet as most people were away at work. Around her, the shabby houses seemed to know something had happened but was nonchalant about it. She exhaled and reminded herself this was perfectly normal. Why was her heart still pounding away? She had done this before. Another death, another day. She exhaled again. Then she got up, walked the two blocks to the grocery store, made the call to the police, returned to the house and waited on the steps.
    For a while, she sat, enjoying the silence. A cold wind began to drift over her. She pulled her shawl tighter around her. When she looked up, the late afternoon sky had dimmed and night was near to settling down. She was exhausted and yet, the rush of adrenaline was still weaving through her body. 
    The police's arrival brought noise loud enough to wake the dead. There were some questions she had to answer but in the end, everything was sorted. As she stood on the side, she was aware of the gathering crowd. If they thought she, an old lady with a tired face, was not capable of killing monsters, then that's their business. She did her job and she will be rewarded a small sum for another monster slayed. Everyone in the small town knew what was happening to married men who cheated on their wives but they were helpless to do anything about it. Her father had been the first afflicted and it was her mother who took care of him. Once turned, there was no cure, only death can end it all.
    "Mrs. Webb, thank you. If it wasn't for you..." said Mrs. Stone, hurrying toward her. She wiped her eyes with a handkerchief. Hours ago, Mrs. Stone had came to Mrs. Webb's door. Mrs. Webb was cooking lunch but she dropped the vegetable she was slicing, turned off the stove and rushed right over. When she got to Mrs. Stone's house, the monster, hairy like a wolf and twice the size of any man, was throwing furniture about and shouting nonsense. Mrs. Webb simply threw a dagger that was applied with poison at the tip toward the monster's heart. The monster stumbled and then collapsed onto the floor and that was the end.
    Mrs. Webb looked up at the woman. She held a hand up. "What's done is done. Don't fret about it." Some days, things worked out just fine, like today. Other days, it took ugly turns but she preferred not to think of that. She gave the woman a small smile. Mrs. Stone had been waiting a few doors down. Her gaze turned toward the door of her house as they carried out what was once her husband. She gave Mrs. Webb a nod and then turned to follow the police. A moment later, the two vehicles raced off silently. The crowd dispersed with a few giving Mrs. Webb one or two glances.
    Walking back to her house, Mrs. Webb thought about her actions. She had been swift and only had a minor cut on her arm when the monster swiped at her with his long claws. This slaying had made her realized she was still capable of her job even if she was a bit exhausted afterward. Someday, she would like to retire but not today.

January 30, 2024

Retro Minute #5: Some Poetry

To sort of celebrate 18 years of blogging, I'm sharing 18 of my favorite posts from previous blogs. Here's the fifth post from Just writing words blog except for one.

Some Poetry
It's hard to say how I managed to write poetry as I have no recollection of writing them but I must have or else I don't know how they ended up on my computer or on my various blogs. What's really odd upon re-reading my old poetry is that, I used words I didn't even know that I know but that could be because of the prompts that I participated in. I wouldn't really call these poetry but it has to be called something. Sometimes I call them prose but I don't know. I stopped writing these prose after 2012. No idea why that is but I don't seem to want to write them anymore. Here are my favorite poetry I have written. 

January 25, 2024

Retro Minute #4: Prone to stay still

To sort of celebrate 18 years of blogging, I'm sharing 18 of my favorite posts from previous blogs.  Here's the fourth post from March 20, 2015 from Postcards from the rain blog. (Note: The title, prone to stay still, I think (as far as I can remember anyway), refers to me being someone who doesn't go to places as I dislike traveling and even just going out is like a full-on task. I am prone to stay in one place but apparently not with blogs. Moving from blog to blog is probably my way of moving forward even though I know I'm actually staying in place because I post the same things and rarely do anything different and if I did, I don't really know it. The artwork consisted of things that moves or at least, makes one active even when they are not.)

Prone to stay still

"Perhaps it is true that we do not really exist until there is someone there to see us existing, we cannot properly speak until there is someone who can understand what we are saying in essence, we are not wholly alive until we are loved."
Alain de Botton, On Love

My blog's two months old! Isn't it ridicules to even read such phrase? And probably even more so to write it but I'm so quick to start new blogs that just staying put even for a month is something to celebrate or at least, eat something sweet to commemorate the day. Actually, this blog is 38 days old if you're counting.
    I am always quick to judge my own blogging habits which has never been constant. Now, it's almost nonexistence. Years ago, I posted almost every day because I thought people would stop coming around if I didn't have something new. Even now, I worry over not posting enough.
prone to stay still, unfinished, 2015 - finished version here
    Sometimes I think it's so much easier to never have know there's such thing as the internet. Because knowing there is a world out there, however unreachable at times, there's this need to go there and be known. At least, my mind sees it that way.
    On a bad day, I would doubt myself and doubt every idea and everything that I would post. I would instead choose not to post and choose not to interact with others until I have something to show. I guess in my own bad habits, I still crave some sort of acceptance that comes by putting myself out there, i.e., through a blog post. But I do try to remind myself that this blog and every other blog before it, is mine and I shouldn't compare them to others. I shouldn't feel bad when nobody visits. I shouldn't do what others do just to be liked. I should do whatever pleases me. Right now, lots of ramblings and sometimes a drawing or a photo or two seems to suit me.
    I think blogging is now becoming an old practice for people like me who is more used to a slower speed (which is normal speed to me), who wants to keep blogging while ignoring all the other medias. I see too many of my favorite bloggers who has stopped blogging and I understand why. There's just too many other distractions that blogging is probably the last thing they want to do.
    For now, I'll still be blogging along even if nobody comes here and even if I am not as a frequent as before.

As a blogger, do you worry no one's reading your blog? As a reader, do you always care if a blogger posts consistantly or not?

January 18, 2024

Seven Things: There may be some ramblings

01 - The cold season makes me less motivated to do things and strangely, these days, it kind of makes me want to read less. Most people believe that reading is better than watching tv and I agree with that but sometimes you want to get lost in someone's lives so to stop worrying about yours. And yes, books can do that but visual and sound stimulation are easier to get distracted by. The little clocks in my head don't always want to read words and yet, I read a lot of subtitles as most of the shows I watch aren't in English. But really, I am just too lazy to concentrate on anything that involves active brain work.

02 - Sometimes I think if I have never touched a computer (or any devices), I might have been a better human. I depend on technology more than I like and I'm a less active person for being a computer user but I can't blame the computers because I choose to use them.
    I used to upgrade everything all the time but now I don't care at all. I'm perfectly fine being behind technology but this year, I had to upgrade to a new mac OS (operating system) or at least, the most recent version that my computer can upgrade to. I only did it for work otherwise I would keep using the old system until I can't. When you upgrade to a new system, most of your apps no longer work and then you have to spend time and money upgrading them and then you might also have to re-learn them or end up using alternative versions if there are no new ones available. So much work involve just to use the latest/greatest tech - is it worth it? I still don't have an answer for that even after years of using computers and implementing thousands of upgrades through the years.

03 - I don't like how youtube sneaked in advertisements in between video recommendations. Sometimes I can't tell an advertisement from a real video as most video thumbnails look like advertisement anyhow. (These advertisements does said Sponsored below them but that's hard to see). Isn't it enough there's several commercials before a video, one or two commercials in between video, another commercial after the end of the video (which makes no sense to me because who sticks around to watch commercials when they could just close the window?)? I guess this is a sign for me to watch less youtube which I am planning on doing. As soon as I can control myself enough to do so, that is. Why is it so hard to quit watching youtube videos?

04 - I really like this post, How Romance Can Bloom in the Homes and Places of PersuasionThis post refers to the book Persuasion by Jane Austen but the idea of home settings interest me and not just for romance. I do agree that homely, charming places with happy, busy families allow happiness to grow. It's not just the people but the environment as well as people have preferences on how their home should look. But I wouldn't say smaller homes has happier environments but certainly if people are physically far apart, communication or interactions between them are probably affected. Read the post at Elizabeth's blog, Small Home Comforts here.

05 - Rachel at Hamlette's Soliloquy is hosting a We Heart Siblings Stories Week from February 19-23. I'll try to think of something to post but I doubt I can come up with anything. Check out this blog event here.
06 - What's on my (fake) twitter feed this week:
- practicing not yelling at my computer screen
- stalking blogs while drunk on chocolate
- waiting for miracles & hope I don't forget to do things I should be doing
- watching youtube videos & pretend I'm working

07 - Every time I log into my Blogger dashboard, I see the sum number of published posts and drafts I have and it looks like I could reach 300 posts pretty soon.
I had only reached 300 posts for a few of my blogs (which I deleted) and 800 posts (which I also deleted because I'm ruthless) for one blog but all my other blogs were below 300 posts (at least from what I can recall). Numbers shouldn't matter and yet, for some odd reason, I feel like reaching 300 posts for this blog should mean something, I just don't know what that is. But it's still something to celebrate, right?

What's on your mind today?

January 16, 2024

Retro Minute #3: I only blog when it rains

To sort of celebrate 18 years of blogging, I'm sharing 18 of my favorite posts from previous blogs. Here's the third post from March, 5, 2015 from Postcards from the rain blog. There are two snow references (#2 & #5) but I don't remember if it was snowing when I wrote these but it's snowing today.

I only blog when it rains
20 Reasons that might or might not be true on why I'm not blogging

01 - Someone has hacked into my blog and I can only post photos of bunnies and nothing else. I don't think people want to be seeing bunnies every day. Or do they?

02 - I'm waiting for someone to dig me out of the snow. Send help. And hot chocolate. Mostly hot chocolate.

03 - I'm stuck at someone else's blog. It has created a computer error that won't allow me to leave.

04 - I've been kidnapped and I am forced to watch every show that was ever cancelled.

05 - I'm out taking pictures of snow and won't be back until all the snow has melted.

06 - I'm stuck in the elevator on the 63 floor of a 66 floor building that is on fire and without electricity.

07 - My laptop refuses to post for me.

08 - I've got no net service unless I'm on the roof of my house but I do not know how to get up there without injuring myself.

09 - Every time I post something, someone goes and reverts it to draft.

10 - Someone asked me to do them a favor and now I'm stuck in Canada without a passport and I seemed to have committed a crime and is forced to do community service.

11 - I only blog when it rains. 

12 - I've adopted a puppy and now he barks whenever I try to use my laptop which it isn't so bad if only he doesn't also pees on it.

13 - I got stung by a bunch of bees and now whenever I sit in front of my laptop screen, I get dizzy and have an urge to nap.

14 - I'm writing my novel inside a cave that is inside a mountain and the exit can only be open from the outside.

15 - I'm locked in my bathroom with only boxes of poptarts and my toothbrush.

16 - I'm too busy reading other people's blogs. (my blogroll reading list but will use my updated list.)

17 - I've lost a bet and now I cannot do any blogging without first having to walk around in a bunny suit with a sign that says 'kick me so I can start blogging.'

18 - My neighborhood's dog attacked me and now I can only remember one thing a day and somehow I keep forgetting I have a blog.

19 - I was at the library and somehow bumped into a book shelf which strangely fell down against another book shelf and that book shelf fell against another and then another until all 50 shelves fell over and now I'm stuck re-stacking all the books which will likely take me about a year to finish.

20 - I practice the 'no blogging unless I want to' motto.

What's your reason for not blogging?

January 14, 2024

Thoughts on using the kindle after 4 years

I had my kindle paperwhite for about 4 years so here's an update on using it.  (My previous post about about using the kindle is here.)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The Bad
01 - Still didn't like how they changed the home screen to two separate sections — The Home page is basically advertising because it's the kindle home store in a smaller format. You can check out recommendations but that's it. Plus I see the same cover with what's-his-face (some guy who messed up twitter) and it annoys the heck out of me. The Library is where your books are. I only visit the Home section when I don't feel like reading what I have.

January 10, 2024

Retro Minute #2: Some sky shots

To sort of celebrate 18 years of blogging, I'm sharing 18 of my favorite posts from previous blogs. Here's the second post of cloud photos from Postcards from the clouds blog.

Some sky shots
I used to take a lot of photos and even had one or two photo blogs devoted to only photos but most are sky shots. Here are some of my favorite sky shots. (click on the images for a larger view)







January 07, 2024

Retro(spect) Minute #1: Stuck in a blog

This year, I will have blogged for 18 years which sounds like a lot but probably isn't as I sort of count the first 10 years as just learning and making mistakes. According to this previous post, I seemed to have had about 35 active blogs including this one you're currently reading but it's actually 33 blogs since I've blogged at The memory of rain (the blog before this) three times. My very first blog was in 2006 at Yahoo 360 so there is no text or rather, I can't find any in my archives files but it was so brief that it hardly counts as blogging.
    To sort of celebrate this milestone, I will share 18 of my favorite posts from previous blogs but no posts from this blog you're currently reading as I don't want to repeat anything. And I won't post any fiction but I might post some of my poems. I was bit foolish and deleted almost all my blogs (ie, the posts) as I wanted to start on a clear slate so I can't link any of them. And I seem to be missing a lot of post text for some odd reason. I can't find them in my archive files. A while back I had a computer crash (don't even remember the year) and lost a lot of files so that may be why I don't have those text.
    I titled these posts Retro(spect) Minute/Retro Minute as a sort of a retrospect of sorts. For this first of eighteen posts, I'll start with a post from March 9, 2014 from Sleepwalking in NY blog.

Stuck in a blog
I don't know about other bloggers but I find updating my blog to be either a joyful task or a painstaking chore that sometimes makes me wonder if I should even have a blog.
    Every week, I would agonize what to post and whether or not if people will like it. I often write a lot of personal opinion pieces and lots of short stories that either never gets finish or are just too long for posting. I do self edit a lot when I write but even then, everything just gets far too long and jam-packed with too many thoughts or ideas. Sometimes I can cut it down and sort it out to make sense and sometimes I just give up on the piece.
    I really don't like the idea of revealing myself too much even though not many people on the web knows me in person. In the back of my mind, there is always the thought of being judge and whether what I post sounds like complaints that I should keep to myself. I try to always remember to post whatever I like and try not to care about what people might think but more often, I forget this. But at least once in a while, I really do post what I want.
    Sometimes in a mad state, most likely a happy, mad state, I would post things I know would offend people but I do it anyway because I really like the piece. And then of course, I would regret it the moment it becomes too late to remove the post. And sometimes there is no regret at all. Just this satisfaction that I have posted something good and people like it. And if they don't, then they don't.

How about you? Do you think about your readers whenever you are about to hit the 'publish' button or do you just go with whatever you feel like it?

January 02, 2024

New Goals for 2024

"Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual." - Mark Twain
Are these realistic goals? Probably not. Do I really mean to do them? Probably not. Honestly, I just wrote these for fun. Here are some goals I'll probably, maybe, do or not.

01 - Quit anything that makes me unhappy

02 - Join a club for creative people who are unmotivated to create but still wants to create but don't really want to do anything about it

03 - Limit my daily lazy time to 23 hours and 57 minutes

04 - Will finally clear out my overstuffed closet of one item

05 - Become fluent in staring blankly at people when they say something stupid

06 - Read more books by glancing at book covers and maybe reading the titles

07 - Finally read the Kindle user manual but only the first page

08 - Figure out how to squeeze 10 more hours into each day

09 - Stop lying to myself about being able to make better decisions

10 - Start a virtual support group for people who likes to procrastinate but pretend they don't

Got any goals for 2024? Do share them in the comments.

January 01, 2024

Happy 2024!

happy new year!
May your new year be filled with good health, new joys and good fortunes.
Happy New Year!