"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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January 25, 2024

Retro Minute #4: Prone to stay still

To sort of celebrate 18 years of blogging, I'm sharing 18 of my favorite posts from previous blogs.  Here's the fourth post from March 20, 2015 from Postcards from the rain blog. (Note: The title, prone to stay still, I think (as far as I can remember anyway), refers to me being someone who doesn't go to places as I dislike traveling and even just going out is like a full-on task. I am prone to stay in one place but apparently not with blogs. Moving from blog to blog is probably my way of moving forward even though I know I'm actually staying in place because I post the same things and rarely do anything different and if I did, I don't really know it. The artwork consisted of things that moves or at least, makes one active even when they are not.)

Prone to stay still

"Perhaps it is true that we do not really exist until there is someone there to see us existing, we cannot properly speak until there is someone who can understand what we are saying in essence, we are not wholly alive until we are loved."
Alain de Botton, On Love

My blog's two months old! Isn't it ridicules to even read such phrase? And probably even more so to write it but I'm so quick to start new blogs that just staying put even for a month is something to celebrate or at least, eat something sweet to commemorate the day. Actually, this blog is 38 days old if you're counting.
    I am always quick to judge my own blogging habits which has never been constant. Now, it's almost nonexistence. Years ago, I posted almost every day because I thought people would stop coming around if I didn't have something new. Even now, I worry over not posting enough.
prone to stay still, unfinished, 2015 - finished version here
    Sometimes I think it's so much easier to never have know there's such thing as the internet. Because knowing there is a world out there, however unreachable at times, there's this need to go there and be known. At least, my mind sees it that way.
    On a bad day, I would doubt myself and doubt every idea and everything that I would post. I would instead choose not to post and choose not to interact with others until I have something to show. I guess in my own bad habits, I still crave some sort of acceptance that comes by putting myself out there, i.e., through a blog post. But I do try to remind myself that this blog and every other blog before it, is mine and I shouldn't compare them to others. I shouldn't feel bad when nobody visits. I shouldn't do what others do just to be liked. I should do whatever pleases me. Right now, lots of ramblings and sometimes a drawing or a photo or two seems to suit me.
    I think blogging is now becoming an old practice for people like me who is more used to a slower speed (which is normal speed to me), who wants to keep blogging while ignoring all the other medias. I see too many of my favorite bloggers who has stopped blogging and I understand why. There's just too many other distractions that blogging is probably the last thing they want to do.
    For now, I'll still be blogging along even if nobody comes here and even if I am not as a frequent as before.

As a blogger, do you worry no one's reading your blog? As a reader, do you always care if a blogger posts consistantly or not?


  1. Replies
    1. Christine: I think so too. Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. I like it when people read my blog. I don't get too hung up on numbers though. If my readership dropped to zero, I would probably stop blogging though. I like the interactive component of blogging. And yes, I like it when the bloggers I read post consistently because for me, blogging is about me reading and commenting too.

    1. Debra: Everything you said is what I think too. I don't know what blogger doesn't like readers because if you don't want readers, then why have a public blog? There was one blogger I know who had her comments turned off which I thought was kind of contradicting because people are reading your blog and you're not allowing comments is just weird. I love having readers even if there is just the six of them.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. I see people scrolling on Facebook or Tiktok and it just goes on and on... one thing to the next. I think you're on to somethig about blogging being slower- you post, put it out there, and and if people come by they do. If not, shrug. I don't think TikTok is for me cause I don't want to have to be "on" like that.

    1. Greg: Social media is endless as there is always a new platform where people have to add another logo to their list of medias. It's tiring to me but I guess some people don't might spreading themselves.

      I haven't tried TikTok but from what I hear, it's exactly like all the other medias, just slightly changed way of posting, I guess.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. Of course I worry about whether people are interested in reading/seeing my same old, same old posts. And I don't mind at all if people take breaks. I am considering one myself.

    1. Elephant's Child: I worry about that as I do keep posting the same things even when I'm on different blogs. I don't like bloggers taking breaks as long as they come back.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. "I guess in my own bad habits, I still crave some sort of acceptance that comes by putting myself out there, i.e., through a blog post. But I do try to remind myself that this blog and every other blog before it, is mine and I shouldn't compare them to others. I shouldn't feel bad when nobody visits. I shouldn't do what others do just to be liked. I should do whatever pleases me."
    That dualism is true for all of us...we blog to vent out (yeah, I consider writing book reviews "venting out" too), but at the same time, we blog because we need to find acceptance and validation...I think the good thing about blogging is that (unlike with social media) you end up building a tribe around you, people who understand or at least accept you for what you are. I know I'm happy if my usual, small gang stops by to read (consistently or not), and I don't care if other people post consistently, as long as they don't disappear from the face of earth.

    1. Roberta: You've said exactly what I'm thinking. I don't think anyone ever stop wanting acceptance from others. Bloggers can take breaks, it's perfectly fine but like you said, I would like it if they don't completely disappear.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut