"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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January 30, 2024

Retro Minute #5: Some Poetry

To sort of celebrate 18 years of blogging, I'm sharing 18 of my favorite posts from previous blogs. Here's the fifth post from Just writing words blog except for one.

Some Poetry
It's hard to say how I managed to write poetry as I have no recollection of writing them but I must have or else I don't know how they ended up on my computer or on my various blogs. What's really odd upon re-reading my old poetry is that, I used words I didn't even know that I know but that could be because of the prompts that I participated in. I wouldn't really call these poetry but it has to be called something. Sometimes I call them prose but I don't know. I stopped writing these prose after 2012. No idea why that is but I don't seem to want to write them anymore. Here are my favorite poetry I have written. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Gray - July 22, 2008

I'm all gray today, not a color nearby
the day sky dims backward, towards a black afternoon
somewhere between nowhere and goodbye
a boy hums a tune, a lonely lullaby to chase the sun away

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Departing from a midnight ride
- November 8, 2009

a girl bends her words
letting the letters change
shapes with her thoughts
departing from a midnight ride
she moves with tender strides
down the dented road
daylight splits the sky in two
believing it to be her destiny
she flies toward infinity

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

- April 17, 2010

solitude came for me yesterday
he hesitated at the doorway
shifting his eyes with a measured speed
nonchalantly, he unfurled my thoughts
and memorized my dreams
without my knowing
he blended me into his lonely shadow

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Perhaps - August 4, 2011

perhaps I know nothing of the living
always slow running toward everything
my head, habitually stuck in the clouds
rain down tiny fragments of myself
to remind me - to wake, to eat, to sleep
to repeat again, another same day

perhaps I chase myself into myself
always hiding from the outside world
my inner house is lined with thin wallpapers
all easily breakable but hard to get through
here I stay in this perpetual state of quiescence
my wakefulness sometimes gets lost in dreams

perhaps it's easier to dismiss myself
always hoping there's nothing inside
I write everything down into blank notebooks
often, I search for memories inside the pages
but the words are often smeared, worn to pieces
their sound have lost their volume

perhaps there is no perhaps
and these aren't my thoughts
my bareness is always an excuse to escape
time is a process I sometimes forget
I blindly move forward without knowing, without caring
yet, every now and then, when someone's hand
happens to brush against my own
I am reminded - I am still among the living
in time, I repeat what I know it to be true
- this same new day is mine and only mine

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

On the 13th day of Christmas (formally titled I remember sorrow) - December 15, 2012
(posted at Don't rain on Mondays blog)

I remember nights
gazing up at the dark sky
stars asleep on the moon
unwanted dreams unfolding

I remember sorrow
embracing me in its arms
it refused to leave me
it sang a hallowing song

words fell like gentle rain
weeping into the crevices of my skin
I quietly wondered in vain
whether to cry or to grin

I waited for something more
memories untangled in my head
they wailed silent wars
they left me with things to forget

in the quiet of December
sweet promises and embers
I hibernated in my slumber
on the 13th day of christmas


  1. All these poems are excellent -- you have a real talent at expressing emotion and feelings in imagery and thought.

  2. Such sad poems, aching with emotion that too many of us know.

  3. These are nice. I especially like the christmas one.

  4. You should take up poetry again.

  5. I haven't written poetry in forever! These are awesome :)

  6. I love your imagery! And I agree with Elephant's Child above. My favourite verse is "somewhere between nowhere and goodbye". My favourite poems are "Departing..." and "Perhaps".

    I used to write lots of poetry too, when I was younger. For me too, one day the well ran dry.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut