"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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January 18, 2024

Seven Things: There may be some ramblings

01 - The cold season makes me less motivated to do things and strangely, these days, it kind of makes me want to read less. Most people believe that reading is better than watching tv and I agree with that but sometimes you want to get lost in someone's lives so to stop worrying about yours. And yes, books can do that but visual and sound stimulation are easier to get distracted by. The little clocks in my head don't always want to read words and yet, I read a lot of subtitles as most of the shows I watch aren't in English. But really, I am just too lazy to concentrate on anything that involves active brain work.

02 - Sometimes I think if I have never touched a computer (or any devices), I might have been a better human. I depend on technology more than I like and I'm a less active person for being a computer user but I can't blame the computers because I choose to use them.
    I used to upgrade everything all the time but now I don't care at all. I'm perfectly fine being behind technology but this year, I had to upgrade to a new mac OS (operating system) or at least, the most recent version that my computer can upgrade to. I only did it for work otherwise I would keep using the old system until I can't. When you upgrade to a new system, most of your apps no longer work and then you have to spend time and money upgrading them and then you might also have to re-learn them or end up using alternative versions if there are no new ones available. So much work involve just to use the latest/greatest tech - is it worth it? I still don't have an answer for that even after years of using computers and implementing thousands of upgrades through the years.

03 - I don't like how youtube sneaked in advertisements in between video recommendations. Sometimes I can't tell an advertisement from a real video as most video thumbnails look like advertisement anyhow. (These advertisements does said Sponsored below them but that's hard to see). Isn't it enough there's several commercials before a video, one or two commercials in between video, another commercial after the end of the video (which makes no sense to me because who sticks around to watch commercials when they could just close the window?)? I guess this is a sign for me to watch less youtube which I am planning on doing. As soon as I can control myself enough to do so, that is. Why is it so hard to quit watching youtube videos?

04 - I really like this post, How Romance Can Bloom in the Homes and Places of PersuasionThis post refers to the book Persuasion by Jane Austen but the idea of home settings interest me and not just for romance. I do agree that homely, charming places with happy, busy families allow happiness to grow. It's not just the people but the environment as well as people have preferences on how their home should look. But I wouldn't say smaller homes has happier environments but certainly if people are physically far apart, communication or interactions between them are probably affected. Read the post at Elizabeth's blog, Small Home Comforts here.

05 - Rachel at Hamlette's Soliloquy is hosting a We Heart Siblings Stories Week from February 19-23. I'll try to think of something to post but I doubt I can come up with anything. Check out this blog event here.
06 - What's on my (fake) twitter feed this week:
- practicing not yelling at my computer screen
- stalking blogs while drunk on chocolate
- waiting for miracles & hope I don't forget to do things I should be doing
- watching youtube videos & pretend I'm working

07 - Every time I log into my Blogger dashboard, I see the sum number of published posts and drafts I have and it looks like I could reach 300 posts pretty soon.
I had only reached 300 posts for a few of my blogs (which I deleted) and 800 posts (which I also deleted because I'm ruthless) for one blog but all my other blogs were below 300 posts (at least from what I can recall). Numbers shouldn't matter and yet, for some odd reason, I feel like reaching 300 posts for this blog should mean something, I just don't know what that is. But it's still something to celebrate, right?

What's on your mind today?


  1. Replies
    1. Debra: Yes, especially this month as I brought a pound of chocolate and I had been dosing on them. Actually, they are all gone as I typed this.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Sometimes I just feel like vegging with TV too. I like reading better but sometimes I don't want to concentrate on a book...

    Youtube ads are awful. I watch a lot of music on Youtube though. Otherwise I wouldn't be there too much...

    1. Greg: We can't all be reading all the time so yes, vegging in front of the tv (actually computer as I don't have a tv) is perfectly fine.

      I also watch youtube for music. Do you know about topics? Have you seen those 'Artist Name - Topic' videos? You can listen to entire songs or even entire albums and even sometimes music videos depending on the playlist. I'm not sure how it works but at least you get to listen to music.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. I relate to #2 more in the sense of social media. I feel like I compare myself to others a lot on social media so I'd appreciate just being more confident in myself without relying on technology as much.

    1. paperbackprincess: I guess we do rely on technology to present ourselves in a more likable way. I don't much like influencers but we are prone to look up to certain people.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. Hello Lissa, first, thank you for telling me how to use Firefox to be able to leave comments, so far it works. Wahoo. Your #1: sounds like the spirit of hibernation has tucked you under its blanket, this happens to me every winter. Though if the sun comes out I do come to life a bit. Wishing you a warm breeze ;-)

    1. Tammie: I guess I'm not much of winter person. Even my hands and feet must know this as they are often colder than usual during the cold seasons.

      I'm glad you can comment again. That issue had plagued me for months before I figured that out.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. "So much work involve just to use the latest/greatest tech - is it worth it?"
    Not really...but these "improvements" happen awfully fast lately, and I "dare" to think it's mostly so that we can spend more money and keep the tech people happy and well fed...

    1. Roberta: No idea about the speed of tech advances but it certainly feels like it moves faster than us. But we spend so much money just on gadgets but not all us realize this. I'm trying not to spend too much when it comes to technology but sometimes I have to update even when I don't want to.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut