"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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July 17, 2022

One year blog anniversary

girl in house with fan
staycation therapy
According to my blog's archive, today, July 17, is my blog's one year anniversary. Occasions like these aren't that a big deal to me these days but I like to make a note of it in a blog post just to mark the day, I guess. So here's some messages to my blog (I don't have a nickname for my blog so I'll just call her PC for postcard):

01 - Dear PC, thank you for keeping me as your owner. Mostly, I'm just glad I haven't been blocked by you as I heard some bloggers can't get to their blog because they are somehow blocked for no reason. It's kind of you to not do that to me, so thank you.

02 - I'm sorry for not having a sidebar so you can show off badges and stuff but you might be glad of that because at least, there are no mess for you to clean up. And frankly, I don't like to clean up messes either.

03 - I'm slightly sorry for not posting more often as I sort of promise you that I would. I mean, I even had 12 drafts all set but none had made it even though I'm sure readers would like at least one of them but I had doubts. And I didn't want to post something and then revert to draft like I did a few posts.

04 - I'm glad you didn't go wonky on me when I try to alter your template. I know I should update you to a more up-to-date template but why change something when it's not broken? So maybe you'll have to be struck with this old template for a while as I see no reason to change.

05 - I'm a little sorry that I keep changing the header but that's the way I refresh you so you wouldn't look stale and I wouldn't feel stale looking you. I know I'm a pain when it comes to headers but at least,  I don't change it as often as my previous blogs.

06 - Thank you, PC, for allowing me to be so random in my blog content (probably not true since I do post the same old things) and being so random with my posting schedule. Sometimes I think having some type of structure for content or schedule for posting is just a stressful pressure to post and write content on time. I do try to post on the same days of the week at least but thank you for allowing me to do what I want even though I sometimes don't know what that is.

07 - Thank you for letting me keep this blog kind of a quiet, little paradise for people who just loves to blog about something even if they sometimes seems like nothing. Happy anniversary PC, my lovely blog.  I hope we'll be happy together for a couple more years. (At least, I think so today.) Happy anniversary!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The above art is one that I completed today so I thought it would be nice to share something new. I don't do vacations but I do sort of take them when I'm at home so the title of this piece, staycation therapy, seems perfect and it also describes most of my summers and no, I do not own a unicorn float or a cat.


  1. Happy blogoversary (and many more of them). That staycation looks GOOD.

    1. Elephant's Child: Thank you. I really do like how this piece turned out.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Replies
    1. Christine: Thank you. And thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Happy Blogoversary! :D

    1. Quinley: Thank you. And thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  4. Well Happy Blogversary to you and your blog. Cute little post and super fun art. I love considering all the details. Your plants look healthy and thriving.

    1. Tammie Lee: That plant in the art seems rather lively, yes.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  5. Congratulations! Love the image!! Isn't it amazing how simple things like dipping your toes in the water can be so relaxing? :)

    1. Greg: Thank you. I wish I can enjoy dipping my feet in cool water right now.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  6. "I even had 12 drafts all set but none had made it even though I'm sure readers would like at least one of them but I had doubts".
    12 drafts that didn't make it?!? Poor things. I feel genuinely sorry for them. No need to have so many doubts! 🙂

    "Thank you for letting me keep this blog kind of a quiet, little paradise".
    True - with lovely, quiet (but whimsical...in a good way) art.

    1. Roberta: I do write a lot of drafts but I suppose sometimes you have to write them out just to see if it looks good. I'm not sure how to stop myself from having doubts but I'll try.

      I like my little corner of quiet paradise. Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  7. Congratulations, Lissa. I'm glad you found me and now I found you. Such a beautiful blog, I hope we will visit each other more often.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT this week.

    1. Marianne: Hello, thanks for visiting my little space in the blogosphere. I'm glad you took the time to visit me.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

    2. That's the beauty of the blogosphere, Lissa, we keep finding like-minded souls.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut