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July 19, 2022

Some of my favorite book series

Top ten tuesday - books and coffemug
This week's Top Ten Tuesday is a Freebie (Come up with your own topic!) I thought I list some of my favorite book series. I would say I love these series but not entirely as there might be a book or two in a series that I didn't love. (Go to the link to get more info about the books.) For more Top Ten Tuesdays, visit That Artsy Reader Girl here.

East by Edith Pattou
01 - East by Edith Pattou
(2 books) > link
This is a retelling of East of the Sun and West of the Moon which is sort of like Beauty & the Beast but with a bear. I read East (also published as North Child) first and I really love that book so I was not expecting a sequel but West was good but I did wish it had been more of the bear's story then Rose's (the main character). I honestly don't think the sequel is needed but since I enjoyed that, I can't complain.

Ivy Pocket by Caleb Krisp & Illustrated by Barbara Cantini
02 - Ivy Pocket by Caleb Krisp & Illustrated by Barbara Cantini
(3 books) > link
This trilogy is a bit of a mystery, a bit of a ghost story with some amusing antics. I just find it quite enjoyable. The main character Ivy Pocket can be a frustrating character but I can't dislike her. And the illustrations are fun too.

Nikola Kross by Eliot Sappingfield
03 - Nikola Kross by Eliot Sappingfield
(2 books) > link
This duology is crazy, wacky, slightly creepy, kind of nerdy, fun reads. This is more science and technology than magic but one can think of it as magic in a way. I just find these book so much fun (and a little creepy) that I wouldn't mind attending the school even if you might get killed during a class.

The Complete Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
04 - The Complete Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
(8 books) > link
Even though each book toward the end of the series is less and less about Anne, they were still good. I guess you can call these feel-good books or books for a relax reading.

The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede
05 - The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede
(4 books) > link
I have to admit it's the first two books that I love and the other two not so much. I suppose it's the change of narratives that I sort of didn't like. (Each book is told from a different character's point of view.) It's quite interesting to note that the author wrote the fourth book first and then the others.

Louna by MarcyKate Connolly
06 - Louna by MarcyKate Connolly
(2 books) > link 1, link 2
I enjoy these two books (Monstrous & Ravenous) a lot. Kymera and Greta are strong female characters and they make the books worth reading. There are some characters overlapped but each book can be read as standalones.

Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling
07 - Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling
(7 books) > link
I cannot not put Harry on my list. This is the series I read both versions of (the dumb-down American version and the British version) but I would have preferred to read the (original) British version if I had known about it first and I might not even read the American version at all.

The Unintentional Adventures of the Bland Sisters by Kara LaReau and illustrated by Jen Hill
08 - The Unintentional Adventures of the Bland Sisters by Kara LaReau and illustrated by Jen Hill
(3 books) > link
Even though these read almost younger than middle grade, I had so much fun reading them. I think I might fit in well with the Bland sisters as I also prefer reading adventures instead of going on them. I put this series on the list even though I didn't read book 3 (as it wasn't available at the library in the format I can read) but this series is simply a lot of fun.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Honorable Mention:

Jackaby by William Ritter
09 - Jackaby by William Ritter
(4 books) > link
I did enjoyed the series but there was too much of Abigail (the main character and narrator) and not enough of Jackaby (the other main character). There was just so much we don't know about Jackaby, not even his real name. Also, the ending kind of got overshadowed by Abigail's romance and Jackaby gets a romance too as if being single is a sin. But what's more irksome about the ending of the series for me is that they stripped Jackaby of what made unique and turned him into a boring, ordinary guy and made Abigail into him (Is this giving away the ending?). I mean, yes, it was good that Jackaby get to live without all the things that burdened him but why is that necessary? Could they not have just taken away the bad part and let him keep the good part? But this series has great many little mysteries (there might have been a dragon somewhere) that are a bit creepy and scary and worth reading about.

The Wollstonecraft Detective Agency series by by Jordan Stratford with illustrations by Kelly Murphy
10 - The Wollstonecraft Detective Agency series by by Jordan Stratford with illustrations by Kelly Murphy
(4 books) > link
I really love the two the main characters, Ada Byron and Mary Godwin, who are based on real people though since I know nothing about them, I actually think it's what makes me enjoy the books more. Most of the mysteries are from other books so I don't know how original that is. But if you have never read any classic mysteries like I have, then you might not be bothered by this since you won't be familiar with the mysteries. I really like the writing though.

Do you read book series? If you do, do you have any favorite ones?


  1. AnonymousJuly 19, 2022

    Ooh, I loved the Anne of Green Gables series!

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-an-outdoor-adventures-reading-list/

    1. Lydia Schoch: I think most people loved the Anne series, most females, that is, it seems.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Ivy Pockets looks like a cute series. And I love both the Harry Potter books and the Jackaby series (although I didn't love the way Ritter ended it). Fun post! :D

    1. Lark: Ivy Pockets is a lot of fun and the extras like the author's bio and notes are also fun to read.

      It's just too bad about Jackaby because he really was a great character to follow.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Replies
    1. Christine: Thank you. I love sharing. And thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  4. The only one I have read is Harry Potter, but the rest certainly look fun.

    1. Deanna @ A Novel Glimpse: The rest are fun, at least to me, I'm glad you have read at one on my list.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  5. I love those Anne covers. I've always wondered about the Wrede books too. Anything called Enchanted Forest always gets my attention.

    1. Greg: Those Anne covers are quite nice. The art are made of paper and then photographed. Sadly, I forgot the artist's name.

      Enchanted Forest is a great series though some might not like the change in narratives.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day

  6. I agree with you about the Enchanted Forest series. I loved the first (and still reread it). The others were a disappointment in some ways - though I have reread them too (but not as often).

    1. Elephant's Child: It would have been nice if Cimorene was the main perspective in all the books but then again, it might have been a different series but we'll never know. Let's just love the series the way it was.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  7. I enjoyed the Anne of Green Gables series as well.

    1. Cindy: We have that in common. Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.


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