"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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July 26, 2022

Books from my past wish-to-read list I still haven’t read and probably never will

Top ten tuesday - books and coffemug
This week's Top Ten Tuesday is Books From My Past Seasonal TBR Posts I Still Haven’t Read (Submitted by Dedra @ A Book Wanderer) but I'm going to tweak it slightly to Books from my past wtr (wish-to-read) list I still haven’t read and probably never will. Of course, just because I said I wouldn't read them doesn't mean I won't. As a moody reader, I might just suddenly change my mind. Here are some Books from my past wtr list I still haven’t read and probably never will (unless I change my mind). For more Top Ten Tuesdays, visit That Artsy Reader Girl here.

Mansfield Park by Jane Austen
01 - Mansfield Park by Jane Austen > link
I should have liked reading this since I enjoyed most of Jane Austen's books but this one, I barely got half way when I got really bored so I gave up. I didn't really care much for Fanny and I think the guy (Edmond, I think) sort of settled for Fanny and not really chose her but that's from the movie but I think the ending is the same. Mansfield Park is unlike the other Austen's books (Pride and Prejudices, Persuasion, etc.) in that there was no delightful interactions between characters and the parts I read seem quite depressing. But I guess I'm sort of judging by the movie so maybe it's unfair? The few times I tried to read the book, I just find it boring. Maybe I shouldn't have seen the movie before I start on the book.

The Witchland series by Susan Dennard
02 - The Witchland series by Susan Dennard > link
I had wanted to read the series and even brought the ebook of book 1 and 3 when it was on sale but now I think I'm never going to read them. I started on book 1 but I keep putting it down maybe out of boredom, maybe out of a sheer unenthusiastic feeling that I'll have to slough through this book and book 2 to get to book 3 which is the book I really want to read but I don't like skipping books when I read a series.

Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden
03 - Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden > link
This is said to be a Beauty & the Beast retelling (the first book anyway) so that's why I wanted to read it and I really thought I would like the series but somehow my brain keeps putting off reading the first book (The Bear and the Nightingale) which I brought an ebook of when it was on sale. I read a few pages and they sounded good, put it down but then when I tried to continue, I got bored. And now I just found out there are vampires in this series which I think makes me want to read it even less.

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
04 - Little Women by Louisa May Alcott > link
I tried to read this several times but couldn't even get pass chapter 2. And the fact that I know what would happen to Beth because of the movie I saw, makes it less fun to read. But then I also think Jo made a bad choice so I think I'll just leave this alone.

Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier
05 - The Sevenwaters Series by Juliet Marillier > link
Daughter of the Forest (the first book) is exactly the kind of book I would like reading but there is a graphic rape scene that I know will disturb me enough to stop reading. This book and series is on my 'Maybe I'll read this when I thought I could get through without cringing at the rape scene' list. I think since it was told in first-person, it might be even harder to read.
    One of the reviews I read said, why are rape scenes so detailed and long while normal, consensual sex scenes are simply fade to black? Not that I care to read any sex scenes but I think the fact rape scenes are extended seemed a bit too much. Why do we need the gruesome details so vividly? Isn't it enough to know it happened? I find even half-attempt rape scenes a bit hard to read.

06 - Never Die (Mortal Techniques) by Rob J. Hayes
06 - Never Die (Mortal Techniques) by Rob J. Hayes > link
This was an impulse buy since it was on sale and I really sort of wanted to read something similar to this and also one of the youtuber was gushing about it. It had the shortest prologue I had ever read: Itami Cho woke to the screams of her own death. She remembered it all. That sounded really good and also even though it's part of a series, it's a standalone as you don't have to read the other books since it's only connected by the world. So maybe I'll read this one. Someday.

Are there any books you had considered reading but now changed your mind about?


  1. AnonymousJuly 26, 2022

    Good for you for knowing your limits!

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-books-from-my-past-seasonal-tbr-posts-i-still-havent-read/

    1. Lydia: I think avoiding things that make you feel bad is not a bad thing.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. I'm a mood reader as well, so I never say never, but yeah, there are definitely books on my TBR list that I'll probably never read. I'm sad that LITTLE WOMEN didn't work for you. It's one of my favorite books of all time. I re-read it every few years. Oh well. Different strokes for different folks and all that...

    Happy TTT!

    1. Susan: So Little Woman maybe isn't for me. I'm glad you liked it. I did enjoy the movie I saw.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day

  3. I change my mind about books all the time! Sometimes I'll put a book on my list that everyone else seems to love, but then when I reread its blurb wonder why I did because it doesn't sound like a book I would love. You have to be in the right mood for certain books, and sometimes you're never going to be in the right mood.

    1. Lark: I agreed. Sometimes you may never be in the mood for certain books. I know sometimes I like reading a certain genre and then I don't. It seems bad to be so moody but at the same time, I think it's fine. There will always be books to read, that much is true.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. I change my mind about books all the time - which is part of the reason that my unread pile is in fact several unread towers...

    1. Elephant's Child: I have given up on owning books I'm not going to read, at least, paper books. There would have been towers of books if I haven't gotten rid of them.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. Oh, Susan Dennard. Katherine Arden (I did read The Bear and the Nightingale and loved it, I just haven't finished the others). Juliet Marillier. I would love to read them all.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    1. Lisa: I'm thinking I may try reading Dennard, Arden and Marillier's other books in the future.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  6. Both Northanger Abbey and Little Women are slow starters but they do get going. If you're getting bored, I'd watch the movies! My TTT post is here: https://wordywitterings.com/2022/07/26/ttt-books-that-have-been-lingering-on-my-tbr-pile-for-far-too-long/

    1. Craftyclaire: Do you mean Mansfield Park instead of Northanger Abbey? I actually enjoyed reading Northanger Abbey.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  7. I don't think I would like to read a rape scene either, especially in 1st person...

    1. Roberta R.: Some people can get pass such scenes easily and others, like me, it takes a little more, I guess.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  8. I began reading Dr. Zivago lots of times. I loved the film, but I just can't read that book! It's sooo slow, and all those names confuse me...

    1. Charlotte: I have no interest in reading Dr. Zivago. I'm thinking lots of descriptions of landscape and things. I don't know but I know lots of books has translated versions but is Dr. Zivago Russian originally? Is there a Danish version? Maybe you should try that.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


    2. Thanks for the confidence - I do not read Russian (only the letters). I actually tried in English because the names in the Danish translation has all sorts of funny accents on or between the letters, acting as stumbling stones to my poor eyes. for instance writing Olga as Ol'ga. It is very much landscapes and things :)

  9. It's funny, I think I've enjoyed most every Austen movie adaptation I've seen but when I try to read the books I get bored. I'd like to keep trying though. I started Daughter of the Forest too a while back but never finished.

    1. Greg: The movies and mini tv series are quite enjoyable. I have seen a lot of them. I have noticed women are the ones who love the books more than men. Some people even think Austen's books are chick lit which I guess it's correct but they are basically romances, at least, to me.

      I have read a bit of Daughter of the Forest and sort of put it down. It's a slow book.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    2. AnonymousJuly 27, 2022

      I thought I'd really like Sense and Sensibility since I'm quite fond of that movie, but nope... although maybe I should have kept reading...

      This is Greg. Commenting snafus... :)

    3. Greg: I think movies are easier versions of books since they do sometimes alter scenes and dialogues and perhaps make it more accessible to audience so it's not always true to the books. I did like the movie version of Sense and Sensibility with Emma Thompson but I think prefer the mini tv series with Hattie Morahan more as you can get to know the characters slightly better.

      I think the Sense and Sensibility book is not an easy read. When I read it, I find myself looking up words and such but it's probably different for other people.

      Thank you for commenting even though it seems a bit difficult for you. Google, you either love them or something...

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  10. I'm sure my TBR on Goodreads is full of books I'll never read. But like you said, you never really know what tomorrow will bring.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. Pam: No one have to read books of their TBR lists. I think people should read what they want to read and not bothered with lists but people like lists.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  11. Replies
    1. Christine: Thanks. And thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  12. I have read "Mansfield Park" and "Little Women". I see your point that it might have been a bad idea to watch the movies first but sometimes it's worse the other way around, so you never know.
    I think the former is one of the books by Jane Austen that fewer people like. My least favourite by her is "Northanger Abbey", it's so different from her other books.
    Might I ask which version(s) of the books you saw?

    Thanks for visiting my TTT this week.

    1. Marianne: I actually enjoyed Northanger Abbey the book and the movie.

      "Might I ask which version(s) of the books you saw?" - Do you mean the movies? The Little Women movie I saw is the 1994 version starting Winona Ryder. The Mansfield Park movie I saw is the 1999 version with Frances O'Connor.

      And if you're asking about the books, it is the same ones as posted above, at least, the cover photo was the books I tried to read. Also, the Little Women book I tried to read is the unabridged version.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    2. So, maybe that's why you don't like "Mansfield Park". It's often one or the other.

      Yes, I meant which movie versions of those books. Sorry, sometimes I just think too "German". But yes, I quite like both those movies although the Frances O'Connor one is not very close to the book.

      And yes, the books, it usually dosen't matter which cover they have, unless they have been translated, they usually are the same words. I usually try to find the cover version of the edition I wrote but that's not always possible.

      As you know, I have listed books that I will never read, at least you tried. And we can't all like the same books. Hope you enjoy your next ones.

  13. I ended up DNFing Truthwitch, unfortunately.
    Little Women and Mansfield Park are two books I've been meaning to read for ages.

    1. Jess: Truthwitch did seem exciting but I dnf and didn't want to go back.

      I hope you enjoy reading Little Women and Mansfield Park.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


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