"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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January 14, 2022

You're Invited...

card text: You're Invited to Rain Girl's Mostly Delightful, Slightly Zany, Slapdash Birthday Bash January 21 — January 27, 2022 Where: Here on this blog (Postcards from the Bookstore) Time: Whenever I put up a post
You're Invited to
Rain Girl's Mostly Delightful, Slightly Zany, Slapdash Birthday Bash

Join me for a slapdash birthday bash (aka blog party) celebrating my 27th (don't ask if I'm actually that age) birthday. It begins on Friday, January 21 and ends on Thursday, January 27 and will be right here on this blog.

No need to RSVP or get dressed up, just come as you. There will be no cakes, candies or drinks but feel free to consume any caffeinated drinks you have on hand. There will be presents (aka giveaways) and miscellaneous things & games that I throw together because I'm too lazy to plan. So mark your calendar for January 21 through January 27. I'll see you here until then.

P.S. Since we all love acronyms, I'll shortened this event's name to Rain Girl's B-B Party (B-B as in Birthday Bash). I used to be or perhaps I still am, a rain girl though I no longer take rain photos or aim my thoughts at rain. (So maybe bash means the same as party but don't bother to correct me.)

P.P.S. Here's the list of posts which I will add the link as they are posted. The question marks will be filled once I decided what that post is about.
• January 21 - Welcome
• January 22 - Scavenger Hunt
• January 23 - Let's Play Question Tag
• January 24 - Cat Hunt & A Giveaway
• January 25 - Alphabet This or That
• January 26 - Have your fortunes read
• January 27 - Wrap Up


  1. While you said that there is no need for an RSVP I will be there. Your birthday is a very little after mine.

    1. Elephant's Child: Happy birthday!

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Replies
    1. Christine: I hope it will be fun for everyone.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  3. I remember when you turned 27th last year 😂. LOL, never mind. Happy whatever birthday, and I'm looking forward to joining the fun!

    1. Roberta: That's the age I turned every year now. It's a bit silly but I honestly never feel my age.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  4. This sounds like a fun way to be celebrating your birthday. I'll be there!

    1. Charlotte: I hope that it is fun but I have not done this before. I suppose it's easier to host a party rather than go to one, maybe.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  5. Happy birthday! So glad that you are sharing it with us, and I look forward to your celebration on the blog :)

    claire @ clairefy

    1. Claire: Thank you. I hope you'll stop by later.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  6. Replies
    1. WendyW: I hope that it is fun for everyone.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  7. Replies
    1. Greg: This is one first time hosting a sort of party even if it's virtual but yes, it might be cool.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut