"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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January 21, 2022

Rain Girl's B-B Party 2022: Welcome

Rain Girl's B-B Party 2022
Welcome, lovely guests, to my birthday bash.

I'm your host, Rain Girl. Please place your coat/hat/outer wear on your left and on your right, your shoes. Wear shoes, no entry. Grandma's rule.

I have good news to report. First, there will be cake served. I do not know what kind so I'll just say it's a mysterious flavor that might tasted like the best cake you'll ever have or it could taste like rubber boots but we can be certain, you'll taste some something. The cake and all the other sweets you see here on these tables are made especially by the kind gnomes who lived in the tunnels beneath the city. Don't worry, it's not at all poisonous. Unless you drink milk after eating one of the pieces. Sadly, there are no drinks but there is tap water if you're thirsty. The second good new is, no one will be arrested for trespassing or making too much noise. I am assured by my neighbor, Lillypod, she will not call the police even if someone steals her glass eye. Do feel free to roam about the space and even check out some of Uncle Jack's bus stop knickknacks he swore he got by legal means.

table with cake and sweets and party decor
So, tell us something about you, anything at all so we can all get to know you better and if you're incline, use your name to describe you. For example, Lissa, can turn into Listless, Insolent, Stubborn, Slightly-Mad, and maybe Adventurous.

Let the party begin!

(Oh, by the way, do not feed the baby unicorn in the backyard. He's in a bad mood and will bite. Only go near him when he has turned any other color but black.)


  1. Replies
    1. Christine: Thank you!

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Happy birthday! 🎂

    1. Quinley: Thank you and great cake emoji.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Happy B-B!
    I'll promise to admire the unicorn at a distance, and risk all the cakes. I love cake and prefer tap water to milk :)
    To describe me
    M - Moody, and my favourite colour is blue
    O - Owlish, of course.
    T - Tall, can't helpt, I have to boy men's wear.
    H - Honest - My memory is too bad for lying.
    E - Eloquent - I like words!
    R - Reticent - But only when I have something to say
    O - Obstinate - Have to be, living with 6 Owlets
    W - Wry and often
    L - Lackadaisycal

    1. Charlotte: Moody is me also, blue also seems to be my favorite as well. Me too on the honesty. All these can describe as well except for tall, I'm way too short.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  4. A very, very happy birthday to you.
    Someone once described me as a batty old broad. She was possibly/probably right. A baby elephant sized batty old broad.
    Forgive me, but I will pass on the cake and watch the unicorn instead...

    1. Elephant's Child: That could be me too, a batty old broad.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  5. Well I'm happy to report the cake was delicious! How could it not be though, served by those gnomes? :)

    Let's see. I can be gregarious (actually I'm an introvert, but occasionally), reserved, eager, and goofy?

    Hope you're having a wonderful birthday!!!

    Love the baby unicorn. such a sweetie...

    1. Greg: I suppose introverts can be gregarious. I think of myself as an introvert but I like company also.

      Sadly, there is no name for the baby unicorn yet but he can be a sweetie.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  6. Hi Lissa! I'm in the middle of a giant mess right now (more about it in my next monthly wrap-up), but I wouldn't have missed your birthday bash fo the world! Have a happy one.

    1. Roberta: It's very kind of you to drop by. Might I offer you some cake? I hope you sort out whatever the mess is.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  7. Happy Birthday Lissa!! I just had a slice of Lemon Meringue pie to celebrate. :)

    1. WendyW: Strangely, I've never had a lemon meringue before but I do like lemon-flavor cakes and pies.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  8. Freedom Loving
    Easy Going

    Happy Birthday Lissa!

    1. Frances D: You forgot A in your name. A for Adventurous?

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut