"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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January 23, 2022

Rain Girl's B-B Party 2022: Let's Play Question Tag

Rain Girl's B-B Party 2022
Lovely guests, are you feeling sleepy? Don't worry, if you like to take a nap, just go lay down on any of the cushions and a blanket will be provided for you if you care for one.

Answer A Question, Ask A Question

For those still awake, let's play a question tag game. How it works is, one person (which will be me) starts with a question, someone answers that question but then they also have to ask a question and so on. If the question is answered and you want to answer it, feel free but you'll have to ask a question with your answer. Simply put, answer a question and then ask a question. My question will be posted in the comments.


  1. Do you have a habit starting with the letter B?

    1. Binge watching TV series
      Right now it’s Dark Shadows
      Book Collecting
      Right now I have over 200 TBRs on my Kindle app
      Which I did for years - I’m on a break right now.
      Blogging is how I met our Birthday Girl.

    2. My Question:
      What is your most comforting comfort food?

    3. Frances D: I also binge watch tv series but not any new ones as I like to watch my favorites.

      I also have a lot of books on my kindle I have yet to read.

      Blogging is definitely a habit for me too.

      I don't have any comfort food as but sometimes eating chocolate gives me comfort.

      What is your favorite food?

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. I am a binger. I binge read, I binge garden, and blogging of course...
    What are the parts of yourself you like best?

    1. I really like my creativity and imagination.

      What is your favorite book?

    2. Quinley: My favorite book is a long list but for today, I'll say my favorite book is Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte.

      Do you have a favorite place to take a walk?

  3. I brush my teeth in the morning and at night. What was your favourite subject at school?

    1. Christine: I guess you're answering my question about habits. My favorite subject would lunch. Do you eat school lunches?

  4. My favourite book is Bridehead Revisited.
    Where would you ligke to travel?

    1. Charlotte: Never read that book. I don't like to travel but if there is a chance, I suppose Paris, would be nice. What is your favorite time of day?

  5. Booze, I like a drink every once in a while. What is your favorite place to read.

    1. WendyW: I guess you're answering my question about habits, also. My favorite place to read is sitting down anywhere quiet. Do you like tuna?


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut