"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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March 14, 2024

A-Z Challenge 2024: Yes? No?

I haven't decided whether I will do the April A-Z challenge this year. I did say last year was my last one but I don't know. I'm fickle-minded so I might just decide to do it at the last minute. I created a logo/badge for it in case I decide to do it. Of course I have two versions because, fickle mind.

Not the official badge - version 1
Not the official badge - version 2
Their theme (on the a-z blog) is or will be, hope, positivity, and blogging your best blog - victories blogging. The theme is usually reflected in the logo/badge so I tried for that. My idea is spring since that signals newness and hope and I find spring is to be a positive season. So I may have been a little overzealous with the stars but I like to include them because every a-z badge seemed to have stars and stars are dreamy. Orange is a color I've always associated with spring and green too. I was going for red but decide a slightly pink-red would work better with that shade of orange. But I didn't inclue that red-pink in the second version because I like to keep that as the subtle color version while the first version is the full color version.
    I have checked the a-z blog's 2024 badge and I have to say, I'm not a fan. I don't mean to criticize. Okay, yes I do. I can't resist sharing my opinion on this/these designs. It's an occupational hazard as a graphic designer.
A-Z 2024 badge, alternative on the right
The choice of colors is, not to say it's bad. The reason I never like to use black, especially, black backgrounds, aside from not being able to read text on them very well (that's my poor eyesight), black is for doom and gloom and honestly, the lack of colors make this logo/badge depressing.
    The old badges were in bright colors which I had thought was too bright but this is going the opposite direction. Does this say hope and positivity as their theme suggested? Plus the Z gets lost/faded into the background so readability is half an issue. The purple-ish-pink color is just too tame or too light to express 'Victorious' as they said on the blog. And what's with the space between the year and the rest of the text? (2010-2024 - why was it switched from 2009 to 2010?) And the neon-green color for the web url - it's actually a good idea because all those purple-pinks needs something to break them up but of course it stands out way too much and your eyes shift their focus right onto it after the large 2024 text which may be the designer's intention.
    Their alternative logo is better but the leading (the space between sentences) could be better and some of the text (like the year and url) could have been smaller. And again, the bright green just draws your eye toward it. The circle with the leaves seems weak and doesn't compliment the strong text and the dots to complete the circle - just no. Check out the A-Z Challenge over here.


  1. Yes! Thanks. I like your badges way more - they should have let you have that job. Also your critic of those badges are totally to the point. You say all that I feel, but lack the words - even more so in English - to express.

    1. Charlotte: In terms of these matters, I can be very wordy and particular.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Your badge is gorgeous and a million times more attractive than those "official" badges. What were they thinking?

    1. Debra: I'm sure they have a different opinion on their official badges. Maybe they are going for something I cannot see.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Nice badge I hope you try

    1. Christine: Yes, I am doing the challenge. Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day

  4. The first badge is my favourite...I'm not a huge fan of the black lettering on the second one. That being said, both are much better than the official ones. I agree that those logos don't express hope, positivity and victory...they're classy, but rather gloomy, and some details are lost to the eye.

    Good luck with the challenge if you decide to participate!

    1. Roberta: Yeah, the black one, the text seems too strong being black, maybe I should have gone with a dark gray.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


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- Kurt Vonnegut