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December 22, 2023

The 2023 Book Awards

I like to list some of my best and worst reads this year but I have forgotten every book I read. But upon looking at my blog archives, I can sort of remember them and noted that I didn't read much this year. So instead of best and worst reads, here is a very short list of awards for books I read in 2023.

01 - A book with the most disappointing ending:
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien  > link
Some bits were boring but mostly an okay read but I'm disappointed by the ending. If the readers are to follow these people, then why aren't these people doing the one important thing that the story was leading toward? I don't get it. But now I can said I have read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings but I'm still not a fan of either one. I don't think I want to see the movie which seems to be in three parts - how can they make a short book into a 6 hour movie anyway?

Scent of Fear (Scent Series Book 1) by NJ Litz
02 - The book with the most exasperating love interest:
Scent of Fear (Scent Series Book 1) by NJ Litz  > link
This male love interest (also the male lead) left such a bad impression on me that I hope he was the killer. (I don't recall his name and that's how much I couldn't stand the guy.) We get to be in his head, which is not a good thing, and he gives off an impression of being a womanizer and a terrible father. Instead of talking to his daughter or spending time with her and trying to understand her, he just leaves her with his mother or with the female lead or with anyone. He is a fellow who likes to 'keep his women's heart racing' (that's the wording in the book) which I'm guessing means he wants them to be excited to be in his presence or... something. For a cop with experience, he didn't think criminals would be smart enough to have backup escape plans nor going into an operation, did he bother to check to see if there are escape routes criminals can get out. And for a cop, heck, for a man who had seen a lot, I would think he would be more open-minded and hold judgement on a person and not judge them by their relation to another. If the author had simply not let us into his head, we might have a better impression of him through the female lead. (The female lead is not much better because she wants to find the killer to impress the male lead/win his heart which I laughed at when she had that thought.)

03 - The most hype book that somehow bored me:
The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman > link
This is the book I waited almost a year to read from the library which I can't say is worth the wait. The first chapter was good, which reads like a prologue, and then it became meh. The humor was not funny to me. The main characters sounded like children who pretended to be adults but not even in a funny way. The mystery was bland. The book was mostly thoughts, lots of dumb thoughts and also, lots of talk of death, dying and final days. The good thing about this book is that I didn't pay 13 dollars to read it.

How was your 2023 reading year? Did you read much?


  1. Yeah, don't get me started about how they padded out that little Hobbit book into 3 full length movies. Major overkill but they were cashing in on the LOTR fandom. I never read "The Thursday Murder Club" but my sister did and she must have enjoyed it, because she asked for his newest book for Christmas.

    1. Debra: Some movies are just way too long. No idea how they can make the Hobbit so long as I don't think much happened in the book.

      I guess your sister and I have very different reading taste. I hope she gets to enjoy the rest of the series.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. I haven't seen the Lord of the Rings or the Hobbit movie. And won't. I cannot watch movies of books I have read because they tamper with the script so much. I did enjoy the Thursday Murder Club, but fear that he has used up his ideas for the series.

    1. Elephant's Child: Adaptations can sometimes ruin the book or the story so I sometimes won't watch them.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Replies
    1. Christine: Thanks for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  4. I've never read Tolkien, simply because I'm not a fan of straight-up fantasy books...maybe I didn't miss much LOL.

    "This male love interest (also the male lead) left such a bad impression on me that I hope he was the killer."
    😂 This sounds like a terrible book all around, to be honest...

    "This is the book I waited almost a year to read from the library which I can't say is worth the wait. [...]. The good thing about this book is that I didn't pay 13 dollars to read it."
    Haha! I can't believe you had to wait a year, too - I had never heard of that book before, but I guess it IS hyped, for it to generate a waiting line so long.

    1. Roberta R.: Honestly, The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit are the only Tolkien books I'll ever read because I'm always up full fantasy books either.

      That Scent of fear book, I think the author didn't quite know how to write likable characters.

      Some popular books have wait lists at the library simply for their popularity. I'm glad I didn't pay to read that particular book so waiting wasn't all that bad. That is a cozy murder mystery - I don't think you read many of those but maybe I'm wrong.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. The Hobbit movies are definitely missable. And that was the question- how do you make a relatively short book into 6 HOURS? They didn't need to ha.

    1. Greg: I guess the director loves to make long movies? There are extended editions of his movies. Honestly, I don't get why.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


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