"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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December 10, 2023

Books I'm not reading but still sort of want to

I thought I list the books on my kindle that I am sort of not reading even though I started on them already. These are books that I still want to finish but somehow couldn't yet. It's just so easy to purchase/download a free book and think you'll read it later.
    The problem with unfinished books is that, when you try to continue to read them, the excitement, the interest, the joy, for the book is kind of lost. And then you have to try to recapture that which may require a bit of re-reading. I think if you get immersed in a book, any book might become a great read but I guess moody readers like me don't always get immersed in books all that easily. 
    Here are the unread books on my kindle that I started but never finished but kind of still want to read them.

01 - Never Die: A standalone Mortal Techniques novel (The Mortal Techniques) by Rob J. Hayes > link
Read at: 9%
Note: The prologue was what make me wanted to read this. But after I started reading, I just didn't finish. I'm still interested in reading it but I just don't know when I'll continue.
Chance of actually finishing it: 50% out of 100%

02 - The Oz Collection - 15 books by L. Frank Baum
> link
Read at: 6%
Note: I wanted to read the first book (The wonderful wizard of oz) which I did read but then I didn't want to read the rest because the first book was repetitive and not much fun and I didn't quite like the characters but I like the ideas.
Chance of actually finishing it: 0.5%

03 - Percy Jackson Demigod Collection
(The Lightning Thief; The Lost Hero; The Hidden Oracle) by Rick Riordan  > link
Read at: 3%
Note: It was on sale for 2 dollars or something so I snatched it up, started reading the first book and then quickly lost interest in the main character and the things he do. I guess teenage boys are not my favorite type of main characters.
Chance of actually finishing it: 0.5%

04 - Penny Küfer Investigates: Books 1 - 3: A Cozy Mystery Collection by Alex Wagner
> link
Read at: 10%
Note: They said this is for fans of Agatha Christie and the first book is titled: Murder on the Occident Express and takes place on a futuristic train but not like Christie's books at all as the mystery is not quite there. I also didn't like the main character and maybe because her behavior is somewhat questionable plus she is a amateur detective who doesn't seem very smart.
Chance of actually finishing it: 2%

05 - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (AmazonClassics Edition) by Lewis Carroll
> link
Read at: 6%
Note: I thought I wanted to read the book but I started on it and then realized I really didn't.
Chance of actually finishing it: 0.1%

06 - A Cat's Guide to Bonding with Dragons: A Humorous Fantasy Adventure (Dragoncat Book 1) by Chris Behrsin
> link
Read at: 8%
Note: It started amusing but the main character (the cat) became kind of annoying somehow.
Chance of actually finishing it: 0.1%

07 - Frankenstein - The Grey Translation by Mary Shelley, Aldwin Grey
> link
Read at: 4%
Note: I wanted to read Frankenstein but not in the old language so I thought I try this Grey modern translation but somehow I just didn't continue. This also have the original Shelley version which I thought I would read after reading the modern version.
Chance of actually finishing it: 5%

08 - The Bear and the Nightingale (Winternight Trilogy Book 1) by Katherine Arden
> link
Read at: 2%
Note: I wanted to read this because it is sort of a Beauty and the beast retelling but after reading a couple of reviews and know there will be some sort of sexual assault scene, that put me off for a time. But I did start it but I lost interest.
Chance of actually finishing it: 0.1%

09 - Echo North by Joanna Ruth Meyer
> link
Read at: 34% but I reverted to the beginning because I forgot what I read so it's at 1%
Note: This was like a East of the Sun, West of the Moon retelling which I have always liked. I started reading this and then never finished. After a few years sitting on my kindle, I thought I should finish it but I have completely forgotten what I read so I returned to the beginning but somehow read only a few sentences.
Chance of actually finishing it: 10%

10 - Tuesdays at the Castle Series: A 5-Book Bundle by Jessica Day George
> link
Read at: 6%
Note: I read the first book (Tuesdays at the castle) and liked it so when this 5-book collection went on sale for 2 dollars, I brought it but I never read the other four books even though they are the types of books I enjoy reading.
Chance of actually finishing it: 0.1%

11 - Truthwitch (book 1) & Bloodwitch (book 3) (The Witchlands series) by Susan Dennard
> link
Read at: 10% (Truthwitch), 1% (Bloodwitch)
Note: I brought the first and then the third book because it was on sale but somehow, I just couldn't finish book one. So I thought I should just read the third book but I never got around to it. That is the perils of buying books on sale.
Chance of actually finishing either book: 0.1%

12 - The Perils of Pernicious Potions (A Wags to Witches Cozy Mystery Book 1) by Cordelia Rook
> link
Read at: 39%
Note: I like reading witch mysterious with sometimes murder so I often download any free ebooks of them and this is one of them. This really started out fun but I don't know remember why I didn't finish it but it was probably because I was bored. I don't even remember what this was about.
Chance of actually finishing it: 1%

13 - Rules of the Flame: A Paranormal Cozy Mystery (Witches of Hellforge Hatchery Book 1) by Skye Sullivan
> link
Read at: 40%
Note: Another one of those witch mystery books which started good (like a lot of books I read) but I didn't finish it. It was slightly amusing so maybe I'll finish this someday.
Chance of actually finishing it: 40%

14 - The Curious Case of Emily Lickenson (Emily Lickenson Cozy Mystery series Book 1) by CeeCee Jame
s > link
Read at: 24%
Note: Another one of those witch mystery books but I think I brought it because of the name Emily Lickenson. Started it but it was a bit boring.
Chance of actually finishing it: 1%

15 - Witch in Progress (A Blair Wilkes Mystery Book 1) by Elle Adams
> link
Read at: 23%
Note: Another one of those witch mystery books. I can't even remember what this was about or what I had read.
Chance of actually finishing it: 0.5%
16 - Para-Military Recruiter Boxed Set 1: Books 1-4 by Renée Jaggér, Michael Anderle
> link
Read at: 7%
Note: I like the premise and it was quite amusing in the beginning of book one but somehow it just became dull and there were vampires in it which I found sort of not quite right for the story and they made it sounded like they will be around a whole lot which I just don't like plus there was some scenes that should have been fun but wasn't.
Chance of actually finishing it: 1%

17 - Played (Paranormal Penny Mysteries Book 5) by Sarah Hualde
> link
Read at: 14%
Note: I like the first three books and then book 4 was kind of going in the direction I didn't like so I sort just didn't want to read this book 5. The way they changed the covers so the main character is a super-skinny, supermodel irks me. The original cover shows the back of the main character and even though she was skinny there (the character is overweight), the illustrations seems more fitting for the character, someone who is not quite put together and probably wouldn't look like a model.
Chance of actually finishing it: 20%

18 - Sweet Dreams (Eternal Rest Bed and Breakfast Paranormal Cozy Mysteries Book 1) by Beth Dolgner
> link
Read at: 3%
Note: It's odd but I might have read this book and forgot it so I decided to read it again but somehow I never finished it.
Chance of actually finishing it: 1%

19 - Ghostlight (The Reflected City Book 1) by Rabia Gale
> link
Read at: 34%
Note: I did really like the beginning but somehow I just didn't finish. I found this book because the photograph of the lady is used on other book covers and I had this foolish idea of reading books with the same cover art and do comparison post on it but I guess it's good I didn't buy the other books.
Chance of actually finishing it: 50%

20 - Witches, Histories, & Murders: A Paranormal Cozy Mystery (Paisley Island Cozy Mysteries Book 1) by Scarlett Moss
> link
Read at: 34%
Note: Another witch mystery so that's probably why I got it. I really did like the beginning but it seems to veer off into a different sort of story but I think I'll try to finish it to see where it goes.
Chance of actually finishing it: 50%

Do you have any unread books that you somehow want to finish?


  1. This is a great subject for a reading post! Yes, I've got quite a few books where I start to read them and then just fizzle out because of lack of interest. So very few books seem to just GRAB ME these days.

    1. Debra: I don't know why some books just make you lose interest but then again, it might be me.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Chance of finishing .. haha good way to put it -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

    1. Christine: I thought putting the chances bit is kind of amusing.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. You will read again when you are ready - and when the right book presents itself.

    1. Elephant's Child: Thanks. I hope so too.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. I sometimes feel this way. Hopefully you find a book you love. Regine

    1. Regine: I hope too to find new books to love, if not any of these on the list.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. I was kind of fascinated as a kid to discover there was a whole Oz series. Even though I don't love the movie, it seemed like wow there so many more stories. Also, I really liked Tuesdays at the castle, I think I read the first three or whatever

    1. Greg: I was also surprised there were so many books after the first one. I did like the movie but I didn't love it either.

      I remember reading 'Tuesday at the castle' and liking it, don't know why I was reluctant to read the other books.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  6. Oh no I think my comment disappeared. Might have gone to spam. Anyway I commented about Oz and I liked the Tuesdays books I read...

    1. Greg: Sorry about that. Your comment got marked as spam. I have released it back to the wild. I hadn't any comment marked a spam in a while but I guess google decided it wants to do something to show it has been working.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  7. I've been meaning to read the Oz series for a while, but I just haven't found the motivation to do it. I enjoyed Truthwitch, but never got around to the rest of the series. Hope you have a great day! :)

    1. Ashley Sapp: I really thought I would like Truthwitch but I couldn't even finish the first few chapters of that first book.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  8. I grew up reading the Oz books and my favorites were Ozma of Oz, Glinda of Oz, and Tik-Tok of Oz. They're the best of the 14 Oz books...so if you ever do go back to that series, try one of those. :D

    1. Lark: Was it 14 instead of 15 books? Doesn't matter. I'll keep a list of the three books you mentioned to maybe try if I ever I want to read an Oz story.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  9. This happens to me sometimes, too. If it seems like a good book and the problem is with me, the reader (lack of attention or inability to focus, or just not in the right mood), I'll shelve it and hope to come back to later. One book I tried three times, gave up the first two, third attempt it turned into one of my favorite books (and still is)!

    1. Jeane: Yes, I agree with you, it may be the reader that is lacking something. There was a book I read (or maybe half read) that I didn't like but I picked it up later and really almost loved it so yeah, it's probably me. I'm moody a reader.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut