"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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December 20, 2023

Slightly Odd Questions About Not Reading

I'm on a reading pause so maybe it's why these questions came to me. Here are some unnecessary and maybe odd questions about not reading. Answer at your own peril.

01 - What book or books you're currently not reading?

02 - Do you use books you're not reading for other things
(ie, using a hardcover as a temporary table or using your ebook reader as a light source)

03 - Are the books you're not reading square, rectangle, curvy or shaped like some extinct, oddly-shaped, cartoon character you have seen on television when you were a child?

04 - Do unread books fly when you throw them out the window?

05 - When you look at the pile (or at the list) of the unread (or unfinished) books, do you, (a) feel embarrassed but then ignore the pile, (b) sort through the books to maybe remove some from the pile, (c) ask yourself why you're not a faster reader or (d) shrug and pretend you haven't seen anything and move on to something else?

06 - When not reading, do you think about not reading?

07 - How long can you go without reading a book?

08 - Do you go to the bookstores and pretend to pick out books but you're really people watching?

09 - Do you sometimes sell/give away/return to the library your unread books so you don't have to read them?

10 - Do you buy more books just so you don't have to read the books you're not reading?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

My answers:

01 - What book or books you're currently not reading?
I have listed them over at this post.

02 - Do you use books you're not reading for other things?
Sometimes. I have a hardcover I used to make the surface higher to use my computer mouse.

03 - Are the books you're not reading square, rectangle, curvy or shaped like some extinct, oddly-shaped, cartoon character you have seen on television when you were a child?
They are all (maybe) shapeless since they are ebooks but my kindle reader is rectangle.

04 - Do unread books fly when you throw them out the window?
Absolutely, especially when you throw them high enough.

05 - When you look at the pile (or at the list) of the unread (or unfinished) books, do you, (a) feel embarrassed but then ignore the pile, (b) sort through the books to maybe remove some from the pile, (c) ask yourself why you're not a faster reader or (d) shrug and pretend you haven't seen anything and move on to something else?
D for me because I can ignore them as they are on my kindle which I see once in a while.

06 - When not reading, do you think about not reading?
Sometimes. And sometimes I wonder if reading is something I'm losing interest in.

07 - How long can you go without reading a book?
For a long while.

08 - Do you go to the bookstores and pretend to pick out books but you're really people watching?
Only when the books aren't exciting enough.

09 - Do you sometimes sell/give away/return to the library your unread books so you don't have to read them?
Yes to all.

10 - Do you buy more books just so you don't have to read the books you're not reading?
Yes. It's a bad habit from owning a kindle.


  1. I think unread books do fly when you throw them. Although I haven't tried.

    Reading is funny. I've always been a reader- it's like breathing- but I can go long periods without reading. It's just whenever I feel like doing it, I read.

    1. Greg: I'm with your on reading being funny. No one have to read all the time to be a reader so it's okay not to read for a long period of time.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. 1. I have about 10 books I'm not reading at the moment.
    2. They're on my Kindle so I can't really use them for other things.
    3 and 4. Again, Kindle.
    5. (d) I seem to be pretty good at ignoring them.
    6. I was once quite worried that I seem to have lost interest in reading. Now I just figure "Oh well, life is too short to force myself to do something I don't feel like doing, obviously."
    7. I can go years.
    8. At bookstores, I browse through the non-book items. I don't even pretend to look at the books, except to scan the "just published" racks.
    9. Can't do any of that with Kindle. So they just sit there forever.
    10. No. When I buy another book for my Kindle, it's because in that moment I really do want and intend to read that book out of pure interest's sake. Then the moment fades and passes.

    1. Debra: #6 - Exactly. We shouldn't force ourselves to do things we don't want unless it's absolutely necessary.

      #8 - I do sort of check out the just published/release racks because you never know what book might just strike you and make you want to read it.

      #10 - That's me sometimes too. I seem to buy books that interest me at the moment and then later when I try to read them, I don't want to.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. I cant imagine not reading. I read every day. Not always new books and my unread pile keeps growing. And growing.

    1. Elephant's Child: I wish I can be like you. I like to read every day too but I can't, my mind is just not in it.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. Hope you get back to reading more of these -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

    1. Christine: Thanks. I hope so too. And thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. Fun questions! For #1- I have 40+ books on my shelves that I bought years ago and still haven't read. They're mixed in with all my other books, though, so I don't have to look at a large guilty pile of them. #2-I've used books to write on before, and to prop up an uneven table. #4 totally made me laugh and want to give it a try. With #5 I often do both b & c. #6- I think about reading way too much. Mostly because I don't want to think about the rest of my life. #7- No more than a week! Even a few days is too long without a good book. #8- I haven't been to a bookstore in a long time...to look for books or to people watch. It's very sad. #9- Yes to both! #10- I've been trying to cut back on my book buying.

    1. Lark#LarkWrites: #1 - 40 books? I can't imagine but then again, I can because with a kindle, I can have about 100 books and not know it.

      #8 - I rarely go to bookstores but I like to go at least once a year just for the heck of it.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  6. 1. I have a ton of books I'm not currently reading - an ever growing amount.
    2. I have a book - an old leather bound one - on cattle diseases. It's just right for lifting up my monitor so that I can use my PC without crinking my neck.
    5. Neither. I look at my unread pile and look forwad to reading the books.
    6. No, when not reading I'm too busy to think of not reading.
    7. Not for very long. I read anything, table of contents, tickets, and so on if there's no book within reach. I would die or go mad if deprived of books / reading matters.
    8. In the bookstores I look at books, and at drawing materials, not people ... or if, only to help them.
    9. If a book is VERY boring or not to my taste, I do, yes. But as Iøm a fast reader VERY is the important word here.
    10. No, I only buy books I intend to read. I buy many books, all of them real books, as I do not have - or indeed intend to ever own - a Kindle or similar.

    1. Charlotte: #7 - I also sometimes read food package labels when I'm bored.

      #9 - I wish I can be a faster reader like you.

      #10 - I don't think you're missing anything by not getting a kindle or a e-reader.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  7. Ha, yes to number 2. I have an old HTML manual that holds up my monitor, just like Charlotte. And a very hefty homesteading manual that's a literal doorstop for my bedroom (the door creaks annoyingly if left to swing by itself). And I definitely do #6.

    1. Jeane: Books can be very useful, aren't they?

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  8. Right now I am not reading the last book in a YA fantasy series I borrowed from the library and is due in a few days... so I should probably get on that! I've already renewed once lol.

    1. paperbackprincess: For me, if I have to renew a book more than once, it's sign I'm not enjoying the book but it might not be the same for you so I hope you'll finish that book and enjoy it.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut