"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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December 01, 2023

November 2023 - A few brief thoughts

drawing - girl with winged umbrella and flowers in the rain
wings & sunshine (revised 2023)
01 - I read a book! No, I didn't, I'm lying. The last book I read was in September but a two month 'no reading' gap is not a terrible thing, right? I only touched my kindle ereader to charge it because for some odd reason, it turned itself on and ran the battery down (there is no off button or option to shut down but you can supposedly turn off the screen which can sort of conserve battery life). It might have been updating itself which it does if you keep the wifi on and when it does that, it doesn't turn the screen off. I actually think not having an off button is quite stupid but apparently no device maker wants you turn off their devices because there is no off button on any devices.

02 - November was an unforgettable month. How can one forget when a cockroach jumped on your head and freaked you out? I'm a total scaredy cat so when that happened, I was in a horrible mood (also slightly weary and angry) for days. Of course in my fright, I squashed the bastard - what else are you to do in such situation? Do you try to kick it out of your home? Make friends with it? Coincidently I was writing a story with the word cockroach in it when it happened or was it not a coincident but a reminder not to write such things?

03 - I don't know why I bother posting these monthly updates/briefs. When I started them, I had wanted to talk about the books I have read and the little things that happened to me but I live such a mundane life that #2 is really the most interesting thing that happened to me in November - that, and buying bed sheets. It's like the most mundane and yet frustrating thing to do since you have to decide on thread counts, types of material such as cotton or flannel cotton, the sizes such as full, twin, queen, the type of sheets such as fitted or flat, the pricing etc., etc, real exciting stuff to share with my fellow bloggers...

04 - I have created a page with links of all the fiction stories I have posted on this blog. Making this list reminds me of how many stories I have not completed. I don't know why but I keep starting on new stories and forget to finish the previous ones. Is it a bad habit or just how I write? (The link is below the header under 'writing'. Or go here if you're too lazy to click above.)

How was your November? I hope December is being good to you.


  1. That is such a coincidence about the cockroach! But I probably would've shrieked as well.

    1. paperbackprincess: It's a mad coincident, I think.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Cannot believe you stopped reading for so long -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

    1. Christine: It's odd to me too as I've been a reader almost all my life.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. A cockroach ran across my leg once in a rental car in Maui. FREAKED ME RIGHT OUT.

    1. Debra She Who Seeks: I think anyone would be freaked out.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. I 'think' I would have escorted the cockroach outside. Quickly. Having anything crawling on my head freaks me out though.
    No off button infuriates me.

    1. Elephant's Child: Escort? I don't know if I would be that polite.

      No off button - if only we can live without some of these devices.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. Cockroaches. I lived in an apartment once where I saw one- apparently the apartment down the hall was infested. Awful. I got out of there so fast lol. And yes why are things like sheets so complicated????

    Thanks for the Writings link!

    1. Greg: I think I would have run too in your place. Shopping now is a bit complicated with so many options.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  6. Oh my, cockroaches are my absolute nemesis - I also hate worms and snakes and scorpions, but roaches? they make me sick. So, I mean, having one jump on my head, of all places, would be the ultimate nightmare. I'm sorry you had such an awful experience. The story coincidence was fun, though...

    Ha! I know what you mean about only having mundane things to share - though it seems like I'm mostly sharing dramatic things lately (well, at least they're dramatic for me...but some of them indeed are).

    Good idea to make a list of all your stories - I think I might revisit some of my favourite one day...and I hope you get to finish the ones you originally meant to.

    1. I forgot to mention, your art above is among the best you've ever done. The idea, the colouring...

    2. Roberta: You just listed all the things I hated also. That was a mad coincidence if you ask me.

      Live can be a bit mundane but I suppose it's better than having problems.

      I actually enjoyed making that writing list. I'm a bit of an organized freak when it comes to lists like these. It's a shame I can't make a living making lists.

      That one is one my favorite creations. The original hand drawing is a bit different. You can see it here. I don't think I have ever made another quite as good since then.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut