"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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December 30, 2023

December 2023 & End of Year Thoughts

invisible reader with a book and surrounded by books
the (unseen) reader, 2023

01 - For the beginning of December, I had the brilliant idea of walking the Brooklyn Bridge on a weekday after 10am and it was hell. More people than anyone can handle plus street vendors took half the bridge so that made it even more crowded. Then there were these photo booths where you stand on a pedal that spins and a camera twirls around you and take shots - I don't know who thought that up but it's like the silliest thing I ever saw. And forget biking, there's no room but below the bridge there is a specific bike lane which I guess it's why there were no cyclist on the bridge. I was exhausted by the crowd and only made it pass one of the arches and turned back. It used to be more pleasant and yeah, there was a crowd but there was only people, not this circus mall. I don't think I'll walk it again anytime soon.

02 - I wanted to change the whole look of my blog but I ended up changing the header and to a darker background so not much changes. The header is only slightly new-ish. I also updated my bookmarks, writings and artworks pages. (I don't think I ever explained why the girl is wearing a rabbit-ear hair accessory. Rabbit is my zodiac Chinese sign so I'm kind of attach to rabbits and bunnies in general. Sometimes there is explanations for the things I do and other times it's all nonsense.) Go here to see all the past headers for this blog.

previous header

03 - I finally figured out why I can't sign into Blogger in other people's blogs to comment. (FYI, I use a Mac and Firefox browser.) This had been annoying me for months and it's why I haven't been commenting on blogs that only allowed Blogger users to comment. (I did occasionally use Chrome to comment but I hate that browser. Safari had the same issue as Firefox). This issue has to do with cookies. If you turn on Enhanced Tracking Protection (which blocks cookies), you can't sign in but if you turn it off, you can. I don't know how it got changed. I never changed the settings to Firefox but Firefox did force me to keep updating about a million times a week so who knew how things got changed. I don't know if I can blame google for this but after they changed the spam filter, commenting has been a mess. I don't really know much about tracking but it seems to be a bad thing but I guess if I want to comment on Blogger blogs, I'll have to allow it and turn off the tracking protection. Go here to learn how to turn off tracking protection in Firefox and over here to learn about browser tracking.
message I get when I can't sign into Blogger to comment
    Also, I had to turned off (actually hide as there is no off) comments on my old blog because Blogger keeps marking comments that are already published as spam. What's the point of this? It wasn't doing that for a while and then it suddenly decided to do it. What is this randomness of actively creating problems for Blogger users? Do google just schedule these things now and just so users can have something to complain about?

04 - I almost forgot I had finished this year's A-Z Challenge but I'm quitting A-Z altogether after this year. I really like the challenge because it challenges me to be a more active blogger but now I find the challenge more work than fun so I quit. I was thinking of doing the challenge next year with favorite past challenge posts but I gave up that idea. (Go here to check my 2023 A-Z posts, the links are at the end of the post.)

05 - This has been a short reading year for me. That is, for about three months, I barely read. I don't call this a reading slump, it's more like a reading pause or something like it. I've been a reader almost all my life and this is really the only time I have ever not read continuously. I do wonder if my love for reading is fading but I don't like to speculate too much on it because there will always be books to entice me to read so that's that.

06 - My kindle accidentally fell to the floor. Okay, I might have been slightly involved in that little incident. Now it won't download books correctly but after a restart or two, it's working again. (This is why I think the kindle is created to be a self-sustaining dummy because after every restart, it keeps carrying on as if nothing is wrong.) But now it keeps changing book covers to other book covers so that I had accidentally deleted downloads thinking they're duplicates. This duplicate cover error had been around even before my kindle fell to the floor. The issue had been gone for a while so I have no idea why it suddenly appear again. I have expected my kindle to last at least 5 or more years before getting a new one (I had it for a little over 3 years). I don't want to say I hate my kindle but my love for it is slowly dying, just like my kindle.

07 - 2023 was an okay year. I think as long as I can blog (aka complain about things), it means I'm actually doing stuff and not sitting around all day doing nothing but actually I probably did sit around all day doing nothing because I'm a lazy couch potato. I don't remember how I spent most of my time but I'm sure I did a lot screen staring.
    My creativity and activity this year was at a all time low, almost like I barely did anything. But I'm not going to make goals to draw more or write more or read more or blog more or do more because I couldn't really do them anyway. I think as long as I'm still around, it's all good. At least, I'm not actively reading the news and worrying about the world ending (I kind of did that a few times already.) Nothing too horrible had happened to me so I can say 2023 is or was a good year. Let's end at that.

How was your December and your overall 2023? I hope 2024 will be good to you.


  1. Happy New Year to you. 2023 was ok, though health issues reared their ugly heads. Sigh. And thanks for the tips about Firefox. I will explore that a bit later. I have been using Chrome to comment - which is an irritation. and yes, I am irritated when blogger goes back in time to mark comments on my blog (including my own) as spam.

    1. Elephant's Child: I don't like using Chrome either. I hope 2024 will be good to you.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. I like your new header and, although I am not a Rabbit myself in the Asian zodiac, I know and like many Rabbits! Happy New Year and wishing you a great 2024!

    1. Debra: I hope you have a great 2024 as well.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. The quiet look of ypur blog is pleasing to the eye. And I always like your drawings. For me 2023 has been a bitch of a year, and I'm happy to see it to the door tomorrow.
    Here's hoping that 2024 will be better for all of us.

    1. Charlotte: I try to make my blog not so irrating for the eyes as my own eyesight isn't so great.

      I hope 2024 will be better for all of us as well.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. Replies
    1. Christine: It's new year as I write this so Happy New Year!

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. You know, I watched a walking tour video of a Brooklyn Bridge crossing and they said the same thing- the street vendors now take up half the bridge! I like the new look. I'll have to check out the updated art pages. And that's interesting about Blogger! I'd never have known!

    I'm avoiding news too and I've always been a news junkie. I guess now too much stress and I prefer to d osomething fun

    1. Greg: Walking the Brooklyn Bridge used to be better, certainly, the vendors had stayed only at the beginning of the bridge. Sadly, I don't think things will change so no more bridge walks.

      I don't know much about tracking but there is a definitely change somewhere. The strange thing was, on some blogs, when the tracking protection is turned on, you can still sign into Blogger so I don't know why. I have corrected some of my wording for #3 as I made some mistakes there.

      I try not read the news but it's hard to avoid hearing or seeing them when they are talk about in blogs and social media.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  6. I remember you used to walk the bridge on New Year's Day...I think you haven't mentioned it for a while though...maybe things have slowly changed for the worst while you weren't doing that. A pity though.

    I love the new header with the curved lettering! I didn't know why your girl had that rabbit-ear band. Nice detail.

    I use Chrome, so I didn't know about the Firefox issue. I wish Blogger would implement a better comment system (and give us back the email subscription tool), but it's wishful thinking. We should deem ourselves lucky if Blogger continues to exist...Also, I'm having the same problem as you with old comments reverting to spam - even my own. Shame. And what in the world? Where's the sense in that?

    I'm sorry for your slump...ahem...pause...but I'm sure you'll find your reading mojo again when you least expect it.

    I did a lot of screen staring as well this year...amidst some blogging sprints. Of course, my year was a complete mess, so I don't think I can be blamed for that. But you can't either...one can't fake motivation. I hope you'll ultimately feel your creative juices flow again - I know you will 🙂. Happy 2024!

    1. Roberta: Yes, I used to walk the Brooklyn Bridge before it got too crowded. That December walk was really the last now since the walk is no longer pleasant.

      Sometimes I have reasons for my art making choices and other times, no so much.

      Yep, Blogger is just odd. I would actually use chrome but for some reason, I really dislike that browser. I did use it sometimes to make comments because of the tracking/cookies issues.

      Reading slump, reading pause, yeah, doesn't matter what it's call it, and you're right, I'll find a book to enjoy soon enough.

      It's true. You just can't fake motivation.

      I hope 2024 is being good to you.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut