"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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February 07, 2023

Words for Wednesday Prompts - Feb. 8, 2023

Words for Wednesday scrabble tiles
This February, I'm the host for Words for Wednesday. Words for Wednesday was started by Delores and now is hosted by various people on various blogs. The aim of Words for Wednesday is to encourage us to write using some or all of the prompts. This week's prompts are numbers:
1 - seventeen (17)
2 - seven (7)
3 - six (6)
4 - ten (10)
5 - nine (9)
6 - thirteen (13)
7 - twenty-five (25)

You may write your piece in the comments or post it on your blog. If posting on your blog, please leave a direct link to the post so we can all visit you. Have fun writing!


  1. I'm off to work on a story, an idea is rattling and we'll see where it leads.

    1. messymini: I'm looking forward to reading whatever you come up with.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Replies
    1. Cindi: Read it, perfect use of the prompts.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. All numbers! That's different. I'll see what I can come up with.

    1. River: Numbers are words too but I guess in a way, not quite. It would be interesting to see how people interpret them.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. Matilda was twenty-five years old and had recently given birth to her first child. She was awaiting the number 9 train. It would take her and the new baby back to Tulsa, Oklahoma. Her family would be waiting to meet their first grandchild. She counted at least 17 others awaiting this same train. It was scheduled to arrive at seven o'clock but was already late. Her sweet babe began to cry loudly. A young man who was about thirteen years old approached Matilda and ask if he could help her with the infant. This was surprising to have such a young person offer his help. "Are you sure?" she ask. The boy replied with confidence, "I been taking care of my six-year-old sister since she was a new baby". The boy helped her until the very late train finally arrived three hours late at ten o clock. The young man rode with Matilda and helped her with the baby all the way to Tulsa. Matilda wanted to introduce the boy to her parents. She turned to brag on the boy but he was gone and did not get the money she had wanted to give him.

    1. Granny Annie: That was sweet. You really don't see children being that helpful these days. Good use of the prompts.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    2. A wonderful story! I've known a few young people who would have done that, they are rare gems.

  5. The Yılmaz family lived at number seventeen above the Erdoğans who lived at number seven. Next door at number six lived old Mr and Mrs Osman with their cat Hamza. He was always there to greet me when I came home from school. We lived at number ten - all nine of us including my disabled sister Dilara whose name means "she who delights the heart". At number thirteen lived my best friend Mehmet and the rest of the Ulusoy family.

    They estimate that a hundred and twenty five people lived in our apartment block but only three survived and by the grace of God, I am one of them but how shall I live now that the dust has settled?

    1. Heartbreaking good use of the prompts

    2. Yorkshire Pudding: Good use of the prompts. I haven't even thought of house numbers.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    3. Good use of the prompts and oh, so sad.

  6. I used your "Words" - Numerals are words too, but I am not sure I like tham as much as them other words ;)

    1. Charlotte: Numbers are words but I guess perhaps we don't think too much about them since we use them all the time and probably don't even notice it.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  7. I'm in 7th heaven because (17 + 13 + 10) - 25 = 6 + 9.

    1. Mike: My math sucks but I'll believe whatever you said.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut