"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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February 24, 2023

The L. M. Montgomery Tag

This is the tag for the We Love L. M. Montgomery Week hosted by Hamlette's Soliloquy over here.

1. Who introduced you to L. M. Montgomery's writing? Tell us the story!
No one or maybe everyone since I heard about the 1985 Anne of Green Gables movie and then decided I want to read the books.

2. What LMM books have you read?
I read all 20 novels (The Anne of Green Gables series, the Emily Starr trilogy, Pat of Silver Bush & Mistress Pat, The Blue Castle, Jane of Lantern Hill, A Tangled Web, Magic for Marigold, The Story Girl & The Golden Road, and Kilmeny of The Orchard) which is really all of Montgomery's novels. I might have read some of her short stories but I have forgotten which. I recently read The Alpine Path which is a series of essays that Montgomery wrote for a magazine.
L.M. Montgomery books

3. What movies or shows based on her books have you watched?
The 1985 movies (they call them mini-series) but I don't like the last two movies all that much as it does not follow the books at all. I don't get why the sudden need for an original new stories but who knows what the director/writer was thinking?

4. Which LMM character is your kindred spirit, the one you'd like to hang out with in real life?
Anne Shirley but she's probably not my kindred spirit, that is, if you think of kindred spirit as someone similiar to you but I would like to hang out with Anne anyway but also any of the Blythe children from Rainbow Valley will also be kind of fun to hang out.

5. Which LMM character do you relate to the most? And why?
Una Meredith or Matthew Cuthbert as they are both shy people but underneath, they can be daring or even quite tenacious.

6. Have you ever been to Prince Edward Island?

No. Sadly, I doubt I would ever go. It seems now it's more of a tourist attraction rather than a real place but if I can go back in time, I would definitely visit the island.

7. Who is your favorite LMM heroine?
I like to say Anne Shirley but I don't know. I find all the females characters quite strong and sort of heroic in their own way, even Marilla Cuthbert, so I don't want to choose.

8. Who is your favorite LMM hero?
Matthew Cuthbert or maybe Mr. Carpenter (a teacher from the Emily Starr series) but I find most of the male characters not quite as matching up to the females as I think they are way too old fashioned.

9. Do you have any fun merch related to her books? If so, please share some photos!
Books are merchs also. I certainly treasure them like gifts.

10. What are some of your favorite LMM quotations?

I can't remember any of them but the two I do remember from The Blue Castle:

"I've stayed on earth in my dreams."

"You see — I've never had any real life. I've just breathed."
- which is spoken by Valancy Stirling. (Originally: "You see — I've never had any real life," she said. "I've just — breathed. Every door has always been shut to me.")

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Here's the LMM Tag questions if you would like to answer them:

1. Who introduced you to L. M. Montgomery's writing?  Tell us the story!
2. What LMM books have you read?
3. What movies or shows based on her books have you watched?
4. Which LMM character is your kindred spirit, the one you'd like to hang out with in real life?
5. Which LMM character do you relate to the most?  And why?
6. Have you ever been to Prince Edward Island?
7. Who is your favorite LMM heroine?
8. Who is your favorite LMM hero?
9. Do you have any fun merch related to her books?  If so, please share some photos!
10. What are some of your favorite LMM quotations?


  1. I've never read Anne of Green Gables or LMM generally but they sound so important to so many readers. and Prince edward Island does sound lovely, although yes it is probably very touristy now...

    1. Greg: I think young girls or young ladies are the target audience for these books as most of them have girl/lady protagonist. I haven't read any guy saying they enjoy these books but maybe you can try a book or two.

      The way LMM described Prince Edward Island certainly sounds like a paradise but as with most places, it has probably changed over the years.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    2. I haven't either- and now you have me curious as to how many guys enjoyed those books (probably some but maybe they wouldn't want to admit it)

  2. Wow! That's wonderful you've read all her books! <3

    I agree, I wish the director would have stuck with the plot of the books. I especially would have liked to see the scene where Gilbert plays Santa Clause at Christmas which was in "Anne of Ingleside." It was so cute and funny.

    I never even thought of going back in time to the Island but that would be wonderful to avoid the touristy things and see it as LMM would have. <3

    It was fun to read your answers! Have a blessed day!

    1. Sarah: LLM has tons of short stories that I still haven't read and also poetries.

      Just because a place has turned a bit touristy doesn't mean you shouldn't go check it out but I do prefer to visit the old Prince Edward Island more.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Never read any of her books and probably never will.

    1. River: That's fine. Not everyone can be fan.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. No matter how many times I saw the 80s movies growing up, I'm not sure I've read the books. Someday maybe I will though. Until then, I still love the movies and all of the iconic characters, too.

    1. Rissi: To read or not to read, it's the great debate. But one can enjoy a movie without reading the book so, there's that.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. How cool that you have read all of her novels! I still have 5 to go.

    Una and Matthew are both really relatable to me too, as I am also so shy as to have trouble in social situations a lot of times.

    1. Hamlette: If she had written more novels, I think I might read them as well.

      Una and Matthew - I think they are the same sort of person and they are so relatable.

      Thank for you hosting this blog event. I enjoyed it very much.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut