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February 23, 2023

Some baffling and weird L. M. Montgomery book covers

We Love L. M. Montgomery Week
For We Love L. M. Montgomery Week (Feb. 20-24), I am sharing some book covers that aren't what you call classy covers. As you might know, most of Montgomery's books are in the public domain so anyone can publish them if they have the text. This list consisted of mostly books published by unknown publishers and probably books I wouldn't buy not just for the bad covers but also for the not-so-great text formatting. I'm not going to make links to the books but if you're interested in checking them out, they can be found at amazon. If you're an ebook reader, you can find some of  Montgomery's books at Project Gutenberg here. Check out We Love L. M. Montgomery Week at Hamlette's Soliloquy here.

01 - Mistress Pat
If they were trying for a bland cover, this got it right. This says nothing about the book although if you see those curved shapes as faces, then it's just plain weird.

02 - The Blue Castle
The book doesn't even take place in that period but Valancy had dreams so perhaps think of this as one of her dream sequence?

03 - Kilmeny of The Orchard
I'm afraid to ask why there are eyes here.

04 - Anne of Avonlea
I suppose they are trying to convey some sort of fantasy imagery? Certainly Anne wasn't a blond but it could be some other character.

05 - Anne of Avonlea
This is some artist's idea of something... I suppose Avonlea made the title sounded like a fantasy although I don't know why the bird is there or why paint is coming down her face or why she had neon pink lips or what is that strange fire-light flow.

06 - Emily of New Moon
It isn't horrible until you take a closer look.

07 - Anne of Green Gables
I believe that's a man on the cover. True suspense fiction? Sorry, nope.

08 - A Tangled Web
There are girls, ladies in the book but no cloudy scenes inside a library.

09 - Anne of Green Gables
Disney-fy anything and it will sell, well, probably not this. (If you don't know, that's a character from the movie Brave)

10 - Anne of Avonlea
Is that Anne Boyleyn? I'm pretty sure she is not in the book.

11 - Kilmeny of The Orchard
Definitely wrong sort of image to project. Is that a flying green lettuce at right? And is she holding a box? Why?

12 - Rilla of Ingleside
This was the image for another Montgomery book (Emily of New Moon) and quite hilarious because I'm pretty certain there are no dinosaurs in the book neither real, imagine or even a toy.


  1. This is a hilarious post, love it! My fave WTF covers are the creepy eyes, the polynesian woman on the canoe, the "true suspense fiction" tagline for AOGG, Anne Boleyn, and the dinosaur!

    1. Debra She Who Seeks: I think anything with dinosaur would sound fun.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. "Is that Anne Boyleyn? I'm pretty sure she is not in the book" <<< I'M SOBBING

    This is fantastic :D Thanks for rounding up these wild and wooly covers for our amusement!

    1. Katie Hanna: I've seen a lot of covers, some of which are not family-friendly.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. These are hilarious, interestingly I'm reading Anne of Avonlea right now and the fact that they make it look like a fantasy book in that cover is funny to me. Also, The Blue Castle cover looks more like a gothic novel to me than a L. M. Montgomery book, if I saw that cover I would assume it was something like The Castle of Otranto...

    Also the Anne Boyleyn one was funny to me. Wrong Anne. 😆

    1. Quinley: Avonlea does sound like a fantasy.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. This has made me laugh out loud!! The audacity of some designers to create arts without knowing what the book is about! The Anne Boleyn and the dinosaur are most hilarious! No. 8 is rather acceptable if you aren't familiar with LMM, but what was the designer of no. 7 thinking?!

    1. Fanda Classiclit: #8 is okay but still not right. Maybe there are guys named Anne (for #7)?

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. Ha! I made a comment recently about the cover of a book I'd - obviously the publisher had no idea of the story.

  6. That was meant to be "a book I'd read."

    1. Carol: There are many books out there with covers that are obviously not right for the book but people chose to put them out.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  7. Wow, those are so far off the mark. I wonder what those illustrators were thinking. Thanks for hunting up and showcasing these "treasures".

    1. Charlotte: I've see a lot more of these 'treasures' while hunting them down.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  8. Wow, these are eye-popping. That "Anne of Avonlea" cover looks like it wants to be "Twilight" so badly.

    1. Rebecca Deniston: Sometimes people use what sells.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  9. "I'm afraid to ask why there are eyes here."

    05 looks like a sci-fi cover LOL. And it does look like none of the artists that designed the covers have the faintest idea what the books are about...Your comments about 07, 09 and 10 made me laugh (I think someone swapped 07's cover with a different book? That's the only explanation...). As for 12, I will follow your example and add, "dino-fy anything and it will sell" 😂.

    1. Roberta R.: I'm glad you've enjoyed these.

      Adding dinosaur does make a book a bit more intersting.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  10. Haha! What a fun idea for a post :-D My goodness, some of these are truly bizarre. Especially that freaky Kilmeny cover. What even?!?

    1. Hamlette: I'm always interest in book covers so this is a good time to show some of the bizarre ones. I think books that are public domain all has odd covers, you can't escape them.

      That Kilmeny eye cover is just so hard to understand. Who the heck knows what the person putting that cover together was thinking.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


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