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September 06, 2022

Reasons why I would purchase books for my library

top ten tuesday

This week's Top Ten Tuesday is Books I loved so much I had to get a copy for my personal library (Submitted by Alecia @ The Staircase Reader) but I will tweak it a bit to Reasons why I would purchase books for my library. When I say library, I meant one skinny bookshelf and I usually like to get paperbacks or occasionally, when the paperback has a really awful cover, then hardcovers. For more Top Ten Tuesday, visit That Artsy Reader Girl here.

Reasons why I would purchase books for my library:

01 - To re-read them in paper form —  I do re-reads when I don't want to read my current books or if I'm feeling particularly wanting to read a book in paper form since I now mostly read ebooks. I definitely prefer to re-read books in paper format rather than in ebook format.

02 - To love them
— I don't know if that's true. Can you be loving a book if you just look at them on the shelf once in a while? Or if you flip through them thinking you might read them but end up not doing so?

03 - So I can have them — Yes, it's a real reason. I do have books that I have never re-read, I just have them after reading them only once. I don't particularly love them and yet, I don't know why I can't give them up.

04 - To display them — No one sees the books but me but I guess it gives me a certain satisfaction to see certain books around me. I suppose this is probably the same as #3. But I do only like to surround myself with books I have read and loved.

05 - To read them later — I would purchase books in paper format of books I haven't read before but I am sure I would love them which is a gamble because if I didn't love them, well, I guess it would be a pity. It's very easy to believe you would love a book even without reading them. I don't do this often because it can get very expensive.

06 - Impulse purchases — With impulse purchases, whatever reason I had when I'm at the store, somehow becomes different when I got the books home. Strangely, I haven't any impulses to buy books these days. I guess since I can borrow books from the library, there is no real reason to buy books unless I just go and make up a reason because who needs a reason to buy a book?

07 - 10 — Because they are books — So I really don't have ten reasons to list but for reasons I can't really explain, I just love owning books (in paperbacks or  hardcovers). My collection is small but it's better than not having any books at all. I think I saw in a movie or perhaps read in a book about a girl with a small collection of books that she kept reading over and over because that's all she have and yet, she enjoyed reading them which kind of makes me wonder if everyone has a small collection of books (even if it's just two or three books), then life would be wonderful but sadly, we can't consume books and live on them.

Do you purchase books to put them in your library because you love them or maybe you don't need any reasons to do so?


  1. Having paper books on hand is a great source of entertainment if the power goes out!

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-books-i-loved-so-much-i-had-to-get-a-copy-for-my-personal-library/

    1. Lydia Schoch: Yes, I agree with you but one must have a flashlight or a candle to read by if the power goes out.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. I have purchased books from the library at great prices

    1. Christine: I have yet to go to a library sale but I do like the idea.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. #4 is SO true! I love being surrounded by books. It just makes me feel cozy and happy.

    Happy TTT!

    1. Susan: Being sourrounded by books is just nice.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. I like having books to re- read in physical form, for sure. I almost never go back to books on my Kindle. Out of sight out of mind, I guess?

    I like surrounding myself with books as well. I guess it's a pleasure only us readers can understand??

    7-10 haha. Like how you did that :)

    1. Greg: It's true with ebooks. Once you don't see it, you sort of forget it.

      I don't know but I'm just used to having books around me so I can never get rid of all my books.

      7-10 - Hey, it works!

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. Yes, it is nice to own books in paperback and hardcover. Some books are so wonderful that you can reread and enjoy them over and over again.

    Thanks for visiting my Top Ten Tuesday list this week.

    1. Lectrice Vorace: It's true. Most of the books I own, I do re-read them and enjoy them again.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    2. Have a lovely day as well, Lissa.

  6. I loved paper books. Rereading them is a requirement before I put them on our very crowded bookshelves these days.

    1. Elephant's Child: I think it's nicer to have a book on your shelf you have read more so than having one that is unread.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  7. I totally understand all your reasons for buying books, they are the saem reason we all do that. I know there are people who don't understand why you would want to keep a book once you read it but they are often not avid readers. Once you fell in love with a story, you can't give it up.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT this week.

    1. Marianne: It's true, some books I only read once but somehow, I can't let them go.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  8. I love books as objects to have in my room and on my shelves so I would say that's the main reason I buy books, aside from to read and reread them! Nice list of reasons though, and I find giving up books very hard too! Thanks for stopping by my post and my blog in general!

    1. Zoë: I know how that is. First you got them to read and then you can't give them up.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  9. Yes, you can totally love a book that's sitting on your shelf even if you never seem to reread it! I know. I have many books like that on my shelves that are there because I love them. :D

    1. Lark: I guess books=love? It's better to just accept it and keep your books.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  10. I always want to have copies of my favorites in physical form- I really do hope someday to read them again if I can. And I've done so with quite a few! For me impulse buys only really happen if the books are super cheap (or free). Also if it's a book I wants to read and I'm pretty sure it's out of print, I'll take a chance on it and buy it. But if I know it's at my public library, I try to read them first and judge if I really love it enough to add to my library or not.

    1. Jeane: The price of a book really do makes one want to buy it even if we might not like the book as we expect. Having access to a library, I also try to read a book first before deciding if I want to buy it.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


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- Kurt Vonnegut