"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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August 12, 2021

Hello 2.0

drawing of girl against floral wall patterns
wallpaper girl
Hello again. I had already written an introduction over here but I thought I share more of why I decided to change url and other garbled thoughts that might have escaped.

01 | Moving to a new url is not a big deal for me, not when I have done this many times before. Change is part of living, I think. But there are very little things I can change these days except where I blog. I really do like to stay in one place but I can't make myself stay where I don't want to. If I make money off my blogs, it would make sense to stay in the same url. But my blog is kind of a hobby and who makes money off my blog other than google?

02 | I guess the main question is why move to a new space when I'm just going to post the same things as my previous blog? I don't have an answer for that. I had thoughts about making this a book blog but now I think it's probably not wise for a moody reader/blogger like me. I could just say this is a book blog because I do blog about books although not in any particular way. It's just a nice thought to have but doubtable I would ever call myself a book blogger.

03 | Starting over is not for everyone. Not only in losing readers but trying to find new ones and/or maybe trying to retain the previous ones. I want to keep my readers but at the same time, I don't know think I can get them back, not when they have already lost interest in my blog.
    It's not easy to gain readers nor keep them interested either. It's much easier to ignore them and post what I want or so I tell myself now and then. But whenever I write a blog posts, I do think about readers and whether they will be interested in what I'm posting. People have preferences and if they don't like your blog, why would they stay?

04 | This year makes it fifteen years of blogging for me.
That sounds like a high number but I know it's not when compare to other people who had blogged longer. I don't know the exact month I started blogging as I switched accounts somewhere in April, June, or July but I've been saying I started blogging in April but I don't remember. Let's just say it's one of these months.
    According to a list that I had put together a while back, this would be the 27th blog that I blogged at which I suppose is a lot but that's fifteen years. When I do the math, it seems like I change blogs every year which is probably true. I might have a bad habit here. But to me moving to new urls is like moving to a nice new house which I've never had the joy of doing so maybe this is my way of moving without moving?
    Have I learned anything in all these years of blogging? I like to say yes but I can't remember them. All the advice I want to give to anyone who wanted to blog is over here on this post at my old blog.
    Some people believe experience is what makes a big difference between a novice and a veteran and I agreed with that. But I'm forgetful and all the experiences I had with blogging didn't make me a better blogger, just better at editing myself. I seem to omit things that might say too much or sound embarrassing or just in general, as my posts are often too long. But one thing I'm more certain now is that, no matter how long I've blogged, there will always be readers. Okay, maybe that's not quite true all the time but one reader is an audience in itself, right?

05 | Sometimes I think it's better to have a small audience. It's easier to see who your readers are and in a way, there would be less people to please. Even though we all give advice telling everyone they shouldn't try to please people but I'm not going to lie and say I didn't try to please readers because I sort of did from time to time. It takes me weeks to decide to post something. It's easier to say I will post what I want but harder to actually decide on what to post and what not to post.

06 | I doubt I would ever try Twitter or Instagram or other social media again but blogging I will always try again. I have read and stayed with many blogs for years even when there are no updates. I always wait a couple of years to see if any of them come back to blogging but they rarely do. Maybe you've noticed those who quitted blogging and switched over to social media rarely returned to blogging. That's been my experience as a blog reader.

07 | Blogging is a habit for me. Sometimes I really love it and other times it just seems like a burden to have a blog so I ignore it from time to time but I would always come back.

If you're a blogger, do you think it's better to stay in one place/url for as long as possible or move now and then?


  1. congrats on 15 yrs of blogging. I started fall of '07.

    1. Christine: So you started a year before me. That's nice to know.

      Thank you for dropping by. Have a lovely day.

  2. I didn't know that you'd also been blogging for 15 years. Amazing! And I actually love that you've changed blogs so many time. You're obviously a creative person - I think it's natural, then, to want to reinvent yourself and your space. I'm a homebody who doesn't like change in real life and on my blog, so I've stuck with my URL, name, vibe, etc. the whole time. That's just how I roll.

    I also think it's great that you're always true to yourself. Readers (like me) will stick with you always if they like your style/vibe/content. And, you're right, it might not be a bad thing at all to have a small, loyal audience.

    Anyway, glad you're still blogging! I've always enjoyed your thoughtful comments on my blog, so I'm definitely looking forward to interacting more with you and your blog.


    1. Susan: It seems like I like to reinvent myself but really, I just move a little bit and kind of doing the same things in a different space.

      Thank you for dropping by. Have a lovely day.

  3. There's in truth in your "small audience" point. We are friends or close acquaintances, almost like family sometimes. We rely on each other. We have actual conversations. As for pleasing people, it's not something that I do, not really, but I've become more emphatic since I started blogging, and I feel more accepted than I do in real life.

    15 years is a LONG time in terms of blogging. It's only almost 9 years since I started. Same URL, same name, same design. What can I say? I don't like changes, plus I am, indeed, first and foremost a book blogger, and I request books...you need to be reliable and build an audience (if small) for that.

    1. "We are friends or close acquaintances, almost like family sometimes. We rely on each other. We have actual conversations. As for pleasing people, it's not something that I do, not really, but I've become more emphatic since I started blogging, and I feel more accepted than I do in real life."

      Hi Roberta!!! (hope you don't mind me butting in) I agree with a lot of that though, and yes to the part about how sometimes you feel more accepted than in real life (who obsesses over books like we do???). And I love the family feel you get with some of the commenters/ bloggers that you really get to know :)

    2. Roberta R.: I do like following the same bloggers and I do consider them all friends. I'm trying not to please people but sometimes I don't mind it, but only sometimes.

      Staying in one blog for 9 years is quite a long time, I've never done that, I don't think. I think the closest I got to must have been 4 or 5 years at one blog.

      I envied you for being a book blogger. I don't think I'll be able to get an audience plus the hassles of requesting books and reviewing them, I'm afraid my lazy self would be unable to do it all a regular basis.

      Thank you for dropping by. Have a lovely day.

    3. @ Greg: LOL, of course I don't mind, if Lissa doesn't! And I also meant "accepted" in a wider sense - we don't judge one another.
      Family feel, absolutely!

      @ Lissa: Thank you - sometimes it's a bit exhausting, but talking about books is the very reason why I created a blog, so I can't complain (though I only used to review my bought books when I started).

  4. 15 years of blogging? That's impressive! Congrats. I like having a smaller audience, too. I can be more flexible on my blog and not have to cater to what a thousand followers want the content to be.

    1. Lectrice Vorace: 15 years does sound impressive, I guess. Small audience are good, I would prefer that.

      Thank you for dropping by. Have a lovely day.

  5. I think it's good to change things up now and again. and keeping readers- yeah that can be tough, but honestly I agree with your point about writing what you want. I feel like I have to be enthused about what I'm doing or what's the point?

    15 years is awesome. Congrats to you! :)

    I agree too there's a lot to be said for a smaller, more cohesive or involved audience?

    1. Greg: I also have to like/be enthuse about what I write/post or else I wouldn't post it.

      Thank you for dropping by. Have a lovely day.

  6. I have always loved this piece of art.
    I hope you feel inspired by your new blog.
    Hi Lissa.

    1. Tammie Lee: This art piece is one of my ultimate favorite. And thank you for your kind thought.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut