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August 03, 2021

Things that I don't like on book covers

Top Ten Tuesday badge with books and a cup of tea
This week's Top Ten Tuesday's prompt is: Titles or Covers That Made Want to Read/Buy the Book. As it's easier for me to say what I don't like than what I like, I decided to do the opposite: Covers that made me NOT want to read/buy the book or things that I don't like on book covers. For my list, I was going to gave examples but that doesn't seem fair and I don't want to spotlight any particular book but I hope it's clear what I meant.

01 | Surreal-looking people — Those 3D-looking people, they looked kind of real but you can tell they aren't. Honestly, they just creeps me out especially those ones with really large eyes.

02 | Shirtless men — I don't really read romance much but I keep seeing these covers even when I'm not looking for them. Every time I see one, I think, how is this romantic? I'm sure if I see men go around shirtless, I would tell them to put on a shirt. Maybe it's the prude in me but I just find these covers unromantic.

03 | Witches in triangular hats and striped tights — I should say women in triangular hats and striped tights as this is really a cliche image. The idea of designing book covers to a certain genre irks me especially books about witches. Why use such covers when the characters never ever wear striped tights or triangular hats?

04 | Movie tie-in covers — For some odd reasons, they always choose the least flattering image. It's like the people at the promotion department say to one another, 'Hey, let's choose the most unattractive, annoying image from the movie. That will sure to attract readers!' Sometimes I don't mind if the image fits with the book but most of the time, it's just faces of the actors which never makes me want to pick up a book.

05 | Ladies in ball gowns — For the most part, I see these covers as Cinderella romance stories because they are almost always involves princesses or royalties and also, the more glamorous these ladies look, the less appealing to me. I don't know who the audience is for these covers but they are not for me.

06 | Badass women that dressed a bit scantily — Women in some tight outfits like tank tops and leather pants or anything that enhance their bosoms and looking like a badass. I'm all for badass women but why do they need to dress like they are showing off their bodies more than their talents/abilities? I find these covers sort of degrades women. But you might argue a woman have a right to dress however she wants and I agreed with that. But are these covers saying women can't fight while dress modestly or that in order to be a badass, they have to dress sexy?

07 | Faceless people with lips — I have seen covers with people with detailed clothing and everything else but they have no facial features other than their lips. This freaks me out a little. If they don't want to use features, then why add lips??

08 | Snakes — I don't want to say snakes freaks me out but there is this quote from the show Early Edition: "See, I have this thing about snakes. It's called 'fear of death.'"

09 | Vampires, Zombies — I don't like seeing them especially when they show fangs with blood dripping down their chins for the vampires and someone holding a brain for zombies - aren't these a bit of a cliche? But also because they freak me out.

10 | Print-on stickers — I still hate regular stickers on book covers even if they leave a residue or even if the top coating of the paper is removed along with the sticker but at least, they come off. The ones that are printed on is worst because you can't remove them in any way unless you tear the whole cover off. 
    I understand these stickers are for promoting a book and enticing readers but for me, I didn't care for any of the information given. Most of time, the info is outdated. All the awards notices means nothing to me because I don't know them and I would never read a book because they received some award. I don't care if a book is made into a movie either. Extra features? Sure but most of the time, those extras aren't worth mentioning.
    So maybe this one is a bit superficial or shallow and I'm not saying I wouldn't read books with stickers on the cover but when I do purchase a book, is it wrong to want a cover without silly notices to ruin a good design? I'm already looking at the book and reading all the information on the book, I don't think I need a sticker to entice me.

What don't you like on a book cover?

For more Top Ten Tuesdays, visit That Artsy Reader Girl here.


  1. I love this topic! I'll have to do this on my blog sometime when I want to change up the TTT theme, and my list will probably be very similar to your list. I think putting big, ugly printed stickers on books should be illegal. (If someone knows the secret to removing the residue, let me know!)

    Here's my list.

    1. Lectrice Vorace: Stickers are a sticky problem. If the book is really shiny and the paper is tough, you can try 'Goo Gone', it should remove the residue but I think maybe test it on something first before trying it on the book.

      Thank you for dropping by. Have a lovely day.

    2. Hmm, 'Goo Gone'? I've never heard of that before. I'll have to try it out! Thanks. :)

  2. Fun twist on this week's TTT! Certain colors on covers turn me off, and I don't like snakes or fangs dripping with blood either. :) And I like your new blog!

    1. Lark: Certain colors turn me off too. I still don't know why snakes or fangs keeps being put on covers.

      Thank you for dropping by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Ooh the surreal people- good point. I guess sometimes I don't mind it, but yeah- sometimes I do.

    "put on a shirt" :)

    Why ARE movie tie- in covers so bad? Eek. The witch thing too. Not a fan of gross zombie covers.

    Stickers- nooooo...

    1. Greg: I think prefer illustrations over those surreal people. It's a matter of perference, I guess.

      Shirtless men needs to put on shirts...

      I don't buy books with movie covers unless there's no choice. Too many witches covers and zombies, please no....

      Sitckers...definitely no...

      Thank you for dropping by. Have a lovely day.

  4. Great list! I did the opposite and listed things I like on covers. I'm with you on a lot of your dislikes, especially half-naked people. I'll pass, thank you very much!

    Happy TTT!

    1. Susan: There must be a certain audience for half-naked men covers but it's not me or you, that's for sure.

      Thank you for dropping by. Have a lovely day.

  5. Replies
    1. Christine: Yes, I think so too. Thank you for dropping by. Have a lovely day.

  6. What a great list! The way you described the men on the cover of romance novels reminds me of the Harlequin historicals from the 90s, where the men were shirtless and the women were barely held in by their corsets/tops. I think that style of cover actually turned me off of historical romances for a LONG time.

    When you get the chance, I hope you come over and check out my post: http://readbakecreate.com/15-book-covers-that-scream-summer/

    1. Pam: Harlequin covers- I haven't seen them but I have seen some historical romance covers of similar kind. It doesn't make sense to me since in those times, people are modest and they wouldn't go around half naked...just saying...

      Thank you for dropping by. Have a lovely day.

  7. "I'm sure if I see men go around shirtless, I would tell them to put on a shirt."

    "But are these covers saying women can't fight while dress modestly or that in order to be a badass, they have to dress sexy?"
    Um...good question. Some dress choices seem a bit impractical when it comes to fighting, too...

    What's with snakes these days? The are EVERYWHERE. They're only second to bugs in my YUCK list. And you nailed it about stickers. I don't care for all those marketing gimmicks either.

    1. Roberta R.: I'm just saying that to make a point though I doubt I would go to up to shirtless men and ask them to put on a shirt but I might do it on a dare...

      I guess publishers and the like like to use whatever to sell books including impractical outfits for women.

      I did saw a lot snake covers now and them - I had to turn away quickly.

      Stickers are the pits...

      Thank you for dropping by. Have a lovely day.

  8. I'm completely with you on banning shirtless men and vampires with fangs dripping blood from book covers.

    1. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz: Yes, let's ban shirtless men and vampires with fangs and blood for book covers - I honestly do not get what the appeal is.

      Thank you for dropping by. Have a lovely day.

  9. I have to agree with you when it comes to movie tie-in books. While I'd never NOT read something because of the cover, given the choice between original artwork or the movie tie-in, I'm taking the original every time.

    1. Christopher @ Plucked from the Stacks: I do prefer original cover verses movie covers but like you, I would read books with movie covers if there are no other choice.

      Thank you for dropping by. Have a lovely day

  10. You've got a pretty good list here, Lissa(lol) I agree that snakes on a cover could be a bit off-putting. I used to read romance novels exclusively from the time I was a kid up until about 2013, and the shirtless men thing used to be a mot more than it is now, but I'm sort of used to it, I think. I agree, it should be all about the brains and not the boobs, but I'd like to think that people want to fool others into thinking they aren't that intelligent. (lol) Hope you're doing well! Hugs, RO

    1. Ro: I'm also used to seeing shirtless men on covers but I still just don't see the appeal. Snakes also, why are there so many of those covers, anyway?

      I'm doing well. Always, thank you for dropping by. Have a lovely day

  11. I agree about the shirtless men, honestly I don't find that attractive at all, and don't understand why anyone would.

    And as for the woman, I would love if they had her wearing armor or something instead of dressed scantily (unless of course the character chooses to dress that way in the book, and her being dressed that way wouldn't be out of character).

    Also, the faceless people with lips sound very uncanny.😐



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