"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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March 14, 2023

Types of stories I dislike reading

top ten tuesday, books with cup of coco
This week's Top Ten Tuesday's is Books on My Spring 2023 To-Read List. I don't make any kind of reading list so here are types of stories or genres I dislike reading but I'm not saying I wouldn't read them but I won't go looking for them. Books often bring unexpected surprises so I never rule out not reading a book but definitely not #1 or 2 because I just can't handle them. For more Top Ten Tuesday, visit That Artsy Reader Girl here.

01 - Horror — I really, really cannot read about zombies or vampires/body harm or anything that is classified as horror. I know horror isn't just zombies or vampires but they are the ones that somehow got framed to be the spokespersons. I just think reading anything horror just leads to nightmares but it's probably because I'm a scaredy cat. I see nothing wrong with not wanting to be scared to death.

02 - Romance with Smut/Erotica  — Just nope.

03 - Anything set during war time — You know there will be death and grief when there's war and I don't mind reading them but I don't know, sometimes it seems a bit too depressing to me. But I'm not saying I won't read such books because I had, I just don't know if I want to read books that are certain to bring in the gloom.

04 - Spy/Undercover — I don't quite know why I dislike this type of books but somehow I just do. I suppose it's all the lying they have to do or perhaps all the fake relationships they have to make or perhaps there is no reason. Can a person just dislike something for no reason?

05 - Fairies/Fae — It's very odd but like spy/undercover stories, I just don't like these type of stories. But somehow if it's a fairy godmother, I like them but they don't count as fairies, right?

06 - Orphans who are thieves - I actually don't read a lot of stories with orphans who are thieves but I read a lot of synopsis with this idea and I'm sick of it. The idea that orphans become thieves is just not true.

07 - Teenage romances — I guess I'm too old to read about teenagers and their angst but somehow it's the romances that always annoys me more. I'm not saying I can't believe in teenagers having deep, romantic love but why do they (authors, I guess) make it so hard to believe in the relationship? I guess the ones I dislike the most is hundred-year-old men dating 16-year-old girls. The fact that these hundred-year-old men acted like teenagers is annoying as heck because if they can't mature after a hundred years, then there is serious problem, isn't there?

08 - Music-related — I love music, I just seem to be bored with talks about making music or music-related things. It's really odd and I don't know why that is. Although, I probably would enjoy reading a biography or autobiography of a musician's life but I don't know why that is.

09 - Authors or famous people as characters in fiction books — I just don't really want to read Jane Austen or the Bronte sisters or any of those classic authors or inventors or famous people as fictionalize characters doing fictionalize things and living lives they shouldn't be living unless it's a middle grade book. Somehow children version of famous people seems more appealing than adult versions.

10 - Politics
— Anything to do with politics, I just get bored by it. Even political thrillers to me aren't really the types of book I like reading. I have noticed there are political/spy stories which I guess is a natural combination but that's definitely books I wouldn't choose to read.

What types of books do you dislike reading?


  1. The one genre on your list that I will absolutely never read is Horror. Can't stand it. The only "orphan/thief" book I can think of is "Oliver Twist" which I can never manage to get through. I've tried two or three times. I never used to read romance fiction either until I discovered Captain America/Winter Soldier fanfiction. Then I was hooked, hopeless hooked, LOL!

    1. Debra: That is what books do - they can give you a surprise. I'm glad you got to enjoy reading romance even with action heroes. You might have mentioned Captain America/Winter Soldier fanfiction a couple of times so I know you are indeed hooked!

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    2. Oh, and I'll mention it a couple of times more, I'm sure.

  2. Replies
    1. Christine: Same here. Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Horror I'm pretty much the same on, although I do like scary and suspense, and occasionally will read a little SF/ horror. Fae stuff I like but it has to be a certain kind. I'm not really into real life characters in stories eithr, it feels weird?

    1. Greg: A little bit spooky is okay with me too. I don't think I've read any sci-fi horror. I suppose if you know the real life person and their life, it's a bit weird especially when these characters are written with all the characteristic of the real person.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. Sorry these don't work out for you. I guess that's why it's good there are so many different genres of books.

    1. Deanna: Nothing to be sorry about. We all have different reading taste.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. Horror, anything with more than chaste kisses, books just describing my everyday life and books with economical/political plots. Else I'm fairly omnivorous. I love Fantasy and Sci-fi, books of peole living elsewhere or -when and childrens' books.

    1. Charlotte: I like fantasy and sci-fi too although I haven't been reading them lately.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  6. I avoid anything political, too. And I'm not a huge fan of either spy books or books involving the Fae. Great list, Lissa!

    1. Lark: It's nice that we have almost the same dislikes.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  7. Great list! I don't care much for political books either, which is why I avoid them.

    Here’s my Top Ten Tuesday

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

    1. Ronyell: It's easier to avoid what you don't want to read.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  8. I'm with you for no. 1,2,3,5,7,10. Orphans who are thieves? I don't think I've ever read one, but it's not appealing either.

    1. Fanda Classiclit: Usually those orphans thieves books usually starts out with the orphan being a thief but then turned them into something else and then then thievery is forgotten. I don't know, I'm just sick of that idea.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  9. I'm with you on a lot of these. I don't mind horror as long as it's horror light—say a ghost story that's atmospheric and eerie but not terrifying. As for war books, I find them fascinating. I just can't read too many in a row or it becomes too depressing!

    Happy TTT!

    1. Susan: Horror light is kind okay with me but I think it depends on the book. Sometimes I think reading war stories is too much like reading history books because sometimes they do include real events.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  10. I'm with you with all of them except horror and music. I also don't read historical anything (unless it's a book set in the years when I was already born LOL - otherwise, history bores me...😳), romance anything (not just teen romance) and fantasy (except for urban fantasy).

    "I just don't really want to read Jane Austen or the Bronte sisters or any of those classic authors or inventors or famous people as fictionalize characters doing fictionalize things and living lives they shouldn't be living".
    I make an exception for the real-life characters in Doctor Who, but those are not my favourite episodes either.

    1. Roberta R.: We have different taste and that's fine. I can't read horror. I'm not a big fan of historical books either but I don't mind when a book is set as long it makes sense. I don't think I read a lot urban fantasy.

      I think real life people in a show or movie is slightly better somehow than in a book. But I suppose it depends on how it's done. I've seen shows and movies with real-life characters and it's not bad but somehow if you don't know who or what that person did, it makes very little difference.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  11. I like horror movies but dislike horror books. It's not a nightmare thing, more of a lack of interest in horror written out.

    1. paperbackprincess: Lack of interest? I guess this means you don't get scare easily like I do.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  12. I'm not a huge horror reader, I will read the occasional horror book and I have liked some, but generally I prefer books to be spooky/eerie rather than outright scary. I'm not a romance reader, erotica or otherwise, it just bores me in books. I find romance much easier to invest in on screen because you can at least see the chemistry between the actors in a film or TV show. I actually quite enjoy war and spy fiction though, I find those kinds of books quite exciting and they always have quite a strong emotional resonance for me (the war books anyway). I also don't mind books with political themes, when done well, they can be quite good and I actually quite enjoy seeing real people as characters in fictional books, I find it interesting to see the author's perception of what they might have been like. I do find teenage romances frustrating though-and to be honest, I did even when I was a teenager! They always seem so unrealistic and I completely agree with you, the relationships between hundreds of years old men and teenage girls drive me up wall.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2023/03/14/top-ten-tuesday-411/

    1. iloveheartlandX: Me too on the romance, it's so much easier to enjoy a romance when you can see who couples interact on screen.

      YA romances are harder to swallow but definitely hundred-year-old men and teenage girls are just weird.

      Thank you for coming by. I would return the visit except I don't have wordpress, twitter or facebook so I couldn't leave a comment. But I hope you'll get to your spring tbr soon, it seemed you have a lot of books to read.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  13. I agree with all of these but I do like some Undercover stories. It depends on the author, if i read one and like it, I will look for more by that author, but will only read a few in between other books so I don't become fed up with them.

    1. River: This is why there are so many genres. People have different taste and I'm glad you enjoy for what I couldn't.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


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