"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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March 09, 2023

New Art & 200th Post

sea queen with decorative headpiece of shells
the sea queen, 2023

It seems now I only create one or two pieces art a year which is better than nothing I guess. I just finished this piece which took a long time. I had a previous version (see below) that I had drew from maybe 10 or more years ago but I never got around to really finishing it. I do like the original version, I just didn't quite had the right mind to get it the way I wanted so I had an excuse (not that I need one) to redo it and this is the result. I would have finished sooner except whenever I look at it, I find something I want to change or fix so I thought it's a good time to stop now. I call her the sea queen and she probably have a few long first names to go with her.

the sea queen, original drawing
the sea queen, original drawing

The shell-like bits to her left (I have no clue how to describe this) is supposed to allow her to listen to her people or so I imagined. And the rest, well, she's a queen so she needs to dress the part, right? The patterns on all the shells and the decorative pieces on her head are decided as I drew and I don't know why they are looking the way they are. I just went with the flow. (click on the images for larger views)

compare original drawing with final
comparing original drawing (bottom portion) with final version (top portion)

the sea queen, closeup
the sea queen, closeup

Happy note: This is the 200th post for this little blog of mine. It's something to take note of as I have a habit of moving to new urls so I guess this means I'm staying here for awhile. Maybe changing urls is a bad habit but I think it's part of my blogging process now. I don't know if I'll move again and start a new blog but it's certain it will most likely look exactly like this with one column and minimum stuff. That's what I find very comforting about having a blog - you can make it look exactly like before and yet, still a little changed. Happy 200th! Here's to 200 more posts.

Happy 200th!


  1. Congrats on your 200th post!🎉 I love all the spiraling details in your drawing, it's amazing, and the colors as well. What program do you use to draw it with?🙂

    1. Quinley: This particular piece is hand drawn, scanned into the computer and then digitally colored using Adobe Photoshop. I have updated the post with a image comparing the drawing (bottom portion) and the final color version (top portion). Hopefully that is understandable.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Love your art! And happy 200th post. That's awesome. :D

    1. Lark: Thank you for your visit. Have a lovely day.

  3. Your Sea Queen is gorgeous! So detailed and beautiful. I was wondering in which medium you worked too, so thanks for answering Quinley's same question! And happy 200th blog post -- quite a milestone -- here's to many more.

    1. Debra She Who Seeks: 200 post is a milestone. Thanks for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. A gorgeous art, I love your colors play!
    And happy 200th post! :)

    1. Fanda Classiclit: I think the colors are not bright enough but at the same time, I don't like bright colors that much.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. That is gorgeous art!! You're so talented. And congratulations on 200 posts!

    1. WendyW: Thank you for your kind words. And thanks for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  6. Replies
    1. Christine: Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  7. Happy anniversary! I love the idea of her listening through the shells!

    1. Greg: I thought there should be some usefulness to her head decors. Function and beauty, that sort of thing.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  8. It's a very pretty piece.

    1. River: Thank you. I thought it's pretty too.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  9. Congrats on the 200th blog post. I hope you stay here and redecoate instead of moving.

    1. Charlotte: I think I'll be staying put for a while but I do like redoing the looks of my blog. But I do like the simple header. I don't think I'll change that for a while.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  10. I like the definitive version better! and I like the idea that she listens through her seashells and that she probably has got a series of long, maybe strange first names. You always have a story behind your art pieces.

    1. Also, well done on 200 posts! And I agree with Charlotte above.

    2. Roberta R.: I now considered the old original drawing as a draft now because I never got the eyes or the face right anyway.

      Let's hope I'll stick around longer. I can't always know since sometimes my mind just do crazy things.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut