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June 11, 2022

The Lord of the Rings Reading Logs 4

I've started on The Two Towers, The Lord of the Rings, Part 2 by J.R.R. Tolkien. It pretty much continues from The Fellowship of The Ring and they even continued the page count. Book 3 (the three books are divided into 6 parts) starts on page 413.
    The plot according to the back of the book:
The Company of the Ring is sundered. Frodo and Sam continue their journey along down the great River Anduin — alone that is, save for a mysterious creeping figure that follows whenever they go.
    My copy is the HarperCollins 2020 edition. If you haven't read The Fellowship of The Ring, there is a synopsis in the beginning of the book which I thought is kind of nice for people who forgot what they read in the previous book. (The other logs: logs 1, logs 2, logs 3)

Here are my thoughts on the first part of The Two Towers with spoilers.

01 - I really like what Aragorn said in respond to Gimil's, "His foresight failed him." "The counsel of Gandalf was not founded on foreknowledge of safety, for himself or for others. There are some things that it is better to begain than to refuse, even though the end may be dark." (page 441)

02 - Everyone here chants or sings and I should expect this and yet I'm still find these a bit annoying. I don't know. I guess I have less patience for them than the first book.

03 - What's with Gimli and Lady Galadriel? Does he have a thing for her? Why does it sounds like he worships her? Since I didn't finish reading, I suppose there is some explanation later on but it's still weird since they seems to not have known each long but Lady Galadriel does have some hypnotic powers.

04 - Evilly - I find that word a bit silly but they used it in speech. I didn't mark the page but I remember something like, "He has gone evilly" - doesn't it sound a bit, I don't know, childish? I guess I expected more of a sophisticated language spoken by these people. So I'm nitpicking even though it was used only twice.

05 - I like Treebeard and the Ents, tree people they are called. His people are not into rushing through things. "I almost feel that I dislike you both, but do not let us be hasty." (page 463), Treebeard to Merry and Pippin.

06 - Silly me, I thought Sauron and Saruman are the same person but no, it's two people. I guess since they just mentioned them at the same time and didn't elaborate much, that might have made me confused.

07 - I think I prefer to witness Treebeard and the Ents with Merry and Pippin fighting the Orcs and Saruman's men than Gandalf and Aragorn and company's battle with the Orcs. (I did enjoyed it when Gimli and Legolas competes who can slay more orcs.) So maybe Merry and Pippin doesn't do much fighting but I like to see how the Ents fight since they are like giants. But we do get an account of what happened from Merry and Pippin which is still a second-hand report. I suppose the book would be longer if readers get to witness every single event in the book.

Have you read The Two Towers or the entire The Lord of the Rings?


  1. I have read The Lord of the Rings. Several times. I really, really liked the Ents and would have liked to have seen a whole lot more of them. And still mourn for the Entwives.

    1. Elephant's Child: I think the Ents are my favorite creatures in the book. They seems like beings who can really relax and enjoy life slowly.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. I love seeing these posts pop up. I always like the synopsis too. It's fun to read. :) And speaking of the river Anduin, it's funny- this has nothing to do with your thoughts but I'm playing Lord of the Rings Online now and was just traveling down the Anduin!

    Anywho I think music was a big thing for Tolkien, I was reading The Silmarillion and and his version of Middle- earth's God sorta created the world through music, so I wonder sometimes if that's why he weaves these ancient songs- especially Elven music- into the stories?

    Gimli DOES have a thing for Lady G I think, although I think it's more of an "awed by her beauty and majesty" thing? I don't know, it's like Frodo and Sam, you can take it different ways. Legolas and Gimli too- I like their friendship and I think that and Gimli's fascination with Galadriel are Tolkien's way of showing how maybe elves and dwarves can reconcile? Maybe?

    Merry and Pippin's time w/ Ents was fun. I just found th site in the game too where Aragorn and company find the burned Orcs that the Rohirrim killed. that was wild.

    1. Greg: I guess I'm not used to reading lyrics in books.

      I like your thinking of Gimli and Lady G. Legolas and Gimli together are just fun pair.

      I haven't played any Lord of the Rings games but I'm glad you're having fun.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


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