"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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February 13, 2022

Some Complaints & Other Unwise Thoughts

drawing of women surrounded by curves
unfinished, cornflake girl, 02.13.2022
01 | I've been very neglectful in commenting on blogs. I don't know what it is, I am not as excited about reading blogs as I usually do. Maybe I've been spending a little too much time alone or maybe I just find people not updating their blogs a bit annoying. It seems like 80% of blogs that I like aren't updating. I'm not saying they have to update but it's hard to be interested in a blog whenever I go there and see the same posts. But I also am at faults with this as I don't update my blog as much as I used to. I'm thinking I should blog more so that other people might blog more? I don't know.

02 | Over at the Blogging from A to Z Challenge blog, they are, were (as they just closed entries on February 12) searching for a new graphics team member as the previous member, Jeremy Hawkins, passed away. It's kind of weird how someone can get work or a gig or something just because someone else passed away. It's normal and it's part of life but it's a bit awkward as well.
    I foolishly entered for this new member contest without thinking. (It could end up a contest if the other members couldn't decided which person they want and then they would set up a voting poll or something.) It's not just making one badge, it's a whole list of graphics which requires a lot of time and work which I had not thought about. And also, you don't get pay so you're doing it like a hobby which is what I think of this as. Let's hope I do not get selected. (If you're interested in seeing what I graphics I had created to enter, go to this page here. The theme seems to be duality.)

03 | I may be a bit too picky about these things but I really prefer not to read blogs where the text color is the same as the background color but only a little darker. The comment text is in the same dark color as the post text but the background color is even darker. There is just not enough contrast for reading. I don't know how people can read blogs with such low contrast but I couldn't. I have to highlight the text which I don't like at all as it reverses the text to be white on dark background which I have issues with and I don't want to change the setting of my computer screen to accommodate just one blog. I'm sorry, well, okay, I'm not sorry but I doubt I'll spend too much time on that blog. I do feel bad that I didn't want to make the effort but I spend too much time looking at screens so I can't spend time looking at a blog that makes my eyes overwork.

04 | I hate that every February, everyone seems to focus on romance/love. As a single person, it's annoying but I suppose it would be less annoying if I'm not single, right? A few years ago it didn't annoyed me but now it does. Of course not everyone is making romance their theme but it just seems like it. One blog I've seen changed their blog header with hearts in the background. There are a lot of posts about love and romance related things. Most prompts that I like to participate have some sort of romance theme which I simply don't care about. Then there is WEP (Write.Edit.Publish) February theme is 'All you need is love' which I was going to enter but decided I just didn't want to.
    Of course not everything about romance and love annoys me around the web. Cordy at Any Merry Little Thought is hosting a 'Lovely Blog Party' (February 1-28) at her blog which focuses on romance of course. Link is over here. Also, Rachel at Hamlette's Soliloquy is hosting a We Love Detectives Week (February 21-25), link over here.

So how are you enjoying your February?


  1. February is going to be busy here. And romance will be no more front and centre than it is on any other month of the year.
    I do love that face at the start of this post. She has me wondering...

    1. Elephant's Child: I really like this art piece although I didn't quite finished with the colors.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Luckily, there are so many blogs around that we never get shortage of posts to read! I'd rather people to post less so that I have more time to read and comment LOL.

    So I shouldn't wish you good luck on that contest? 😉

    I guess February is the reverse of October...when everyone posts scary stuff 😂. I enjoy scary stuff and can't stand lovey-dovey stuff, but for some people it's the other way around. That being said, maybe I got lucky, because even if most people I follow do like and read romance, they don't spend the whole month talking about it...

    1. Roberta: There are many blogs but I guess I need to widen my list since I haven't added any new blogs to my list and I have recently removed a lot of bloggers that hasn't updated in years.

      I don't know about the contest. There is poll going on now at the a-z blog which I linked in the recent post.

      Yeah, February and October is in reverse. I'm not a fan of scary stuff and a little less of a fan of lovey-dovey stuff but at least I don't have to read any posts about either if I don't want to.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. I agree about the blog text colors. My eyes are not as good as they used to be!

    1. WendyW: I guess for those who spent a lot of time looking at screens like I do, it's harder to read certain in certain settings. I guess I should spend less time looking at screens.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. Gosh hope you don't have to do number 2

    1. Christine: I'm thinking perhaps I might not have to.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. The good thing about February is it's short. Haha I don't think I have much in the way of romance since I seem tobe reading mostly suspense lately. And I have days where I just don't feel like blogging or going around commenting, so don't feel bad! :)

    1. Greg: I don't quite feel bad about not commenting, well, not a lot, now that I thought about it. It just seems almost natural to take breaks on commenting and visiting blogs these days. I don't want to get into the habit of doing that but I'm too moody a person.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  6. 1. One of my pet peewees is blogs just ending. Ffs post a goodbye note when you stop! I don't mind not-so-often, or irregular blogging. Life happens and has priority, and that's as it should be.
    2. I love your ideas! So should I hope for you not to get the job, and make you happy, or for you to get it and us to become happy?
    3. Me too. I have actually stopped following several blogs because of lack of contrasts, white on black writing or fancy fonts. Legibility must be number one if you want readers.
    4. I don't care for romance either. I tend to ignore it, but I also find it's getting more and more. Luckily as Greg says, February is short.

    1. Charlotte: 1- Yeah, I also didn't like that people just stop blogging without some notice. So maybe times they can't post.

      2- I don't know. I like making the graphics but at the same time, it's very time consuming.

      3- I think readers have a right not to read a blog if it doesn't suit them and not only because they find it hard to read.

      4- February is a short month. And I also try to ignore all that romance stuff.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  7. I agree with text colors on blogs, it's so annoying. Sometimes I find a blog I want to read (that I like the idea of), but I can't read it because the text style or color is too hard on my eyes.

    I also don't particularly like the romance aspect of February either. Especially since I feel like it is a bit overhyped.

    1. Quinley: I suppose some bloggers doesn't realize their blog can't always be read by everyone. We do all have different preferences and eyesight levels.

      It does seems like they hype up the romance theme in February even though Valentines day is only one day.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut