"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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February 22, 2022

New Blog Header

I have changed my blog header for the first time (for this blog anyway). Usually I would change the header every month or so because I do look at my blog a lot since I use my bookmarks/blogroll a lot. I really did liked the previous header (see below) but now I like this new one a little more.

Previous header
    The new header has a few elements/objects (see below): a kindle e-reader (which I read most of my books on), a cup of hot chocolate spilling (sort of like spilling tea since I sort of do a lot of chatting here), flowers because I like flowers, an opened book with leaves as a bookmark because I still read paper books, a pen (I write a lot of fiction), pencil (I draw but mostly digital), rain boots with wings because why not, and eyeglasses sort of represents reading and seeing. Perhaps I put too much meaning to a header that I might just change again in the future but I like it for now.

    You can see in the Draft example below, I can essentially arrange the elements in different ways. I did have various arrangements but I didn't save those so I can't show you how  they had looked but I can assure you they didn't look good. The elements are not correctly sized in relation to each other but I did used most of the colors from the flowers to make them appeared like they might belong with together. Usually, when you see a lot of elements in one design, they don't always look right together but using colors and placement help to balance them out, at least, that's what I believe.


Version 1 - no background pattern

Final version - with the background pattern

   As to why there is a swirly background pattern, it's to add some cohesion/unity. If you look at Version 1 and compare it with the Final version, the one without the pattern has everything floating which it isn't a bad look but it just doesn't look as together as the one with the patterns. The blog title (Postcards from the Bookstore) is also tilted to make it look less stale among the elements. If you look at the Draft version with the title not tilted, it still works but it seems a bit stationary to me so I prefer to tilt it to make it seem like it's floating like the elements.
        The fonts (for Postcards from the Bookstore) is Hallo Oyster by Typhoon Type - Suthi Srisopha, link here. The font below that (Books & Ramblings) is Helvetica Neue 57 Condensed, link here.

What do you think? Do you like my new header or is the previous version better?


  1. I like your new header, and I like that you explain what you did and why!
    I could see that the final version was much niocer to look at, but ti was not until you told be that I could see the swirls holding things together doing its job. So great, Thanks!

    1. Charlotte: Actually, I didn't have to explain it at all but I like posting about it because I enjoy designing things like this.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Very nice header! And I love that all the images mean something to you. It looks very unified. great work!

    1. WendyW: I do prefer things with meaning but sometimes if an element makes something looked better, they don't have to have meanings.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Replies
    1. Christine: So do I. For now.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  4. I like the new one a lot but I also like the old one, so it's a tough call! They'e both great though so you can't go wrong. Your designs look professional with just a touch of whimsical.

    1. Greg: I do like the old one but it was time for a change. Thank you for the kind words.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  5. Coming up with designs is always so hard! You've done a wonderful job - it looks fantastic. I love how it represents you, I think it's so important for your blog to reflect you. I've done some redesigns too recently and I seem to keep playing around with things...and thinking that no-one will like the new look! Love the colours too!

    Z x (zbestbooks.blogspot.com)

    1. ZB: It did took a while to get to this point but I enjoyed the process. I do always go for blues and pinks but in a subdued hue. I don't like extreme bright colors.

      I always like it when people change their blog's looks and even play around a bit. We don't always have to stick to what we have.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day

    2. I'm not a fan of bright colours either - hence why my blog has a camel/dark blue theme! I do like seeing what people choose as their new design too and it's usually for the better...I always seem to worry I will do something I won't like and won't be able to change it back again!

      Z x (zbestbooks.blogspot.com)


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut