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February 21, 2022

My Top 7 Favorite TV Detectives

Rachel at Hamlette's Soliloquy is hosting a We Love Detectives Week (February 21-25), link over here. So here's my excuse to talk about shows no one had seen in a while, at least, not recently as all of these are finished series although #6 seems to be still on going. Here are my top 7 favorite tv detectives/consulting detectives. (Even though I had them in order of 1 through 7, it's not in any kind of particular order.)

01 | DI Robert Lewis
(played by Kevin Whately) and DS James Hathaway (played by Laurence Fox) from Inspector Lewis > link
Lewis and Hathaway are great pairing. They are serious when it comes to solving their cases but they never loose their sense of humor which I thought was so well done. If they had done another series with Hathaway and a new partner, I would watch that.
Favorite quote: Lewis: "I'm always happy. My face is misleading." — Ramblin' Boy, Season 6

02 | Sherlock Futaba
(played by Yûko Takeuchi) from Miss Sherlock > link
Sherlock is a female Sherlock Holmes and slightly based on the original story. Sherlock is honest, direct, fashionable, have a sense of fun and all around, a character you would either enjoy being around or be infuriated by her since she is a bit too direct and might invade your personal space without asking but she's definitely not boring.
Favorite quote: "I can't think when my aesthetic sense is disturbed." — The First Case

03 | Sherlock Holmes
(played by Jonny Lee Miller) from Elementary > link
I didn't really like Holmes as a former addict but I guess the modern Holmes would have tried all the hard drugs just to experiment them. Here Holmes is a bit quirky and invasive, a bit too direct but that comes from wanting to know about things, I guess. I don't know, I just enjoy watching this character.
Favorite quote: Sherlock: "For future reference: When I say I agree with you, it means I'm not listening." — Child Predator, Season 1

Image from here
04 | Henry Morgan
(played by Ioan Gruffudd) from Forever > link
I guess a man who had lived over a hundred years would have a lot of acknowledge about the world but for some reason Henry Morgan seems to have an aversion to modern technology like not wanting to have his food microwaved and doesn't seem to know much about current pop culture things. I guess he likes to live his old ways. But he is a fun character to watch.
Favorite quote: Henry Morgan: "But I assure you, I look the same everyday. Although, that still might be like crap." — Pilot

05 | Daniel Pierce
(played by Eric McCormack) and Agent Kate Moretti (played by Rachael Leigh Cook) from Perception > link
Pierce have hallucinations and such due to his condition but they help him solve cases which I thought it's unique and you can sort of think of it as a kind of talent or not. I guess you can say he's like Sherlock Holmes only with a slightly mental problem. Agent Moretti is fierce and I like that she's a no nonsense kind of cop. These two work well together.
Favorite quote: Pierce: "You want my professional opinion, jumping off a second-story fire escape is what we commonly call 'crazy.'"
Moretii: "Guess that makes two of us." — Pilot

06 | DCI Vera Stanhope (played by Brenda Blethyn) from Vera > link
So Vera's kind of grumpy but she's kind when it is necessary and tough when she needs to be but I like her.
Favorite quote: "Wouldn't be a proper wake without an arrest or two." — Blood and Bone, Season 8

07 | Detective Michael Raines
(played by Jeff Goldblum) from Raines > link
I guess if you think of Detective Raines as someone who can see ghosts, it makes perfect sense but that doesn't seem to be the case. I guess you can say he have an overactive imagination as one of the character tells him. But I like his method of solving murders when he sees those dead people even though most people around him sort of thinks he's nuts. It's a shame the series only had a few episodes because I would have love to see how it progressed.
Favorite quote: Raines: "Not a-not a drunk drunk. Just, uh... crazy." — Pilot

Do you have any favorite tv detectives?


  1. I don't watch any of these!

    1. Christine: I'm not surprised. Not many people had heard of them even if they watch a lot of tv.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  2. I don't watch any of these, but I don't really watch detective shows. I watch Law and Order and NCIS, but mostly I read while my husband watches them. Perception looks good. I sure liked Eric McCormack in Will and Grace.

    1. WendyW: I used to watch Law and Order and NCIS but since I have no television set, I haven't. I had liked Will & Grace once upon a time and I thought the series ending was decent but I definitely didn't watch the newer season only because that show is over, why is everyone reviving old shows anyway? I don't care to watch any of the reviving shows at all.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  3. I like the sound of Miss Sherlock. And I love a good Brit detective show too. I want to watch more of those Britbox shows...

    1. Greg: Miss Sherlock is great but sadly we'll get a new season and even if we did, it wouldn't be the same since actress that played Sherlock is gone from this world. It's really sad but at least, we got a good season.

      I also like to watch more Brit crime shows as I find all the American crime shows a bit boring these days.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  4. Dear me, I don't know any of these! My family doesn't tend to watch a lot of crime/detective shows, I guess...other than Monk, which we ravenously devoured. These look fun, though! (Why is it that murder stories always look "fun"? We humans are such strange creatures.)

    1. Miss Megan: Monk is great. Yeah, we humans are strange since we love such shows but I find it more strange when people enjoyed shows with serial killers as the main characters.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  5. I have seen Elementary, but I never heard of Miss Sherlock before it sounds awesome. :)

    1. Quinley: Elementary was good but I only liked the first two seasons and the series finale is not exactly what I call a stellar episode but it wasn't bad.

      Miss Sherlock is great but I think most people would find her character a bit annoying but then any characters that are like Sherlock Holmes tend to be like that anyway.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  6. "Lewis" is a spin-off of the original 80s-90s Inspector Morse series, based on Colin Dexter's great novels. The Morse tv films with the late John Thaw may seem a bit dated, but are still very, very watchable, with young(er) Lewis as his sidekick. Can recommend them. (There's even a "prequel" now, with a young Inspector Morse, "Endeavour", played by Shaun Evans – the British are just good with crime on tv. Says a continental admirer.)

    1. Andrea: I did watched the Morse series and knew Lewis is a spinoff. I actually thought the ending of Morse was terrible. A character to have an end like that just seems a bit depressing and not very respectful for such a smart character. And yes, the show looks very dated but I thought the John Thaw did a great job.

      I knew about the prequel but decided I didn't want to watch Endeavor because I don't like prequel shows but mostly because I find the actor not to my liking.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  7. The only ones I've seen are Elementary, Forever, Perception (just in passing) and Vera (BTW, I didn't know Goldblum played a TV detective - I lost track of him after Criminal Intent). I think you summed up all the characters so well (at least the ones I know of). I have to say I'm not the biggest fan of Sherlock in Elementary, and Forever didn't do anything for me, but I love Vera. She's quirky enough without being infuriating, the right mix of grumpy and kind (as you mentioned) - and Brenda Blethyn is such a natural in that role.

    1. Roberta R: Perhaps Sherlock in Elementary was a bit of rough character to get into. I enjoyed watching the character but I don't always like him as a person.

      Vera is great although I didn't quite get to see one of seasons as it seems not to be in my country, why certain shows or epsiodes can't be watched in the U.S., I have no idea why.

      If only they had a second season of Raines as I really liked that show and the character. I didn't watch Goldblum in Criminal Intent but he probably was good in that too.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  8. My mom really likes Inspector Lewis. Maybe next time I'm visiting her, I'll watch some eps with her!

    YES!!! Another fan of Forever! My goodness, that was a good show. I loved the fish-out-of-water vibe, I loved the chemistry between Ioan Gruffudd and Judd Hirsch -- I wish it had gotten many seasons, not just the one. At least they did release it to DVD, whew.

    Vera sounds a bit like a mystery show my mom and I watched a bunch of on Brit Box last time I visited her: Rosemary and Thyme. Tough-talking, middle-aged British ladies solving crimes, but with lots of gardening mixed in to that one. Good fun!

    1. Hamlette: Wow! That statement about your mom make me feel old. But Lewis is an older character so maybe I don't feel so bad.

      I didn't care for the violence in Forever but it was a good show. I also wish there had been another season because I would have liked that Henry confine in Jo about his immorality because it drives me crazy whenever Henry lies to Jo. Sure, Jo might resisted believing him at first but I like to think those two as partners and partners share important information plus, it just seems like things would go better if Jo knew but sadly, we'll never get such episode.

      I had seen Rosemary and Thyme and that show was charming but I didn't include it on my list but that show was enjoyable.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

    2. Lol. It's just that my mom has Brit Box and loves mystery shows, like I do, so she told me about it ;-)


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