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October 12, 2021

Paper, Electronic, Audio...How Do You Read?

Tell Me Something Tuesday
This week's Tell Me Something Tuesday is: Paper, electronic, audio...how do you read? [ Tell Me Something Tuesday was originally created by Heidi but is now hosted by Berls, Jen, Karen, Linda and Roberta. ]

These days, I read mostly ebooks on a kindle and most are from the public library. Without ebooks and the public library, I really would only be reading less than three books a year because I used to only purchase books (in paper format, usually soft covers) that I'm certain to like which is one or two books a year. But now I can try out books without wasting money and save trees. Of course ebooks aren't without their disadvantages but I think it's the best type of books for me right now.

How do you read? Paper, electronic, audio or other ways?


  1. I read paper books for preference, though I will also read ebooks. I haven't yet got into audio books. Voices matter to me, and I worry that the voice would not match the images formed in my head.

    1. Elephant's Child: With audio books, the narrator is important, I had heard some books got ruined because the narrator is not to people's liking. I'm not much into audio books, I just don't really seem to like them.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Paper books exclusively. I love the feel, smell and so on of a book. As a child I lived half my life at the library. First in my mind, longing for Tuesday, our library day, where I was allowed too few books to last me a week. Then later almost every day after school, you could find me at the local library. I now have almost my own library stocked with a zillion books. Can't pass a second hand store without looking for "new" books.
    I do not like ereaders, for me they are not books. Period.
    Audio books? Can't use them, because they read so slow -- my attention wanders,and I begin fidgeting, drawing, thinking and oopsy I have not heard a lot of the pages.
    My worst fear is going blind (or my eyes finally getting so bad) so that I cannot read any more.

    1. Charlotte: Nothing can compare to paper books, I think it's why we all love them. Not everyone likes ebooks but that's okay, we all have different preferences.

      Audio books have different speeds so you can speed up the reading, though I have not tried it. But like you, I sort of lose attention when someone is narrating a book so audio books are not for me.

      That is my fear too. My eyesight sure isn't all the great these days. Let's hope we'll both keep our eyes healthy.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. I still prefer paper books but most of my reading these days is current events on the web

    1. Christine: I also kind of read a lot on the web although I really do try not to do that too often as computer screens does create eye fatigue.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. I read paper books, mostly checked out from the library. Someday I'll break down and buy an e-reader. I just haven't yet. :)

    1. Lark: I actually had the same thought. I didn't think I would ever buy an e-reader but I did and I didn't regret it.

      I don't think you'll have to buy an e-reader as I'm sure the library will keep loaning out paper books. As much as I like my e-reader, sometimes it really is nice to hold an actual book in my hand and read from it.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. I like to read paperback books, I am currently reading a Val Wood book ...

    All the best Jan

    1. Jan: I've not heard of Val Wood but I don't read much historical fiction or even regular fiction.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  6. Ebooks and the library make it SO much easier to read more books, so true. I prefer physical books but it's expensive so I definitely have to use my Kindle a lot. I don't use my library nearly enough though, oddly. :(

    1. Greg: Libraries and ebooks are great. I think they are actually getting better at it. There are some drawbacks to borrowing ebooks from the library but we pay taxes for them so why not use them?

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  7. Yay library! I sadly do not have that option when I read in English. The only ones are classics :( Hopefully one day they will branch out :D

    1. Blodeuedd: I guess it's different where you are as over here, it's harder to get foreign language books than English books. I still didn't quite read enough classics.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  8. I love love love reading printed books, but I will read an ebook every now and then.

    1. Lectrice Vorace: I love printed books too but they are becoming a bit too expensive.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


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- Kurt Vonnegut