"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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October 03, 2021

Draw Something October 2021 – #1

draw something october 2021
I just saw that Tammie Lee at Beauty Flows started her Inktober for October which sort of reminded me I haven't been drawing. (Inktober is about creating one drawing a day using ink. For more about Inktober, go here.)
       I'm not doing Inktober but I'm going to be (hopefully) drawing the whole month and posting whatever I had created. I'll be drawing on my ipad using the app Procreate and their many brushes. So you might say the ink I'm going to use is digital. Who knows, I may do some actual drawings or two in ink. Also, I'm learning to draw with a electronic pen on a tablet which is definitely a lot harder and it takes a lot of patience.
    I'm calling this Draw Something October challenge or trying to draw when I don't really want to draw but sort of do challenge because that's exactly what it is as I really have a sort of unmotivated mind and often times, I don't quite have the will to draw. Anyway, I'm not going to follow any rules, I'll just be drawing and sharing them once a week or once every two days or whenever I feel like a drawing seems presentable which I can't promise you as you could be seeing just scribbles or lines or sketches that are chicken scratch. And most of them is going to be black and white. Here's the first drawing:

girl with umbrella and creature in the rain
Lala and the Thing
I call this piece Lala and the Thing and it is inspired by the iconic scene in My Neighbor Totoro. No idea if the thing (creature on the right) with her little children is a cat or some other strange being and no, I have no clue why the girl's hair is like that but I call her Lala for some reason. And here's the sketch. (Click on the images for a larger view)

Lala and the Thing - Sketch


  1. Of course you will be drawing. Does a day go past without you drawing? I doubt it, and love the whimsical pieces you share.

    1. Elephant's Child: I don't really draw every day. I think of ideas but I never put them down. But I hope to draw more, at least, this month.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Replies
    1. Roberta: So do I although every time I look at a piece, I always seems to want to fix certain areas. It's hard to let go even when I decided it's finished.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Such a fun piece, so glad I inspired you. What you write about drawing pretty much suits me as well. Just harder to draw these days.

    1. Tammie Lee: Yes, you've have inspired me to draw again after months of not doing it. It really is a bit hard these days to get a drawing done, not only what's going on around us but I guess within us as well.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    2. I understand, I have the same situation going on.

  4. This is so cute. I love the creature.

    1. Quinley: The creature, which I haven't defined, is cute, at least I try to make her cute.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. I think sometimes freeform or not pressuring yourself comes up with the best stuff- or at least something that you just put out there and don't stress over. I love the pic and am quite curious about the creature and her little ones- reminds me of a kangaroo pouch. :)

    1. Greg: It's not as freeform or spontaneous as I make it sounds. I stress over a drawing for days until it's finished. But sometimes, it really is quite freeing to draw whatever I want at the moment. Oh yes, the creature is like a kangaroo with her children, I think I might have that thought while drawing it. I've always find it fascinating that kangaroo carries their children that way.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    2. Exactly! I was fascinated with kangaroos as a kid... :)

  6. The Thing is so cute; I love it!

    1. Lark: I think so too.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut