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September 14, 2021

Dumb or nearly dumb reasons why I will read a book

top ten tuesday + books

This week's Top Ten Tuesday is Books With Numbers In the Title. Honestly, I find this prompt a bit mundane so I'm listing some Dumb or nearly dumb reasons why I will read a book or at least check it out. So maybe these are not dumb but sort of dumb reasons but I thought them up haphazardly so I may not even agree with them later on.

01| Really good cover art
— The cover shouldn't be the way to judge a book but I do it anyway because a good cover can somehow invoke nice thoughts about the book and also, it's the first thing you see so I think they are for judging.

02| Fun titles — like cozy mysteries with their pun titles like Dim Sum of All Fears by Vivien Chien and titles like The beginning of the world in the middle of the night by Jen Campbell and A swiftly tilting planet by Madeleine L'Engle - I do like long titles more because they say a lot.

03| Includes a grumpy but lovable character — you know those spunky characters who appear like they they don't care about anything or they have a sarcastic, snarky, humorous remarks for everything, without them, books would be kind of dull.

04| Magic — it can be the witchy kind or the mystical kind or the kind that makes no sense - you know, magic.

05| Orphans — For no reason, I mostly end up reading books with orphans in it. I suppose I like the idea of found family or maybe I'm just sick of all those books about children trying to find that lost parent or lost sibling or lost relative.

06| It's short — As in under 300 pages or just a little over 300 pages. I read long books too but sometimes (okay, most of the time) it's just nice to read a short book or even finish one in a few hours.

07| It's a fairytale retelling — So I haven't actually read that many retellings lately but whenever I see one, I want to read it. My favorite is still Beauty and the Beast (or East of the sun and west of the moon which have a similar story) but I have read too many of those so I don't look for those as much.

08| It have illustrations in it — So I'm rather too old to still like having illustrations in my books but I like them. I think illustrations adds to the story and/or makes the story more easily accessible or maybe I just like looking at artworks.

09| Someone recommended it — I do sometimes read books because someone had recommended it. They would most likely had great things to say about it and I can't help but want to check it out.

10| Not a series — I'm really sick of books series because there is always a larger plot, a expansive story that sometimes gets dragged on to ten or fifteen books for no reason. I often seen books that says they can be read as a standalone but is part of a series and often times, it's not true. What's really true is how some books are broken into a series for the sake of being series. I have read some book series that really should have been combined together. What is the point of breaking up a book into different books when they aren't even long?

What reasons, dumb or otherwise, do you have for reading a book?

For more Top Ten Tuesdays, visit That Artsy Reader Girl here.


  1. I prefer short books, too!

    1. Lydia: Long books are good but sometimes a short one is just as good.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. I love a grumpy but lovable character. If someone tells me about a book featuring that kind of character, it goes straight on my wishlist. :)

    1. Ashely Sapp: I think without a grumpy character, it just wouldn't be fun. I actually like it a lot if one of these characters say something snarky now and then.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Ahhh, what a fun post! Sometimes great things can come of the slap-dash approach. I actually think all of these are cool reasons, but I most relate to number 5. To be honest, I've read more than my fair share of 3-star books literally because they were short. I like having/sharing opinions on books, and obviously, the more I read the more opinions I can post!

    And illustrations in books are honestly great (I mean, there are even editions of classics that have illustrations). One of the things I love about older books (50s & 60s) for kids/young teens is that they're FULL of pencil sketches, both full page and as chapter headings. I don't see a lot of middle grade today that does that, seems more limited to young elementary age.

    1. RS: I do a lot of slap-dash post writing.

      It does seem illustrations are only in children's book but perhaps that is changing.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. I love books with magic too! :) I honestly try to find books that involve either witches or magic like shapeshifting from Fantasy worlds. :D Also, I like reading books with illustrations too! I actually I have an illustrated version of The Hobbit that I really like, that I reread from time to time.

    1. Quinley: I haven't read that many shapeshifting books, perhaps only a few, one of them I could remember is someone turning into a dragon but I didn't enjoy that book which is too bad.

      I have not read The Hobbit- maybe some day and I would like to read the edition with illustrations.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. Replies
    1. Christine: Yes, they are, aren't they?

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  6. I'm with you on fairy tale retellings! And fun covers with good titles always get me to at least pick up a book and look at it. Fun list! :)

    1. Lark: Fun titles really draws my attention and a good cover, double my attention.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  7. There are NO dumb reasons for reading a book. None, nada, zip.

    1. Elephant's Child: I don't know why I decided to use Dumb in the title but I was in one of those mood probably, but yes, there are no dumb reasons to want to read a book.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  8. Cover art always gets me too. And yes titles! I LOVE some of the cozy titles out there, but any really.

    I like a short read sometimes too. Around 300 pages is often a sweet spot for me. I can get through a book pretty well at that length...

    Illustrations are nice too! I've been reading some older books and they have an occasional illo in there, and it's kinda nice...

    1. Greg: I like those pun titles for cozy mystery but most of them I didn't enjoy reading.

      300 pages is really a good number for short books - I can read one in a few hours or less.

      I do like those books where the illustrations were created years and years ago, I guess they have a certain style that illustrations these days don't really have.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  9. I also enjoy grumpy characters.

    1. Cindy: The grumpier, the better, I think.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  10. Great list! I think I agree with all of your reasons, the only one I don't tend to gravitate towards is orphans. If they're there, what am I do to. Lately, most of the books I've been reading involve one of the parents for the main character being dead before the book starts. It's not an intentional choice, it just seems to be what motivates the (author) character.

    When you get the opportunity, I hope you’ll stop by my post: https://readbakecreate.com/books-counting-down-from-ten/

    1. Pam: I'm don't really like idea of dead parents either but I suppose, it's realistic.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  11. It makes sense that you would be attracted by covers/illustrations. I have a soft spot for punny/long and intriguing titles as well - they usually make me want to know what the book is about (which sometimes equates to wanting to read t). On the other hand, I can't stand all those "a thing of this and that" titles - there are millions of them and they seem so lazy and I end up NOT wanting to read the book at all LOL.

    1. Roberta: Punny/long titles - sometimes they do trend to be annoying, I can't deny that.

      I think most us are visual people so yes, a pretty cover will attract us.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  12. I also enjoy fairytale retellings, though I haven't read any in a while...

    Great topic!

    1. Lectrice Vorace: I've not seen the many good retellings but there will always be more books so who knows. You may get to read a retelling one of these days.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


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