"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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September 02, 2021

Books Read and Shows Watched in August 2021

Books I Read In August 2021
Every time I start a book, I don't seem to want to finish it. This month, I have managed to finish reading only two books. Whenever I'm in a reading pause (I won't use slump because it's never a slump), reading middle-grade books helps me get back to reading or at least I think so. Here are the two books that I had read in August (both middle-grade):

book cover: The Starspun Web by Sinead O'Hart
01 | The Starspun Web by Sinead O'Hart > link
This was whimsy, quirky, serious, fun. I enjoyed it a lot. I like the idea of parallel worlds and also slightly mad scientist or would be scientist like Tess. Tess, Wilf, Thomas and all their friends are fun characters and they actually like each other's company. I really rather wish the book was longer as there seem to be a few loose ends. Even though I could sort of predict what would happen at the end, I still enjoy reading this.

book cover: The Unicorn in the Barn by Jacqueline Ogburn and illustrated by Rebecca Green
02 | The Unicorn in the Barn by Jacqueline Ogburn and illustrated by Rebecca Green > link
This was a light, fun, short read with bits of sadness thrown in. The illustrations are cute. This may be a little bit less middle-grade, more for younger children but I still enjoyed it plus there is a unicorn.


Shows I watched in August 2021
I watched more tv shows than read books but I'm not going to list the shows that I re-watched, just the ones I have seen for the first time which equals to two shows

show poster: Walk into Your Memory
03 | Walk into Your Memory
> link
This show is just like any other romantic comedy/drama but it has one unique thing - the main female, An Ning, can see into other people's memory. So she would know if you have been a jerk or done something bad. There is your typical male lead/love interest, bad temper boss. There are a couple of romances going on but I like the one between An Ning and Long Hao Qian. I honestly didn't care about the romance between the head chef and the head wait staff - they aren't a good pair. I really like An Ning's colorful, fun fashion style. Even though I don't like wearing bright colors - I kind of want to dress like An Ning.
    I enjoyed the show a lot and I like the unique element of An Ning's ability. But I think if you prefer a romantic comedy, I recommend you stop watching after episode 16 but if you're more into the drama part, then carry on from episodes 17 through the end (episode 24) but know they got very depressing. If you have seen many dramas, you'll know what might happen so there will be lot of crying, angst and sadness. It's still worth watching toward the end but it does dragged a bit for the last few episodes but still, there is a happy ending.

tv show: My Name is Busaba
04 | My Name is Busaba  > link
This was my second Thai series but I still find the language a bit to daunting to listen to but I think I'm starting to like it though everyone speaks so fast, sometimes too fast so the subtitles would fly off the screen two soon, at least for me anyway.
    I like the main character Busaba. She didn't change for anyone and that's admirable. Saran, the male lead is okay but still your typical leading men/rich guy type, nothing special which makes me wonder why the women around him keeps scheming to get him. Dr. Kim, the second love interest, seemed a bit bland and kind of like he's faking being nice but he's not - I seem to read his character this way for no reason. I really don't like it whenever he raises his eyebrows which is a lot of times - why does he do that? I didn't see any reason for it.
    There are a lot of talk and showing of food which I appreciate because I have not heard of any of the dishes mentioned. Also, there is a cooking contest portion is kind of fun. (SPOILER > During the cooking contest, a cobra is introduced as one of the ingredients to which I say what!?! Yuck - what were they thinking? < END SPOILER)
    I must say the women in this show are all quite hot-tempered and feisty and modern thinking which I like but they also are quick to call each other names/insult each other. I think all the female characters are more entertaining than all the males in the show. I still think the loser cook, the one who schemed to win the cooking contest should have something bad happen to him like not being to work in the cooking industry again but no, he just got scolded a bit and then disappeared and never heard from again. Even his sister who helped with all the scheming, nothing happen to her either. In other words, there are no bad people, just bad intentions.
    The question about whether you should choose someone who is suitable for you or someone who is right for you seems confusing to me. Maybe it's the translation but suitable and right means the same thing, don't they? I think the question should be choosing between someone who is suitable for you and someone who you love. I think even if someone is your perfect match, it does not necessary guarantee happiness nor choosing the one you love.
    This is a good series but sometimes a bit too sentimental for my taste but I do like this better than the original, My Lovely Sam Soon, which this is a remake of. The ending was good because they didn't drag out anything and it was a happy but sort of an expected ending.

Have you read any good books or seen any good shows in August?


  1. Some shows I want to see are not yet available on Netflix Canada. The secret dare to dream for example.

    1. Christine: I'm also that some shows can't be view due to 'Not in your region' reason - I still don't get this.

      Thank you for dropping by. Have a lovely day.

  2. I haven't heard of either of these shows, much less seen them.
    My reading has slowed down a bit too. I hope to finish a book about Iran today and then will move on to lighter fare...

    1. Elephant's Child: Book on Iran? Sounds very serious. I hope you will get to read a lot of good books.

      Thank you for dropping by. Have a lovely day.

  3. I tend to watch more when my reading is down too. I just watched Postmortem on Netflix which was freaky but another blogger recommended it...

    1. Greg: I guess in watching shows, we are filling a void left from not reading? I sort of think that way but who knows.

      Postmortem sounds kind of series and scary- it's probably a show I couldn't watch, like Stranger Things.

      Thank you for dropping by. Have a lovely day.

  4. The Unicorn in the Barn does look like a cute read. :)

    1. Lark: The unicorn in the barn is a delightful read. I think adults can enjoy it also.

      Thank you for dropping by. Have a lovely day.

  5. I also enjoy young people books. For the fantasy aspect.

    1. Tammie Lee: I pretty much read fantasy so maybe it's why I enjoy these middle-grade books.

      Thank you for dropping by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut