"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." — Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
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July 01, 2024

The Blogger Freakout Tag

Freak out and forget about keeping calm
July 17 is the 3rd anniversary of this blog you're reading so I thought I post a couple of posts to celebrate with all things blogging. Here's the first one.
    There is a tag call the Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag going around the web with questions about books but nothing about freaking out but I like the title. Inspired by that, I made this question list which I titled The Blogger Freakout Tag but I'm not tagging anyone. According to Dictionary.com, freak out or freak-out means to lose or cause to lose emotional control from extreme excitement, shock, fear, joy, despair, etc.  Feel free to answer 1 or 2 questions or all of them in the comments or on your blog.

The Blogger Freakout Tag
~ The Blogger Freakout Tag ~

01 - When you first started your blog, did you freak out and worry you might fail?

02 - If you share something (on your blog) and then regret it, do you revert (to draft)/delete/remove that post or just leave it? Or do you just freak out, calm down and then pretend it never happened?

03 - Have you ever been freaked out or offended by a reader's comment or a blogger's post?

04 - Do you freak out/get annoy when a blogger leaves short comments that are generic or devoid of any relation to the post? (ie, nice blog or good post)

05 - If you cannot access your blog (ie, because of web glitches or wi-fi not working), do you freak out and try to fix it somehow or do you just wait patiently until the problem solves itself?

06 - Does it bothers you when a blogger changes their blog's direction/starts behaving like a new-to-you blog with nothing like the posts you are used to seeing?

07 - Does getting comments (on your blog) makes you giddy?

08 - Was there a time you had freaked out when you made a mistake on your post, ie, got some information wrong or said something that you really shouldn't?

09 - When bloggers overshare (on their blogs), do you get annoyed or happy that they are willing to share even the most intimate of things?

10 - Do you sometimes freak out (in a good way) when you get new readers?


  1. I am so grateful to have found the blogosphere. Yes, I get a tad irritated at comments that have nothing to do with the post. And am sometimes amazed at the things people are willing to share.

  2. I try to freak out as little as possible. Life's too short to give yourself an aneurism. Remember, it's just blogging -- no one is really paying any attention. We blog for our own amusement and gratification and that's it.

  3. I love this tag! I'm bookmarking it for future reference - right now I don't have the time to make a whole blog post about it (also, I'm on the verge of a hiatus), but I'm definitely going to later. For now: I hate those generic comments with a passion and never approve them (attention seekers, gah); I love it when bloggers get personal (I don't share EVERYTHING, but I do share a great deal myself).

  4. I think I might do this tag in the future. :) It looks very fun.


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- Kurt Vonnegut