"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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July 08, 2024

Bizarre Blogger Name Generator

July 17 is the 3rd anniversary of this blog you're reading so I thought I post a couple of posts to celebrate with all things blogging. Here's the third post. 
    If you're craving for a new and zany name for your blogger friends to call you instead of your boring, normal name, try the Bizarre Blogger Name Generator.
The silliness or just plain weirdness of your new name will drive your friends nuts with joy or maybe disdain. Happiness is almost guaranteed (assuming you actually like the result). If not, please refrain from throwing coffee or other drinks at the screen. Cleaning such mess is guaranteed to be no fun at all. Enjoy your new name! Or not. 

~ Bizarre Blogger Name Generator ~

1. First Name
Pick the last letter (or the first letter) of your first, last or middle name:

A = Taradiddle
B = Widdershins
C = Awesome
D = Snuggery
E = Kismet
F = Everywhen
G = Jacket
H = Quire
I = Amnesia
J = Zephyr
K = Zeugma
L = Firkin
M = Wabbit
N = Quonk
O = Nemesis
P = Moocher
Q = Kerfuffle
R = Moola
S = Headscratcher
T = Zippy
U = Analog
V = Jedi
W = Noob
X = Syzygy
Y = Zneesy
Z = Teazel

Optional: 2. Middle Name
Pick the main color you are currently wearing (or the color closest to it):

Black = Wink
Gray = Wifi
White = Pickle
Green = Smooch
Purple = Smoothoperator
Pink = Dodo
Red = Terminator
Orange = Pout
Yellow = Goutweed
Brown = Bah
Blue = Bubblegum
Indigo = Galaxy
Navy = Beast
Olive = Knotty
Gold = Soufflé
Silver = Do-Re-Mi

3. Last Name
Pick your favorite (or near favorite) drink:

Coffee = Eunoia
Ice Coffee = Nid-Nod
Tea = Bippy
Ice Tea = Bugbear
Milk = Goatbogie
Chocolate Milk = Moonshine
Juice = Cakesmirk
Red Wine = Efete
White Wine = Bananahead
Cider = Talkophobia
Vodka = Froufrou
Whisky = Blackwindow
Beer = Longtalker
Root Beer = Guminmyhair
Soda = Edgeyolks
Fruit Punch = Youyou
Hot Chocolate = Kvetch
Milkshake = Luckjoy
Water = Sandwitch
Smoothie = Doodad
Energy Drink = Woonow
Sparkling Water = Loofah
Lemonade = Earthwalker
Coconut Water = Brouhaha

4. Combine the results and there's your new, zany name. Optional: Scramble the results.

~ ~ ~ ~
Example Answer:
1 - Name used: Lissa, using the last letter which is A = Taradiddle
2 - Color I'm mostly wearing today is Pink = Dodo
3 - My favorite drink is Chocolate Milk = Moonshine
4 - Results when combined: Taradiddle 'Dodo' Moonshine Or when scrambled = Dodo Moonshine Taradiddle  
~ ~ ~ ~


  1. Hiya, Snuggery Smooch Brouhaha here! LOL!

    1. Debra: I really like your new name. Are a fan of coconut water? I have no idea how that tasted.

      Thank you for coming by my blog. Have a lovely day.

  2. Headscratcher Wink Sandwich here. I don't think I will change.

    1. Elephant's Child: Hello there Headscratcher!

      Thank you for coming by my blog. Have a lovely day.

  3. Quonk Sandwitch aka. Pickle sends her greetings. I do not feel totally comfortable with this new epithet.

    1. Now if I could have been Teazle "Pickle" Sandwitch ... but not a Z to my name anywhere.

    2. Charlotte: I think you can be Teazle "Pickle" Sandwitch if you like. I think Pickle is a sweet nickname.

      Thank you for coming by my blog. Have a lovely day.

  4. Greetings from Luckjoy "Zippy" Galaxy. I love my new name. :D

    1. Lark: I like too, Zippy.

      Thank you for coming by my blog. Have a lovely day.

  5. AnonymousJuly 09, 2024

    Happy 3rd -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

    1. Christine: Thank you. Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  6. Hello this is Kerfuffle Wifi Nid-Nod, it's wonder to see everyone's new names.😂

    1. Quinley: Your new name is cute and quirky.

      Thank you for coming by my blog. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut