"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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December 10, 2022

Zip Thru Autumn 12 & 13

tree with light snow
For December 7 -December 13, the suggested prompts are Dare and Chance. To me being daring means doing something that you're afraid to do. Well, I'm afraid of a lot of things so it pretty much means everything I do is sort of daring. I've been kindly and sometimes rudely, pushed to do daring things. For a couple of things, I have yet to decide if I would thank them but for most things, I am grateful. Introvert that I am, it's unlikely I would have done many things if not for others. Being daring is sort of hard for me but at least, I came out okay at the end.
    Is chance means luck? People think they have bad luck when bad things happen and maybe that's a way of seeing things and not necessarily true unless we believe them. I believe in luck but at the same time, I believe that I shouldn't believe it. What's that saying about you making your own luck? Well, maybe it's true in some situations because if you do nothing, then there's no good or bad luck. It's a belief, right?

For December 14 -December 20, the suggested prompts are Balance and Achievements in 2022. I don't have balance, certainly trying to put on pants is a challenge because I can never stand on one leg too long. I joke but there's so many saying about how to live a well balanced life but really, do we need to try for such thing? Focusing on what we do instead of how to keep balance is better.
    I can't think of any achievements I had in 2022 but then again, I forget a lot so maybe I did do something worth mentioning but I just can't remember it. But I do remember reading a lot of books (good and bad), made a few art pieces (with many still unfinished), wrote a lot of stories, did a lot of blogging, did a lot of thinking, and working - can those be called achievements? I like to think whatever you do is an achievement because you did it. Do we need to pat ourselves on the back for that? Do we need to highlight the great and not the bad? I think it's better not to think about what you have achieved, rather whether you had enjoyed in doing them.

This is the last of the
Zip Thru Autumn posts. I had enjoyed a few of the topics but mostly, I find, I have nothing much to say about them. This was a good challenge. Thanks to the people at the AtoZ blog for thinking this up and hosting it.


  1. Replies
    1. Christine: We all wish that, don't we? I do too.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. I am not daring either. My balance is shot. And yes, your achievements count. Particularly your creation of art, something I admire and cannot do.

    1. Elephant's Child: I don't mind counting my art as achievements but since I don't seem to be finishing them, it seems like long achievements.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. I'm like you about dares. I don't even have a driving licence and I don't swim, so you can figure how daring I am 😂. I wish I had been more straightforward in life - I'd probably have a job and a different life if I had.

    "I think it's better not to think about what you have achieved, rather whether you had enjoyed in doing them."
    Those are wise words! But on the other hand, maybe we should compliment ourselves more for our achievements. It's good for our moral.

    1. Roberta: I don't have a license either and if I fell into any body of water, you can guarantee I'll drown. I think about how life would be different if I had dare to do that certain thing or that certain thing, but we can only think on it.

      Compliments are good but I'm one of those weird people who can't really take a compliment too well. I'm used to not getting them. But you're right, it's good to pat ourselves on our backs now and then.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Greg: You deleted your comment but I still read it because I get a notification. I see no cause for the delete but I respect it.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut